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精品文档支付主持演讲稿实用word文档 11页Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、网上支付方式对比 演讲稿 网上支付又称为网络支付,是指通过互联网实现的C2C、B2B之间在线货币支付、资金清算、查询统计等过程Online payment is refers to through the Internet to achieve online payment, fund clearing, and statistics between C2C or B2B .主要支付模式包括The main mode of online payment including 1.Online bank payment2.The third party payment 3.Virtual curr

2、ency paymentThe first topic is 1.Online bank payment网上银行支付是指客户在银行柜台或银行网站上签约网上银行后,利用银行的网上支付系统所进行的资金支付活动。Online bank payment means customers signing the online bank at the bank counter or on the bank site, using the banks online paymentsystem for doing payment activities.在所有的网上银行之中,中国工商银行占有最大的比例,所以我们以

3、中国工商银行为例子来进一步说明网上银行In all of the online bank, the industrial and Commercial Bank of China holds the largest proportion, so we in the industrial and Commercial Bank of China as an example to further explain the online bank.中国工商银行拥有最多的企业客户资源,网上银行交易规模是所有银行的顶部,根据这张“201X 网上银行 数据 比“第三季度,我们可以看到201X中国网上银行市场

4、交易量第三季度达到212201X元。ICBC has the most customer resources, the online bank transaction scale is the top of all banks, according to this picture The third quarter of 201X the online bank data ratio , we can see the third quarter of 201X China online bank market transaction volume reached 2.122 million y

5、uan. Then how about The security of the Online bankTake Industrial and Commercial Bank of China as an example, it includes 3 kinds of security tools.1. U shieldU盾是获得国家专利的硬件加密工具,具有很高的安全性,可以最大程度的保证交易安全U shield is an encryption hardware tool which obtained national patent, it with high safety, can prov

6、ide the maximum degree of transaction security2. ICBC electronic cipher工银电子密码器是工行为客户提供的一款全新的电子银行安全产品,是具有内置电源和密码生成芯片、外带显示屏和数字键盘的硬件介质,您无需安装任何程序即可在电子银行等多渠道使用。安全性较高 ? ICBC electronic cipher is a products with new electronic technology to provide high security , is a hardware medium which has a built-in

7、power supply, a password chip and a digital keyboard, The point is you do not need to install any software then you can use it in the electronic bank channel. 3. Electronic bank password card电子银行口令卡的保密性也是极高,客户只需携带有效证件和注册过网上银行的银行卡,即可到工行营业网点领取电子银行口令卡Electronic bank password cards security is very high

8、 too, you just need carry your identity card and registered online bank customers bank card, to ICBC business hall and you can get your electronic bank password card第二方面The second way of paying online is.The third party payment.第三方支付平台是一个支持产品在本国和外国的银行交易或合同,提供了第三个独立的组织服务。第三方支付有一定的经济实力和良好的信誉的保证。The th

9、ird party payment is a supported platform which product in national and foreign banks to make contract, transaction or provides services on third independent organization. The third party payment have a certain economic power and a good credibility of the guarantee. 从这幅图可以看出,在所有的第三方支付方式中,用支付宝的客户占据了绝

10、大部分的市场,财付通居于次位。所以我们以支付宝的为例来说明第三方支付的工作方式From the picture we can see, in all third party payment, alipay customers occupy most of the market, tenpay is secondary. So we take the alipay for an example to illustrate the third party payment way of working直到201X十二月,支付宝用户数已超过650000000,最高日贸易超过4500000000元,日贸

11、易达到33690000的峰值数目。支付宝的产品,独特的概念和庞大的用户是吸引越来越多的企业和合作伙伴的选择支付宝作为其在线支付依据。目前除淘宝和阿里巴巴,供应商和合作伙伴的支持支付宝在线支付和移动支付服务已经达到460000,覆盖商对客,C2C购物,空中旅行的机票,生活服务,金融,公共福利等方面 Until 201X December, Alipay users number has exceeded 650 million, the highest trading in one day more than 4.5 billion yuan, the peak number trading i

12、n one day reached 33.69 million. Alipay products, unique concept and the huge user is the basis to attract more and more businesses and partner selection Alipay as their online payment. In addition to Alibaba and Taobao, the vendors and partners support Alipay online payment and wireless payment ser

13、vices had reached 460 thousand, covers B2C, C2C shopping, air travel ticket, life service, finance, public welfare and other aspects 安全?Then how about the security of the third party payment ? Take Alipay as an example, it includes 4 kinds of security tools.Safety controller为了提升支付宝账户的安全性,防止账户密码被木马程序

14、或病毒窃取,支付宝公司精心设计并推出安全控件,该控件能够有效防止木马程序截取键盘记录。 In order to improve the safety of Alipay account, prevent account password from computer virus, alipay company design and launch the safety controller, this controller can effectively prevent the recording of thekeyboard.2. Digital certificate数字证书是使用支付宝账户资

15、金的身份凭证之一,加密您的信息并确保账户资金安全。数字证书由权威公正的第三方机构CA中心签发。Digital certificate is the identity certificate to using fund in alipay account, encrypt your information and ensure the safety of the funds in the account. Digital certificate issued by CA center which is the third partys authority.3.Third party certificate绑定第三方证书将可以保障您在网上交易资金和支付宝账户安全。没有第三方证书,用户只能进行查询账户操作,而不能进行其他任何对于资金变动的操作。 Binding third party certificate will protect you in online trading and your alipay account security too. No third party certificate, the user can only do query account operation, cant do any other funds operation. 4.A

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