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1、二、作文模板 Dear ., 1句: 很高兴收到你的来信/谢谢你的来信. I am so pleased to hear from(收到来信) you. / Thank you for your letter. 2句:Im writing the letter in purpose of doing.我写这封信的目的是 邀请Invite sb to do sth 通知tell sb that 表达show sth to sb 感激 thanks/祝贺 congratulations 道歉:apology 悲伤: sorrow 介绍introduce Im writing the letter

2、in purpose of telling you that I want to ./telling you sth 感谢/祝贺/道歉信:Im writing the letter in purpose of showing my thanks/ congratulations/ apologies to you I am looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.我期望尽快收到你的回复 / Im looking forward to seeing you soon. 我期望尽快见到你。 Best regards f

3、or your health and success. 希望你健康并成功 Yours 话题类文章可以套用这个模板 Nowadays, more and more _ _ According to a survey(根据一个调查), 50%. Why have there been so many _? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.也许理由可以列举如下:First, _. Second,_. Third _. In a word, (总而言之) 三、历年真题 2006年:pragmatic and effective two to lea

4、rn a wide range of educational and heavy task, demanding, party organizations at all levels in the autonomous region after the meeting to get up to speed quickly, strengthen organizational leadership, education on the important position of learning, elaborate arrangements, strengthen accountability

5、and avoid learning form of education. First, we must implement the leadership responsibility. Party organizations at all levels should effectively assume the main responsibility, two education as a major political task, truly understanding in place 假设你是李明,给你的朋友Smith先生回信,告诉他你将予7月14日放假,约他届时先到你所在的城市,一起

6、去东北度假,去吉林爬山,那里可以看到山顶上美丽的湖泊,然后去参观沈阳的一个宫殿。询问他是否愿意去,有什么建议。注意:词数应为100左右。一、内容要点:l、来信中内容 2、7月14日放假,约smith来访 3、旅行计划(东北、爬山、看湖泊、沈阳宫殿) 4、对方意愿与建议 Dear Mr Smith, Nice to know youre coming to our city soon(My summer vacation will begin on July 14.I hope that you will arrive here around that time(Shall we plan to

7、 go to the Northeast during the vacation. We can go mountain climbing in Jilin Province(And we will see a beautiful lake on top of the mountain(After that we will go to Shenyang and visit a famous palace there(What do you think of the plan ? If you have any suggestions,please let me know. Looking fo

8、rward to your reply( 2007年 你的澳大利亚朋友Patrick要来北京和你们一起过圣诞节j写信告诉他圣诞节期间是北京最冷的时候,要多带些衣物。并告诉他你的安排,征求他的意见( 安排:1(平安夜与朋友聚会:2(圣诞节上午去滑雪:3(晚上吃北京烤鸭。Dear Patrick, I am very glad to know that you are coming to China to spend your Christmas with us this year .You know ,December is one of the coldest months in Beijin

9、g .So be sure to take enough clothes with you. I am going to have a party for you on Christmas Eve .Some of my friends will come and join us .On Christmas morning ,we decide to go skiing .It will be fun .When we come back in the evening ,we can go to a restaurant to enjoy the famous Beijing Duck .Wh

10、at do you think of my plan for Christmas ?Sincerely yours, Li Ming 2008年 假如你是李明,是某足球队领队,正在南方开会,原定周二返回与教练Smith先生讨论下一步的训练计划,但因天气原因飞机延误。写一封电子邮件,包括以下内容:1. 说明情况;2建议先按原计划训练;3. 见面后讨论新的训练计划。Dear Mr. Smith, Im now in the south attending a meeting. Ive planned to fly back before Tuesday so that we can discuss

11、 our next training program. However, because of the bad weather all the flights have been delayed. Im afraid I wont be able to go back in a coupe of days. Im very sorry I wont be able to meet you on Tuesday. I suggest that the football tam go on practicing according to the present training program b

12、efore we discuss the new one. What do you think of it?Im looking forward to seeing you soon. 2009年 请你为一本英文健康杂志投稿,推荐一种大众健身方式:健步走(walking)。内容要点:1(适合不同年龄的人: 2(时间灵活: 3(不用花什么钱: 4(有益身心健康。1(字数应为100左右: 2(可举例并适当扩展。If you are looking for a good way to exercise,please try walking. Here are several reasons why

13、walking is a great idea. First, walking is suitable for people at any age. Old people may walk slowly, while young people may walk quickly. Second, you can choose to walk at any time you like, either in the morning or in the evening. Third, waking is easy. You dont have to spend money on expensive equipment. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes. Finally, it is good not only for your body, but also for your mind. If

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