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1、s living environment,reduce residential energy consumption, and save resources. But the development of green residential is still slow. In this context, This article researched the green residential market supply and demand situation, green residential market barriers were analyzed of green resident

2、ial market barriers, based on game theory to expand the main interests of the green residential market discussed the deep-seated reasons for the slow development of green residential market .And learned the advanced experience of certification system,financing models, technology for green residentia

3、l from abroad, derived the internal and external environment of green residential development in our country and constructed the SWOT analysis matrix of green residential. Choose t best strategy for our country to speed up the development green residential -Reverse the type of strategy. That is to o

4、vercome its own weaknesses of green residential, and reverse the adverse factors, grasp the external opportunities to promote green residential development n our country, and put forward the specific strategies of the main market players in the country.The main content of this paper is divided into

5、the following three parts: The first part includes the first chapter: introduction and the second chapter : the theory about green residential. In this part it expounded the importance and necessity of the development of green residential, defined the concept of green residential, made the connotati

6、on of green residential clear and distinguished the green residential from others. In addition, the theory, the research methods and the literature was also reviewed. The second part is the chapter 3,which described the situation of green residential market in our country. First, the context of the

7、development of green residential in our country and abroad was combed; then the supply of green residential status was studied by using green building map website data query functions, and based on questionnaire star network survey system,the green residential market demand status was analyzed by re

8、sidential consumers requirement in our country.The market supply and demand theory and game theory were used to study the obstacles to the development of green residential in our country in chapter 4. In this part, the obstacle factors of the green residential development were analyzed according to

9、the supply and demand current situation on the market in our country and then the deep-seated reasons for the slow development of green residential market were discussed through analyzing the main interests of the green residential market. In chapter 5,the advanced experiences of developed countries

10、, including the green residential certification system, financing models and technologies were introduced. The last part consists of the strategic options for the development of green residential in our country (in chapter 6) and the strategy research . In chapter 6, the SWOT analysis was used to an

11、alyze the inherent advantages and disadvantages,the opportunities and challenges of the promotion of green residential in our country, and then by constructing the SWOT analysis matrix of green residential strategic choices for our country to develop the green residential were provided.according to

12、the result of the SWOT analysis it is obtained that the reverse strategy is suitable to develop the green residential in our country. To promote the green residential development, the concrete measures and rationalization proposals were offered through the perspective of various market actors.Key Wo

13、rdsGreen Residential; Development Status; Obstacles; Interest Game Theory Andysis;Development strategies and covuiter measure; SWOT analysis.摘要 随着社会经济快速发展,城市化进程逐渐加快,生态环境不断恶化,资源短缺问题不断凸显。住房作为人们的生活必须品,在其整个寿命周期中产生巨大耗能,所以大力推广绿色住房是改善我国人居环境,降低住房能耗,资源节约的重要途径之一,但绿色住房在国内发展速度仍相对缓慢。 在此背景下,本文通过对我国绿色住宅小区的绿色设计的研究,


15、,轻成本,阐述了合理发展的必要性和重要性;我国对绿色住宅小区的定义、绿色住宅小区与其他住宅小区的区别、绿色住宅小区的相关理论、可持续发展理论、生态学理论、市场供求理论、建筑经济学理论、低碳理论、博弈论与纳什均衡理论进行了综述。第二部分是第三章圣丰国际绿色住宅小区规划设计现状分析。绿色住宅小区的人性化原则 ,国外绿色住宅小区人性化发展沿革,我国绿色住宅小区人性化发展沿革,我国绿色住宅的生态低碳原则,经济性原则,功能与形式的统一,弘扬历史文化,体现地方特色,注重创新。第三部分是第四章圣丰国际绿色小区规划设计中的问题分析。道路与园路设计,植物设计,建筑小品设计,停车场规划设计,建筑物规划设计,低碳景观设计,新能源的利用。第五部分包括了第五章针对圣丰国际绿色小区规划设计

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