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七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip教.docx

1、七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip教课题:Unit11 How was your trip? 教师寄语:A thousand mile trip begins with one step. 千里之行,始于足下。教材导学本单元以“学校旅行”为主题,以同学之间各自的游览经历为背景,展开多种形式的语言训练活动,目的是让学生逐步学会运用一般过去时态叙述和询问过去的活动经历。教学目标知识目标:基本词汇:milk, cow, horse, feed, farmer, quite, anything, grow, farm, pick, excellent, c

2、ountryside, yesterday, flower, worry, luckily, sun, museum, fire, painting, exciting, lovely, expensive, cheap, slow, fast, robot, guide, gift, everything, interested, dark, hear基本词组:milk a cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, quite a lot (of), in the countryside, fire station, all in all, be intereste

3、d in基本句型:How was your school trip ? It was great ! Did you go to the zoo ? No, I didnt. I went to a farm. Did you see any cows ? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot. Did Carol ride a horse ? No, she didnt. But she milked a cow. Were the strawberries good ? Yes, they were . No, they werent. 能力目标:能运用一般过去时描写

4、过去的事情情感目标:学会客观地表达对事物的看法,培养乐观向上的性格重点难点重点:一般过去时的判断及选用1. 能正确使用be动词的一般过去时描述或询问过去的状态;2. 能正确使用实义动词的一般过去时描述或询问过去发生的事情;3. 能归纳动词过去式的变化规律并写出部分规则动词和不规则动词的过去式。难点:1.正确运用一般过去时,尤其是实义动词一般过去时的疑问句正确语序。 2.不规则动词的过去式。 课题:Unit 11 How was your school trip? Section A (第一课时) (P61.62 页1a2d)课型:听说课 主备人: 审核人:【学习目标】学习一般过去时;学会谈论过

5、去事件。-Did you ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.教学重难点不规则动词的过去式【课前导学】预习对话,找出下列短语:1. school trip_ 2. 散步_4. 骑马_ 5. 喂鸡_ 3. milk a cow _ 6. 照相_ 7.与农夫交谈_ 8. quite a lot _ 9. 种苹果_ 10.摘草莓 _ 11. show around _ 12.农场(主)_ 13. 钓鱼 _ 14. 看星星_15. 在乡下_ 16. Lucky you._【课堂活动】I、新课呈现Step1 Lead-inQuestion1: What do you often do

6、 on weekends?Question2: What did you do last weekend?Step2 Presentation1. Learn the new words and phrases in 1a.2. Finish 1a, then check the answers.3. Look at the conversation, and learn the drills: -Did you see any cows? - Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.-Did you ride a horse? - No, I didnt. But.Ste

7、p3 ListeningListen and finish 1b. Check the answers.Step4 Pair workPractice the conversation in 1c . Then make your own conversations.Step5 PresentationShow some pictures, ask and learn. eg:-What did he/ she do? - He/She picked some strawberries./Step6 Listening1. Go through the sentences in 2a & 2b

8、.2. Listen to 2a and check the questions you hear.3. Listen and circle T or F in 2b. Then check the answers.Step7 Pair work1. Ask and answer questions with your partner. Finish 2c.2. Role-play the conversations in 2d.要点讲解1. Did Carol take any photos? take与photo, picture等词搭配时,表示“拍摄;摄影”。表示“拍摄某物或人”,则要在

9、短语后面接介词“of”引入所拍摄的对象。例如:Let me take a picture of that house. Its so beautiful.The girl likes to take photos of herself with cell phone.2. It was so much fun. 那真是蛮好玩的。 fun, 表示“有趣的事情”,为不可数名词。例如:Look, Peter. The children are having so much fun.3. Lucky you! 你真幸运!这是一句非正式口语,相当于You are so lucky. Lucky之后的人称

10、还可改为me, him 等。例如:A: There was no power at school last night. It was so dark.B: Lucky me, I was not there.4.How was the weather there?=What was the weather like there?. 合作交流Group work: 分析总结如何谈论过去事件,并模仿2d编写对话。Notes:_ _【课后巩固】I. 用适当的词填空1. How _ your school trip? It was great.2. How _ you yesterday?3. To

11、day is Monday. Yesterday _ Sunday.4. What _ you do the day before yesterday?5._ you ride a horse last week?6. _ he see any cows on the farm? Yes, he did.7. Did he milk a cow on the farm? No, he _.8. Were the strawberries good? Yes, they _.9. Did you see any cows? Yes, I did. I _ quite a lot.10. I _

12、the chickens last week.II. 汉译英1. 他上周在农场骑马。2. 他上个月爬山了。3. 他一小时前喂了小鸡。4. 你昨天去了动物园吗?没有,我去了农场。5. 你在农场看到一些奶牛吗?看到了,看到了相当多地奶牛。III. 写出下列单词的过去式 talk _ milk _ am /is _ are _ go _ ride _ feed _ take _ do _ see_、用适当形式填空)go shopping, practice English, play chess, watch a movie, do some reading1. I _ in the library

13、 last weekend. 2.Lets go to _! There are many new movies these days.3.Jim _ last night, because he had an English speech contest this morning.4.Grandpa often _ with his friends in the afternoon.5. Yesterday I _ with my mother at the mall.、补全对话A: 1. _, Peter!B: Good morning, Alice!A: Alice, 2._B: Oh. It was great.A: 3. _B: I went to the zoo with my friends.A: 4. _B: We saw monk

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