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牛津译林版九年级英语上册9A Unit 7 Films短语知识点归纳Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、。以至于(某人可以做/不能做)。 so +形容词/副词+that (2) 如此的一个以至于 (某人可以做/不能做= so+ adj.+ a/an+名词: such an important job= so important a job 如此重要的工作 (3) 如此。以致。 such+名词短语 +that . such good news 对的 so good news错的 如此好的消息 注意:(4)如此多/少 so+ many/much/little few .+名词 4.Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film ind

2、ustry? -Do you think who would be suitable to enter the film industry?你认为谁适合进入电影业? 疑问词+do you think /know+.?=Do you think/ believe+疑问词+.? do you think为插入语 be suitable for (doing) sth 适合(做)某事 be more suitable for.更适合. enter-go into 进入 5.Though I like acting , Id rather be a director. 尽管我喜欢表演,但我宁愿/更愿意

3、做一名导演 would rather do sth than do sth 宁可做.也不做. prefer doing sth to doing sth喜欢做.胜过做.6.Why do you think so ? 你为什么这么认为?I think so. 我认为是的 I dont think so. 我不这样认为 of the greatest actresses 最伟大的女演员之一 an actress 一名女演员an actor 一名演员 act 表演 2.The whole country felt very sad about the loss of a gr

4、eat scientist.整个国家都对一位伟大的科学家的丧失感到悲伤 feel sad about sth 为.感到悲伤 the loss of . .的丧失/损失lose a chance 失去一个机会 lose ones way=get lost 迷路 lose the match 输了比赛3.on 4 May ,1919 1919年5月4日 on the morning of 在。的早晨/上午on a cold evening 在一个冰冷的晚上 4.As a child, she dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer.作为一个孩子,

5、她梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞者 5.After the earthquake, he moved to another city with his parents.地震之后,他和他的父母搬到了另外一个城市6.She worked as a model before becoming an actress.在成为一名女演员之前她作为一名模特而工作 work as 作为而工作 作为,充当,担任 7.While acting in France, she met the French writer. 当在法国表演时,她遇到了那个法国作家8.Her beauty and charm caught the

6、 writers attention.=The writers attention was caught by her beauty and charm. 她的美与魅力吸引了作家的注意力9.The director insisted that she was the perfect girl for the lead role of the film. 那个导演坚持认为她是那部电影主演的完美女孩. 坚持做某事 insist on / upon doing perfect 完美的 Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧 the perfect world 完美世界10.a pla

7、y based on/upon her novel 一部以她的小说为基础的剧 make into 改编成 the major roles -play the lead roles 扮演主角12.That event marked the beginning of her successful career.那件事标志着太的成功事业的开始 at the beginning of . 在.的开始 get full marks 得满分13.She was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess.她被选择去扮演一个年轻公主的主角

8、 choose-chose-chosen 选择 choose from .从.中选择 choose sb to be /as 选择某人去做/作为. choose sb to do sth 选择某人去做某事 choice Tom has no choice but to stay at home all day. 汤姆除了整天呆在家别无选择14.It was a big success.它是一个大的成功 successful do.successfully=succeeded in doing sth15.She won an Oscar for Best Actress for her rol

9、e in the film.她因为在电影中的角色赢得一个奥斯卡最佳女演员奖 win.for .因为.而获得.16.during her lifetime 在她的一生期间 17.She has four more apples.=She has another four apples.她有额外的4个苹果18.In 1989, she made her final appearance in the film.在1989年,她最后一次在电影中露面 (appear 出现.appearance n. disappear 消失v.disappearance n.)19.Because, to himse

10、lf , she is an angel.因为,对他自己来说,她是一个天使20.Jacks achievements went beyond the film industry. 杰克的成就超越了电影行业 go beyond 超越/出. (achieve v.取得achievement n.成就 可数)21.She began to work for this company in the 1990s.她在20世纪90年代开始为这家公司工作22.She spent her last few years working closely with her workmates. 她花了她的最后几年与

11、她的同事密切合作 spend .doing sth 花时间/金钱做某事 work closely with sb 与某人密切合作23,.He got up early so that he could catch the early bus. 他起得早以便他能赶上早班车. .so that sb can/ could do order to do .以便某人能做 .so that sb cant/ couldnt do order not to do .以便某人不能做24.She won many awards because of her efforts in thi

12、s area她因为在这个领域的努力获得了许多奖 put ones effort into sth (effort 精力 不可数) 将某人精力投入到 make efforts to do sth (effort 努力 可数名词) 努力做某事 25.Colombo discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布在1492年发现了新大陆 (第一次/重大发现)26.She passed away peacefully in her sleep, she died of cancer. 她在睡梦中平静地离开了人世,她死于癌症. in peace-peacefully 27.She has

13、 an attractive quality. 她有吸引人的品质/特征 an attractive city 一个有吸引力的城市28.go past 经过 walk past 走过 go by时光流逝 从旁经过顺便走访29.become world-famous .变得出名 be famous/ well-known for因.出名 be famous/ well-known as 作为出名 Its well-known that .是众所周知的. Its unknown that是不为人知的.Grammar1. keep quiet/silent 保持安静( quiet adj.quietl

14、y adv. ) Be quiet! 安静 quietly 静静地 do sth quietly2. 为了避开高峰期我早早离开了 I left early to avoid the rush hour . avoid sth. / avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 交通高峰期 rush hour 3. in the last row in the corner 在角落中的最后一排 at the corner 在拐角4. People kept coming in ,though the film had already been on for 15 minutes.人们一直进入,尽管电影已经放映15分钟了 keep doing sth 一直做某事 keep sth for +时间 保留/借某物.时间 过去完成时的结构: 主语+had +过去分词 (前提条件是在过去动作就已经发生,是过去的过去) 5. People were talking loudly.人们(过去)正在

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