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1、Chinese Economist Society (CES) 中国留美经济学会 Local Host承办:Institute of Social Development & Western China Development Studies,Sichuan University 四川大学社会发展与西部开发研究院Chengdu,Sichuan,China 中国 四川成都 July 5-6,2013二零一三年7月5-6日 简明日程 Agenda Registration报到 时间: 2013年7月4日全天 Date: July 4,2013 地点:川音爱乐酒店大厅 Venue:Philharmo

2、nic Hotel Of SCCM (ADDRESS: NO.47,South section 1,Ring road 1,Wuhou District,opposite to the North gate of Sichuan University; TEL: (028)85490999). Conference Opening开幕式 时间Time: 2013年7月5日上午 Morning,July 5th,2013 主持人:罗中枢 四川大学党委常务副书记、教授 Chair: Prof. Luo,zhongshu Standing vice-chairmen of the School Co

3、uncil,Sichuan University 9:00-9:10 四川大学校长谢和平院士致辞 Remarks by Prof. Xie,Heping,President,Sichuan University 20-9:25 中国区域科学学会西部开发专委会领导致辞 Remarks by the Western China Development Committee of the China Association of Regiona *9:259:40 全体与会代表合影(待定) Photo-shooting(to be decided) Keynote Speeches(20 minute

4、s/per speaker) 主题演讲(每人20分钟) 5012:40 地点:爱乐宾馆会议厅 Venue: Conference Hall of Philharmonic Hotel 第一阶段Session 1:9:50-11:10 赵昌文 国务院发展研究中心企业研究所所长,教授、 中国区域科学协会副会长、西部大开发专委会主任 Chair:Prof. Zhao,Changwen Director of the Enterprise Research Institute under the Development Research Center of the State Council,vice

5、 president of Chinese Regional Science Association,director of Western development of special committees. 1.Keynote Speech演讲题目:待定 (to be decided) Speaker演讲人:杰弗瑞.萨克斯,哥伦比亚大学地球研究所所长,四川大学西部开发研究院名誉院长 Jeff Sachs,Director,The Earth Institute,Columbia University,Western development director of special commi

6、ttees 2.Keynote Speech.演讲题目:多点多极支撑战略:西部大开发的行动与实践Multi-point and Multi-polar Support Strategy: Action and Practice in Western Development 陈文华,四川省人民政府副省长、教授 Prof. Chen,Wenhua,Vice-governor,Sichuan Province 3.Keynote Speech演讲题目:待定(to be decided) 解洪,原四川省政协副主席、博士、研究员Dr. Xie,Hong,Former Vice-chairman,Poli

7、tical Consultative Committee,Sichuan Province 4.Keynote Speech 演讲题目:秦玉才,国家发展和改革委员会西部司司长 MR. Qin,Yucai,Director,Western Development Bureau,National Development and Reform Commission 第二阶段Session 2:11:2012:40 5.Keynote Speech 演讲题目:中国新型城镇化包容性发展的路径设计与战略选择Path design and strategy Chioce on Inclusive devel

8、opment of Chinese New Urbanization 张卫国,西南大学校长、教授,中国区域科学协会西部大开发专委会副主任 Prof.Zhang Weiguo,President of Southwest University,China Regional Science Association,vice-director of Western development of special committees 6.Keynote Speech 6演讲题目:胡永泰,美国加州大学戴维斯分校经济系教授,中国西部开发研究联合体外方秘书长Prof.Hu,Yongtai Secretary

9、-General,Consortium for Western China Development Studies Panel Discussion(4 panels at choice)会议分组讨论(共分为四组,可自由选择参加小组讨论) 2013年7月5日下午 至6日上午 Afternoon,July 5th -Morning,July 6th ,2013 茶歇Tea Break:15:30-16:00 第一组Panel 1:议题Topic:中国西部开发战略:理论与政策 Strategy of China Western Development: Theory and Policy 杨先明

10、云南大学发展研究院院长、教授,中国区域科学协会西部大开发专委会副主任 董雪兵 浙江大学中国西部发展研究院副院长、副教授 Prof. Yang,Xianming Director,Institute of Development Research,Yunnan University,vice-director of Western development of special committees Associate Prof. Dong,Xuebing Vice-director,Institute of Chinese Western Development Research,Zhejian

11、g University 地 点:川音爱乐酒店五楼第一会议室 1st Conference Room,5th Floor,Philharmonic Hotel of SCCM 第二组Panel 2:反贫困与生计保障:理论与政策 Anti-poverty and Livelihood Security: theory and Policy 段庆林 宁夏社会科学院综合经济研究所所长、研究员 刘小珉 中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所副研究员 Prof. Duan,Qinglin Director,Institute of Comprehensive Economic Research,Ningxi

12、a Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Prof. Liu,Xiaomin Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology,Chinese Academy of Social Science 川音爱乐酒店五楼第三会议室 Venue: 3rd Conference Room,5th Floor,Philharmonic Hotel of SCCM 第三组Panel3:中国西部民族地区经济社会发展:理念与政策 Economic and Social Development in Ethnic Minority Areas in We

13、stern China: Ideas and Policies 林柯 兰州大学经济学院教授 ,兰州大学社会与经济发展研究评价中心副主任张文中 新疆财经大学中亚经贸研究院院长、教授 Prof. Lin,Ke School of Economics,Lanzhou University Prof. Zhang,Wenzhong Director,Institute of Central-Asia Business,Xinjiang University of Finance & Economics 地点:川音爱乐酒店五楼第二会议室 2nd Conference Room,5th Floor,Philharmonic Hotel of SCCM 第四组Panel 4:现代化与中国西部发展:理论与实践 Aspects of Modernization and Development in Western China Dr. Ingo Breuer Leipzig University (Germany)博士, Prof. Andreas Gr

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