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1、 by the light of 就着的光 to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是 think highly of 高度重视;高度评价 no doubt 没有疑问,相当于theres no question句式 There is no doubt that 毫无疑问高频动词 take apart拆开 take in / on / off / up / over / down / after / to 词义辨析 in return 与 in turn less than , more than , other than , rather than , no more than 功能项目

2、 Asking for opinions & Giving opinions 征求意见和表达意见1 Do you have any idea about ?2 What do you think of ?3 I think / dont think that语法 限定性和非限定性定语从句:重视which与that的区别;重视“介词+关系词”的考查点和解题策略。重点词汇1. search(vt. / n.)寻找;搜索 【课文原句】In search of the Amber Room (课文标题) 【重要词组】 search + 地点 在某处寻找 search for sb. / sth. 寻找

3、某人/某物 in search of 寻找 【举例】It was reported that eight policemen were sent to the forest _ the missing girl.Ain need ofBin search of Cin charge of Din time ofMany Chinese universities provided scholarships for the students _financial aid.Ain favor of Bin honor of Cin search of Din need of 在森林里找老虎 在网上找

4、资料2. design 【课文原句】 It was designed for the palace of Frederick . 【重要词组】 be designed for 专为 而设计 同义词组:be intended for / be meant for by design 故意地_ 反义词组:_ 这部电影少儿不宜。 是否故意或偶然,他都来得太晚。3. serve (见词汇大全第117页) (vt.)给提供;端上;够吃(用);接待,服务;对有用;能满足的需要;适合【课文原句】About four metres long, the room served as a small recept

5、ion hall for important visitors.【重要词组】 serve as sth. 用作 serve sb. well 对有帮助 / 有用 serve the purpose / interests / the needs 达到目的 / 符合兴趣 / 满足需要【举例】 这些水果够一个班的同学吃。 服务员端上我们点的餐。 政府的这些举措刚好符合遏止官员腐败(corruption)的目的。 我以前的经历对我的工作很有帮助。4. doubt (n.)怀疑,疑惑 ;(vt.)怀疑;不信【课文原句】There is no doubt that the boxes were then

6、 put on a train for Knigsberg, which was that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 【重要句式】 There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 提示:在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后面接that引导的从句;在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的从句。- Its great that Jane is coming to attend our English evening.- I never doubted _she would come.A. whether B. if C. th

7、at D. why【考点】no doubt 毫无疑问,相当于theres no question about something。常常在情景交际中考查。【辨析】no wonder 难怪,一点儿也不奇怪。相当于its not a surprise。 - Gary works very hard at his studies. - _ that he is regarded as a top student in his class. A. No doubt B. What if C. How come D. No wonder - His father is very rich. - _ She

8、 wouldnt accept his help even if it were offered.(2010山东,34)A. What for? B. So what? C. No doubt. D. No wonder. - I cant repair these until tomorrow, Im afraid. - Thats OK, theres _. (2008江苏) A. no problem B. no wonder C. no doubt D. no hurry5. remain (见词汇大全第108页) (系动词)继续,依然;有待于;停下,留下 (adj.)remainin

9、g (仅用于名词前)留下的,剩下的 (n.)remains 剩余物;遗迹;骨灰;遗体【课文原句】What happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. remain to do 有待于去做 It remains _ whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals.(2006浙江,18)A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see No matter how bright a talker you are , there are times when it s

10、better _ silent. (2012浙江,4)A. remain B. be remaining C. having remained D. to remain It was already past midnight and only three young men _ in the tea house. (2006安徽,24) A. left B. remained C. delayed D. deserted6. worth (adj.)有的价值;值得(做) 【课文原句】Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the

11、 Amber Room or Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing? be worth doing 值得做 (主动表示被动) be worth + 名词(价钱、赞扬等) 值 ;应得 In my opinion, his suggestion is well worth _. (consider) 他在大雨中帮助老人提东西,所以他应得表扬。 -What do you think of the book?- Oh,excellent. Its worth _a second time.Ato read Bto be read Creading Dbeing read7. sink (

12、见词汇大全第119页) (vi.)下沉;下陷;沉没;倒下,坐下 sink sank - sunk【课文原句】The ship was shot and sank. 她的丈夫看着她陷入无助。 Her husband watched her _. 当我听到这个消息时,心在往下沉。 My heart _ when I heard the news.8. cost (见词汇大全第30页) (n.)费用;成本;代价;牺牲 (vt.)价钱为;使付出(金钱);以为代价【课文原句】The search has cost them a lot of time and money. at the cost of

13、以为代价 It looks as if they are going to _ us 3,000 dollars for the concert hall. A. want B. cost C. demand D. charge - How much money do you need to pay for the trip to Tibet? - Im not sure about it, but it will _ at least 500 yuan. A. cost B. charge C. afford D. cover1. in return 作为回报,后面常接for,相当于in reward ( for ) 我送给他一本书作为他对我帮助的回报。 I gave him a book _ his help. in turn

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