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1、 no one = nobody (没有一个人)常只指人,不能与 of 用,常用来回答 Who 引 的 句。5. lonely 孤独的; alone 独的; 独地。 如: He lives alone, and he sometimes feels lonely.Section B1. He feels disappointed because he can tget a ticket to The Sound of 可表“ ” ,如: (1) the answer to the question 的答案(2)the key to the lock 的 匙 (3)the ti

2、cket to the concert 演唱会的票2. be proud of = take pride in 以 而 傲 I am proud of my country.3.seem(看起来,似乎 )的用法:( 1) seem + 形容 : They seem worried.(2)seem to do sth. 如: He seems to know the truth.(3)seem + that 从句,如: It seems that he knows the truth.4. be pleased/ satisfied with 感到 意 am pleased with your

3、results.5.Kangkang, are you setting the table for your friends ? set the table 放餐桌6.Michael isn table to able to 常可和 can 退 使用,都可以表“能” 。7.I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切 展 利。8. 某人打 的常用表达方法有: ring/ call/ phone sb; ring/ call sb up;give sb. a ring/call;1.Maria taught the children to sing liv

4、ely songs to cheer themselves up.(1)cheer up 使 振 /高 起来: Our teachers cheer us up in class every day.(2)cheer on 加油, 呼: Would you like to come and cheer us on.2.What for ? 和 Why 相近,前者 重提 目的, 后者 重提 原因。 回答前者常用含 for短 表目的;而回答后者 用 because 表原因。如:(1)What did he come here for ?- He came here for his bike.(2)

5、Why did he come here ? - Because he want to see you.3.When and where will the movie be on ?be on 在 行,在放映: The movie is on.4. Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .fall into 掉 ,落入 ( into 有“ 入”的意思, 如: jump into 跳入)Section D1.It came into being after e into being 生,形成: The CPC Party c

6、ame into being in 1921.2. It s full of famous full of = be filled with 装 ,充 3.This kind of opera is very popular with Chinese popular with 受 的 迎: Yao Ming is popular with Chinese people.4. 法:系 +形容 (作表 ) 系 有五 : ( 1)表示“是”的 be (am, is, are , was, were, been)(2)表示保持一种状 的: keep, stay

7、.(3)表示“ ”的: become, get, turn, go, grow.(4)表示“看起来”的: look, seem, appear.(5)表示与其它感官有关的: smell( 起来 ),taste( 起来 ),sound (听起来 ),feel ( 摸起来 )八年 下册 Unit 5 Topic 21. She is very strict with herself.(1) be strict with sb. 某人要求 格: Our teacher is strict with us.(2) be strict in sth. 某事要求 格: My teacher is stri

8、ct in his work.2.I think I should have a talk with her.have a talk with sb. = talk with sb. 和某人交 3.Take it easy. 着急, 。1.I m feeling very sad because I failed the English exam.(1)fail the exam = don tpass the exam 考 不及格(2) fail to do sth. 做某事失 : failed to pass the exam.2. Everyone gets these feelings

9、 at your age.(1) at one s age 在某人的 个年 段: Your father began to work at your age.(2) at the age of 在 : At the age of seven, he could swim.3.使令 ( make, let, have )的用法: make/ let / have sb do sth. 使某人做某事但 have sth done 某人干某事 (自己不做 ),比 : I have my son go instead ( 我让我儿子代去 ) I had the machine repaired ( 让

10、人修好了机器 )get 也可表“使, ” ,但它后常接 不定式: He got me to wash the car.4. 短 : in ones teens 在某人十几 ; in ones twenties 在某人二十几 ,in ones thirties 在某人三十几 , in ones forties 在某人四十几 Section C1.How time flies! 光阴似箭2.What s more 此外,而且: What s more, it seems that my classmates dontaccept me.3.The girl is afraid of speakin

11、g in afraid of (doing) sth. 害怕(做)某事 : I am afraid of dogs.1. He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends.refuse to do sth. 拒 去做某事 ( refuse 的反 accept)2. (1) instead 表“代替”,副 ,后不接 ,常放在句末或句首,如:If you are busy, you can come another day instead.(2)instead of 表“代替” ,介 短 ,后接 (被代

12、替的内容 ) ,常放句中( 后) ,但不能做 ,如: We eat rice instead of beef.(3)take the place of 表“代替”, 短 ,常放句中作 。He took the place of me to finish the work.3. be angry with sb. 生某人的气; be angry at sth. 因某事而生气。八年 下册 Unit 5 Topic 31.Michael, I am sorry about your illness, but itcan tbe SARS.must be 一定是; may be/ can be 可能是

13、; cantbe 不可能是2.Follow the doctor s advice, and you will get well soon.(1) follow one s advice 遵循某人的建 (2) get well 恢复健康3.I missed a lot of lessons.miss lessons 意 “缺 ” , miss 的意思有:( 1) ,如 : I missed the early bus.(2) 想念 : I miss you very much.4.I m worried about the test at the end of the month.(1) at the end of 在 的最后: You will find the post office at the end of the road.(2)by the end of 不 于: I will finish my work by the end of this month.5.We can take turns to help you with your lessons.take turns to do sth. 流去做某事: We take turns to clean the classroom.6

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