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1、答语意为“不介意。你可以关掉电视”。go ahead“可以”。2The children _ lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakseide camp as scheduled.Amust have tot Bmust getCshould have got Dshould getAother wise后表达的情况来看,前半句表示对过去的肯定推测,所以用must have done 结构,意为“一定想必已经”。3(2018扬州市高一期末)However, we refer to Xi Jinping as _

2、 great success not merely because he has been elected _ President of the Peoples Republic of China. Aa; the B不填; theCa; 不填 D不填;不填C句意:然而,我们认为习近平是非常成功的人不仅仅是因为他当选中华人民共和国的主席。 “success”在本句中是具体名词,表示成功的人或事;表示独一无二的职位名词作宾语补足语是应省略冠词。所以选C。4(2018荆州市高一期末)When you are walking in wild woods, you have to _ snakes a

3、nd some other dangerous animals.Alook down upon Bwatch out forCcatch sight of Dspy on B句意:当你走在原始森林里面的时候,你要注意蛇和其他危险的动物。这里使用动词短语,四个选项的含义分别是:A. look down upon瞧不起,B. watch out for当心,留意, C. catch sight of看见,D. spy on侦查,暗中监视,所以选B。5(2018宁波市高一期末)If the government _ the public investment(投资) between big citi

4、es and rural areas, farmers will not leave their homes and families to go to the big cities.Abalances BseeksCmeasures Dcombines A句意:如果政府平衡大城市和农村地区的公共设施的话,农民们就没有必要离开家去大城市了。这里需要动词,四个选项的含义分别是:A. balances平衡, B. seeks寻求, C. measures衡量,D. combines结合,所以选A。6(2018江西省吉安市高一下期末教学质评)The news shocked the whole na

5、tion_a strong earthquake hit Yushu on Apr.14, 2018.Awhat Bwhen Cthat DwhichC考查同位语从句。句意:2018年4月14日,玉树发生了强烈地震,这条消息震惊了全国。_a strong earthquake hit Yushu on Apr.14, 2018就是the news的内容,所以是同位语从句,从句中不缺少成分和意思,所以关系词用that。7(2018江西省吉安市高一下期末教学质评)The director asked me to finish this task by Sunday. How can I_to?Aa

6、ttempt Bmanage Cdecide DhappenB考查动词。主任让我周日前完成这项任务。我怎么能够做到呢?manage to“设法做成”。8(2018重庆,28)_ struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son.AThat BItCWhat DWhichC题干的意思是:“电影中最打动我的是父亲对儿子深深的爱。”分析句子结构可知,此处用what引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。that引导主语从句时,不充当句子成分,而该从句中恰恰缺少了主语。it可以作形式主语,但后面必须出现成之匹配的真正主语。whi

7、ch引导主语从句时,在从句中充当定语,而该句空格后并没有which修饰的名词或代词。解答此题的关键在于分析句子所缺的成分。9The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone_get out.Ahad to Bwould Ccould Dwas able toD考查情态动词。大火在旅馆中蔓延得很快,但是旅馆里的人都逃了出来。be able to表示succeed in doing,manage to do的含义。10_many changes have_,we should keep pace with the changes

8、 too.ASince; taken the place BBecause; taken place CNow that; taken place DAs; been taken place 既然发生了许多变化,那么我们就应该和这些变化并驾齐驱。第一空now that“既然”,相当于since;第二空take place“发生”,无被动语态。11The hunter_his gun against the tree and_down for a rest.Alaid; lay Blay; laid Claid; lain Dlied; lay A考查lie随意思不同而形式不同以及它与lay的区

9、别。猎人把枪靠树放下,然后躺下休息。第一空是“放;搁”之意,原形是lay,过去式是laid,过去分词也是laid;第二空是“躺”之意,原形是lie,过去式是lay,过去分词是lain。12The statue standing in the middle of the square has been built_those who sacrificed their lives for people but expected nothing_.Ain memory of; in return Bwith memory of; for return Cin honor of; in award D

10、with honor of; in rewardA考查介词短语。广场中心的塑像是为了纪念那些为人们献身而不计回报的人的。in memory of“纪念;追念”;in return“回报;报答”。13According to Lee, it was Bens carelessness that_the accident. But Ben_his wrong doing.Aled to; got the hang of Bcaused; got away from Caccounted for; got away with Dresulted in; went away withC考查动词短语。根

11、据Lee所言,是Ben的粗心造成了那场事故。但是Ben却未受惩罚。第一空,四个选项都可选,因为都是“导致”的意思;第二空只能选get away with“做错事未受惩罚”。14You_all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing.Aneednt have washedBshouldnCmust not have washed Dcannot have washedA考查情态动词的完成体。首先无C项这种形式;根据后文“我们有洗衣机可以洗衣服”,所以“你本不必洗这些衣服的”。neednt have don

12、e“本不必做(却做了)”。15(2018宁波市高一期末)The middleterm examination is coming. Im afraid I will fail._! Im sure you can make it.AGood luck BCheer upCBest wishes DDoesnt matter期中考试就要到了。恐怕我会不及格。_,我相信你会通过。说明这句话是鼓励别人,让别人振作起来。用cheer up。A. Good luck祝好运, C. Best wishes万事如意, D. Doesnt matter没关系,都不符合句意。所以选B。.完形填空(共20小题;每

13、小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。13yearold Frank had received many presents he wanted. But Frank was not_16_because this was his first Christmas without his brother. Frank said to his parents that he would_17_to see a friend._18_it was cold outside,Frank put on his new jacket and to

14、ok presents on his new sled(雪橇)As Frank walked,he saw a house with the_19_hanging over a fireplace. A woman was seated near them_20_. The stockings reminded Frank of the ones beside him and his brother. A sudden thought_21_Frank.So he knocked on the door. “_22_?”the sad voice of the woman answered. “May I come in?” “Please

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