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1、 不,不是.6. What colour is it? - Its white. 这是什么颜色的? 它是白色的.7. Its warm today. Lets play football. 今天是暖和的.让我们来踢足球.8. Its cool. Is it cold? 是凉爽的?. 是寒冷的吗?9. How much is it? - Its ten yuan. 它多少钱? 它十元钱.10. How much are they? - Theyre three yuan. 它们多少钱? 它们三元钱.11. Are they ducks? - No, they arent. 它们是鸭子吗?12.

2、How many horses are they? - Twelve. 有多少匹马? 十二匹.五年级上册1. Whos you English teacher? - Mr Carter. 谁是你的英语老师? 卡特先生.2. Whats he like? - Hes tall and strong. 他长得怎么样? 他又高又强壮.3. Is she quiet? - No. she isnt. She is very active. 她文静吗? 不,她不是.她非常活跃. Is she strict? - Yes .she is. But she is very kind. 她严格吗? 是的,她是

3、.但是她非常和蔼.4. What day is it today? - Its Wednesday. 今天星期几? 今天星期三.5. What do you have on Thursday? - We have English.math and science on Thursday. 你们星期四上什么课? 我们星期四上英语课,数学课和科技课.6. What do you do on Saturday? - I watch TV on Saturday. 你星期六做什么? 我星期六看电视. What about you? - I do my homework. 你呢? 我做我的家庭作业.7.

4、 What do you have for lunch on Monday? - We have tomatoes.tofu and fish. 你们星期一午餐吃什么? 我们吃西红柿,豆腐和鱼.8. What is your favourite fruit? - I like apples. They are sweet. 你最喜欢的水果是什么? 我喜欢苹果.它们是甜的. I like fruit. But I dont like garpes. Theyre sour. 我喜欢水果.但是我不喜欢葡萄.它们是酸的.9. What can you do? - I can sweep the fl

5、oor. 你会做什么? 我会扫地.I can cook the meals. I can water the flowers 我会做饭. 我会浇花.10. Can you make the bed? - No. I cant. 你会铺床吗? 不,我不会.Can you use a computer? - Yes. I can. 你会使用电脑吗? 是的,我会.11. There are two bedrooms. a kitcher. a bathroom and a living room. 有两间卧室,一间厨房,一间浴室和一间客厅.There is a mirror. a bed and a

6、 big closet. 有一面镜子,一张床和一个大衣橱.12. The closet is near the table. Many closet are in the closet. The trash bin is behind the door. 衣橱在床的旁边.许多衣服在衣橱里面.垃圾桶在门的后面.13. Is there a forest in the park? - Yes. there is. 有一片森林在公园里吗? 是的,有. Is there a river? - No. there isnt. 有一条河吗? 不,没有.14. Are there any pandas in

7、 the mountains? - No. there arent. 有许多熊猫在山里吗? Are there any fish in the rivers? - Yes. there are. 有许多鱼在河里面吗? 是的,有.五年级下册1. When do you eat dinner? - I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. 你什么时候吃晚餐? 我晚上七点钟吃晚餐. When do you get up? - I usually get up at 12:00 noon. 你什么时候起床? 我经常在中午十二点起床.2. What do you do o

8、n the weekend? - Usually I watch TV and go shopping. 你周末做什么? 我经常看电视和购物.Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. 有时候我看望我的爷爷奶奶. 我经常踢足球.有时候我去远足.3. Which season do you like best? - I like winter best. 你最喜欢什么季节? 我最喜欢冬天. Summer is good. but fall is my favourite seas

9、on. 夏天很好,但我最喜欢的季节是秋天.4. Why do you like summer? - Because I can swim in the lake. 你为什么喜欢夏天? 因为我可以在湖里面游泳.Why do you like winter? - Because I can sleep a long time. 你为什么喜欢冬天? 因为我可以睡很长时间.5. When is your birthday? - Its in May. 你的生日是什么时候? 在五月. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too

10、. 我的生日在六月.比尔叔叔的生日也在六月.6. Is her birthday in June? - Yes. 她的生日在六月吗? 是的. Whats the date? - June 9th. 什么日期? 六月九号.7. This is Zhang Peng. What are you doing? - Im doing the dishes. Im reading a book. 我是张鹏.你正在做什么? 我正在洗碗.我正在读书.8. Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner

11、 in the kitchen. 爷爷正在写信. 哥哥正在做家作. 妈妈正在厨房做饭. He is writing an e-mail in the study. 他正在书房写电子邮件.9. What is it doing? - Its eating bananas. 它正在做什么? 它正在吃香蕉. What is she doing? - She is jumping. 她正在做什么? 它正在跳.10. What are they doing? - They are swimming. They are climbing trees. 它们正在做什么? 它们正在游泳. 它们正在爬树11.

12、Are you eating lunch? - No. we arent. 你们正在吃午餐吗? 不,我们不是. Are they eating the honey? - Yes. they are. 它们正在吃蜂蜜吗? 是的,它们是.12. Is he playing chess? - Yes. he is. 他正在下国际象棋吗? 是的,他是. Is she counting insects? - No. she isnt. 她正在数昆虫吗? 不,她不是.六年级上册1. How do you go to school, Sarah? - Usually I go to school on fo

13、ot. Sometimes I go by bike. 你怎样去上学的,萨拉? 我经常步行去上学.有时候骑自行车去.2. How can I get to Zhongshan Park? - You can go by the No.15 bus. 我怎样能到达中山公园? 你可以坐十五路公共汽车去.3. Where is the cinema, please? - Its next to the hospital. 请问电影院在哪? 它在医院的旁边.4. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left. 在电影院那左转,然后直走.它就在左边.5. What are you going to do on the weekend? -

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