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1、总分得分、语音 选出下列单词划线部分与所给发音一致的选项。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. e B. tea C.head D. Easter 2. A.healthy B.this C.clothes D.father3. u A.too B. room D.good4. A.last B.plant C.ask D.camera5. id A. studied B.surprised C.hoped D.wanted、单项选择.(共20分,每小题1分)6.Its half past six in the afternoon. Its time_,boys and

2、girls!A. for supper B. for the supper C. for class D. for the Class 7. Excuse me,_? It is over there. A. Whats on the desk B. Wheres your room C. Whose bag is it D. Which shoes are yours Yeah , 8. Whose watch is this ? -Is it a black _, C. this D. that 9. Please _ these babies carefully ,n

3、urse . A. look after B. look for C. look like D. look at 10.- Im sorry ,I cant play the computer games . - Dont worry , Ill _ you . A. speak to B. play C. learn D. show 11. -What is 5 plus 2 ? -_. Oh, Its seven ,A. All right B. Thanks C. Let me see D. Not at all 12. Its cold today . You must _ your

4、coat ,A. take off B. put on C. pick up D. turn on 13. Whose bag is bigger, _ or _? A. your , I B. yours, my C. you , me , D. yours ,mine , 14. How many_can you see in the picture ,A. man , B. child , C. people, D. woman ,15.- Wheres shopping center ? - Its _ Zhongshan Road .A. at B. on C. over D.of

5、16. _ like to join us ? A. Can you , B. You would C. Do you D. Would you ,17. I have got a toothache , Im going to the _. A. dentist B. park C. teacher D. butcher18. Whose ruler is it ? - Maybe its_.A. Peter B. Peters C. Marys and Peters D. Mary and Peter s19. _ is your uncle ?A. Who , B. Where , C.

6、 What , D. How ,20. There is _ orange tree in my garden , under _tree, there is _ old man ,A.a the an B. an the an C. a an an a an 21. Mike _ a big box under his bed , _many toys in the box . A. has, There are B.have , there is C.had, There are D.have , There was22. Mr black is from _. He is _

7、He speaks _.A. America , American , English B. Chinese , China , Chinese C. Australia , Australian , Russian D. England , French , Brahms23. Neither you nor_ a teacher B. am C. are D. be 24. I want something special for Christmas , A.something special B. special anything C. special something D

8、. anything special25. I saw a girl_ in the room just now .A. jumps B. to jump C. jumped D. jumping、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)Cyril got in through the window and gave the food to the others, Who were outside. There was some cold meat, half a cold chicken, _26_ bread and a bottle of soda-water, Then they all fl

9、ew back up onto the church roof _27_it . They were very hungry , _28_they really enjoyed it . But when youre hungry ,and then you eat a big meal and sit_29_the hot sun on a roof , its very _30_to fall asleep . And so they did -while the sun_31_went down in the west .They slept_32_ a long time .When

10、they woke up it was dark -And of course ,they had no wings .We _33_get home , Cyril said .“ Theres a door over there ,.Thats the way_34_ , But when they tried the door ,they found that it was locked from _35_ side. They were on top of the church and they had no wings ! How were they going to get dow

11、n ?26. A. any B. some C. many D. little27. A. eating B. ate C. to eat D. eat 28 A. so B. or C. still D. but 29. A. under B. for C. on D. in 30. A. easy B. tired C. hard D. hungry31. A. fast B. soon C. slowly D. brightly 32. A. at B. to C. since D. for 33. A. must B. may C. need D. can34. A. up B. to

12、 C. down D. along 35. A. the other B. others C. another D. other 、 阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分) A 篇The USA is smaller than Russia , Canada and China.Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America. And its one of the biggest cities in the world. It is in the east of

13、 the USA,and at the mouth of theHudson River . A large part of the city is on Manhatten island, a big island in the river. New York has a larger population than Washington DC, In new York,we can see the famous statue,the statue of Liberty, Which was given by France.36. The USA is the _ largest country in the world ,A.first B. second C. third D. fourth 37. Washington DC has a _ population than New York ,A. larger B. smaller C. more D. less 38. Where does the statue of Liberty come from ?A. Manhattan B. Washington DC C. New York D. France 39. Where is new York

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