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本文(电梯基础知识5 电梯的安全系统文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

电梯基础知识5 电梯的安全系统文档格式.docx

1、1) 超速保护装置(限速器、安全钳);Overspeed protection device, such as overspeed governor, safety gear;2) 供电系统断、错相保护(只对交流电梯有效);Power cut-off, phase-reverse protection, only applicable to AC lift;3) 底坑撞底缓冲器装置(油压缓冲器、弹簧缓冲器);Buffer in pit, such as oil buffer, spring buffer;4) 超越井道上、下极限工作位置时的保护装置(上、下终端极限);Protection de

2、vice for upper and lower final limit in well, such as upper / lower final (terminal) limit;5) 层门联锁与轿门电气联锁装置;Landing door interlock and car door electrical interlock ;6) 井道底坑有通道时,对重应有防止超速或断绳下落的装置(对重侧限速器、安全钳);Counterweigh should be equipped with device which prevents overspeed or ruptured rope precipi

3、tation, suchas overspeed governor and safety gear;7) 停电或电气系统故障时应有轿厢慢速移动的救援措施(紧急救援设备);Rescue measures (emergency rescue device) should be provided for car to move slowly in case of power off or electrical failure;8)各类电气安全保护装置(电梯门口的光电开关等);Various electrical safety protection devices (electro-optical s

4、witch located at entrance to landing door);5-1电梯的安全链Lift safety chain将电梯的所有安全部件串在一起形成的安全回路俗称为电梯的安全链。图5-1为 蒂森TCM电梯的安全链,图5-2为奥的斯SPEC60电梯的安全链。 Safety chain is referred to as safety circuit connected by all safety parts. In figure 5-1 is shown safety chainof Thyssen TCM lift; in figure 5-2 safety chain

5、of Otis SPEC60. 5-2 限速器Overspeed governor 5-2-1 限速器功能Overspeedgovernorfunction限速器是检测轿厢超速的装置,在电梯正常运行时它不起作用,当电梯运行速度超过其额定速度并达到一定值(即限速器动作速度)时,它就操纵电气开关打开急停回路,使电动机停转并且制动器制动,在此同时或稍后,它将操纵安全钳动作,使轿厢夹持在导轨上,迫使轿厢停下来。所以限速器总是和安全钳连用的,限速器是在电梯超速并达到临界值时起检测及操纵作用,而安全钳则是在限速器操纵下强制使轿厢停住的执行机构。As a device to test car overspe

6、ed, overspeed governor does not function during lift normal operation. It will operate electrical switch to open emergency circuit, making motor stop and engaging brake. Simultaneously or shortly, overspeed governor will operate safety to activate, forcing car to stop by retaining it on guide rails.

7、 Therefore, overspeed governor is always used together with safety gear; the former will test and operate when lift runs at overspeed and reaches limit value, while the latter will force car to stop under the manipulation of overspeed governor. 由于电梯速度不同,通过限速器使电梯停止的操作程序也有所不同,当电梯额定速度1.0m/s时,允许在限速器动作操纵

8、安全钳的同时打开急停回路(即限速器动作1和2同时发生,见图5-3 )当电梯额定速度超过1m/s时,限速器应首先打开急停回路(即动作1)超速在额定速度的115%以下使电梯急停。如果此动作未能使电梯减速,并且超速达到规定值时,则限速器直接操纵安全钳(即动作2)使轿厢夹持在导轨上。Different lift speed results in different operation procedure for car to stop through overspeed governor. For lifts with rated speed of less than 1.0m/s, it is pe

9、rmissible to open emergency circuit while operating safety gear (overspeed governors action 1 and 2 occur simultaneously, as shown in figure 5-3). For lifts with rated of above 1m/s, overspeed governor should open emergency circuit opens first, i.e. action 1 occurs occurs, making lift execute emerge

10、ncy stop if lift speed exceeds rated speed but below 115% rated speed. If such action fails to decelerate lift and speed limit value is reached, overspeed governor will directly operate safety gear, i.e. action 2 occurs, leaving car retained on rails.5-2-2 限速器种类及工作原理Overspeed governor types and mech

11、anism任何限速器本身都包括三个机械部分,其一是反映电梯运行速度的转动部分;其二是当电梯运行速度达到限速器动作速度时,根据离心力原理将限速器绳夹紧的机械自锁部分。限速器应保证仅在电梯超速下降时起作用,故有安装方向性,绝对不允许装错;其三是限速器钢丝绳下部张紧装置部分。Any overspeed governor consists of three mechanical parts: rotating part to reflect lift speed; mechanical self-locking part which will clutch overspeed governor rop

12、e when lift speed reaches the threshold which activates overspeed governor. Overspeed governor can onlyl guarantee to function when lift is moving downwards at overspeed, therefore direction should be considered when it is installed and wrong installation is not allowed; tension device part is below

13、 overspeed governor rope. 限速器按其动作原理可分为摆锤式和离心式两种。离心式结构的限速器又可分为垂直轴转动型和水平轴转动型两种。目前常用的大多为后者。Overspeed governor is classified into pendular and centrifugal types according to its mechanism.Centrifugal overspeed governor is classified into vertical rotating and horizontal rotating types. Currently, the fo

14、rmer is frequently used. 5-2-2-1 离心式限速器Centrifugal overspeedgovernor图5-4为这种限速器的典型结构。它的动作原理是,两个绕各自轴转动的甩块由杠杆连接在一起,以保证同步运动。甩块由螺旋弹簧固定。限速器绳轮在垂直平面内转动,如果轿厢速度超过额定速度预定值时,甩块因离心力的作用向外甩开,使超速开关动作,从而切断电梯的控制回路,使制动器失电抱闸。如果轿厢速度进一步增大,甩块进一步向外甩开,并撞击锁栓,松开摆动钳块。正常情况下,摆动钳块由锁栓拴住,与限速器绳间保持一定的间隙。当摆动钳块松开后,钳块下落,将限速器绳夹持在固定钳块上。固定钳

15、块由压紧弹簧压紧,压紧弹簧可利用调节螺栓进行调节。此时,绳钳夹紧了限速器绳,从而使安全钳动作。当钳块夹紧限速器绳使安全钳动作时,限速器绳不应有明显的损坏或变形。In figure 5-4 is shown the typical structure of this overspeed governor. Its mechanism is as follows: two independently rotating fly weights are connected by lever to ensure synchronous movement. Fly weights are fixed by

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