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1、学年度潍坊高密第二学期初二期中考试初中英语20192020学年度潍坊高密第二学期初二期中考试初中英语英语试卷本卷须知:1本试题共分第一卷和第二卷两部分。第一卷,75分;第二卷45分;共120分,90分钟。2请将第一卷中每题最正确答案代号填入第二卷题前的表格中(20的优秀生涂到答题卡上),18页也上交。第一卷 (75分)一、听力测试(20分)一)请听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)二)请听以下五组对话和咨询题,依照所听内容选择正确答案。对话和咨询题读两遍。(5分)6AVery hot BVery cold CNeither hot nor cold7AMarys house

2、 B The Great Wall COn Friday night8AXiao Li himself BXiao Lis mother CTom9ABy 10:00 am BBy 10:30 pm CBy10:00 pm10AThey are talking about school uniformsBTheyre talking about their favorite hatsCTheyre talking about school rules三)请听一段对话和五个咨询题,依照所听内容选择正确答案。对话和咨询题读两遍。(5分)11ATwo BThree CFour12AIn a fact

3、ory BOn a farm CIn a shop13AA shirt BA skirt CA book14AWhite BRed CBlue15A34 yuan B24 yuan C20 yuan四)请听短文,依照所听内容选择正确选项完成以下各题。短文读两遍。(5分)16This is a true story about_Acoin B bill Cbook17The writer _ on the ground when he was opening his carApicked up a book Bfound a bill Cdropped a coin18A _ saw what

4、happened and gave the writer a handAwaiter Bvisitor Cdriver 19At last the writer gave the waiter _Aone dollar B100 dollars Cthe coin20From the passage we know both the writer and the waiter didnt like_ moneyAusing Bwasting Cpicking up二单项选择(20分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。21The old man lives _,but he doesn

5、t feel _Alonely;lonely Blonely;alone Calone;lonely Dalone;alone22-May I use your dictionary,please?- Of Coursebut please return it as soon as _Apossibly B possible C impossible Dcan23You look really cool in the new dress,dearHow much did you _ it?Aask for Bthink about Cfind out Dpay for24 I tried ha

6、rd to _ bed in the morning I stayed up late last nightAget to Bget out of Cget on Dgo to25Do you think there _ robots in peoples homes in 20 yearsAwere Bare Chave Dwill be26You should keep sitting well and not move about when the plane _Atakes away Bturns off Ctakes off Dputs up27-Dont _ Jeans to th

7、e party-OKI _Aput on;will Bwear;will Cwear;wont Dput on;wont28_ in my class was invited _ meso Im very upsetAElse everyone;except BEveryone else;exceptCElse everyone;besides DEveryone else;besides29You can _ this book for two weeksAborrow Blend Ckeep Dbuy30-Could you please give me _ ?-CertainlyAsom

8、e advice Bsome advices Cany advices Dan advice31They will find ways to _ the difficultiesAget on Bget up Cget down Dget over32We can _our students eyes to the outside worldAlook up Bopen up Cget up Dput up33I find _ difficult _ with himAhim;to get on Bit;to getting on Cthat;to get on Dit;to get on34

9、The man _ all his money for his old coin collection,so he is very poorAruns out of Bran out of Cwill run out of Dhas run out of35_ you read the text,_ you will understand itAThe more;better BMore;the betterCThe more;the better DMore;better36-Would you mind moving the desk?-_I will move it right away

10、AYes,I do BNo,I am not CNo,not at all DOf course37She makes a living _ picturesAdraw Bto draw Cby drawing Dwith drawing38We are supposed_ there before sixSo we must get up earlyAget Bwill get Cgetting Dto get39I try to eat a lot of vegetables to keep in good _Ahealth Bhealthy Chealthiness Dhealthily

11、40My friend has the same haircut _ I doAas Blike Cseem Dlooks like三、完型填空(10分)Dear Victor,Without knowing more about you,it is hard for me to give you some good advice.But first,I am sure that you are 41 You said that nobody would care if you left homeWhat about your 42 ? And other family members ? I

12、t seems that you are very 43 Youd better go to see a doctor or talk 44 your parentsThey will be able to help youSecond,Im sure theres someone 45 in your class who feels lonely, tooYou never know 46 other people feelTry to make friends with your classmatesAnd you could 47 a club to meet new people an

13、d make friends,tooYou 48 find happiness in yourselfSo my last advice is 49 a list of all the good things about yourself,learn to like yourself ,and then others will see your confidence and 50 you,tooJeff41Abusy Bfight Cclever Dwrong42Aparents Bteachers Cclassmates Dfriends43Apopular Bsad Ctired Dsurprised44Aat Babout Cto Dof45Aelse Bother Canother Devery46Awhy Bhow Cwhen Dwhere 47Astudy Bleave Cjoin Dstart48Amustnt Bshouldnt Chave to Dneed to49Awrite Bto write Cwriting Dwrites50Alike Bhate Cvisit Dwant四、阅读明白得(25分)阅读以下

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