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1、1 This Charter Party, made and concluded in .day of. 19. 2 Betw eenas disponent. 3 Owners of the good.Steamship/Motorship.of 4 of . .tons gross register, and .tons net register, having engines ofindicated horse power 5 and with hull, machinery and equipment in a thoroughly efficient state, and class

2、ed. 6 at.of about.cubic feet grain/bale capacity, and about .tons of 2240 lbs. 7 deadweight capacity (cargo and bunkers, including fresh water and stores not exceeding one and one-half percent of ships deadweight capacity, 8 allowing a minimum of fifty tons) on a draft of .feet.inches on Summer free

3、board, inclusive of permanent bunkers, 9 which are of the capacity of about.tons of fuel, and capable of steaming, fully laden , under good weather 10 conditions a bout.knots on a consumption of about.tons of best Welsh coal best grade fuel oil best grade Diesel oil, 11 now. 12 and. Ch arterers of t

4、he City of . 13 Witnesseth, That the said Owners agree to let, and the said Charterers agree to hire the said vessel, from the time of delivery, for 14 about. 15 within below mentioned trading limits. 16 Charterers to have liberty to sublet the vessel for all or any part of the time covered by this

5、Charter, but Charterers remaining responsible for 17 the fulfillment of this Charter Party. 18 Vessel to be placed at the disposal of the Charterers, at 19 . 20 in such dock or at such wharf or place (where she may safely lie, always afloat, at all times of tide, except as otherwise provided in Clau

6、se No.6 ), as 21 the Charterers may direct. If such dock, wharf or place be not available time to count as provided for in Clause No.5. Vessel on her delivery to be 22 ready to receive cargo with clean swept holds and tight, staunch, strong and in every way fitted for the service, having water balla

7、st, winches and 23 donkey boiler with sufficient steam power, or if not equipped with donkey boiler, then other power sufficient to run all the winches at one and the same 24 time (and with full complement of officers, seamen, engineers and firemen for a vessel of her tonnage), to be employed, in ca

8、rrying lawful merchan- 25 dise, including petroleum or its products, in proper containers, excluding . 26 (vessel is not to be employed in the carriage of Live Stock, but Charterers are to have the privilege of shipping a small number on deck at their risk, 27 all necessary fittings and other requir

9、ements to be for account of Charterers), in such lawful trades, between safe port and/or ports in British North 28 America, and/or United States of America, and/or West Indies, and/or Central America, and/or Caribbean Sea, and/or Gulf of Mexico, and/or 29 Mexico, and/or South America and/or Europe 3

10、0 and/or Africa, and/or Asia, and/or Australia, and/or Tasmania, and/or New Zealand, but excluding Magdalena River, River, St. Lawrence between 31 October 31st and May 15th, Hudson Bay and all unsafe ports; also excluding, when out of season, White Sea, Black Sea and the Baltic, 32 . 33 . 34 35 as t

11、he Charterers or their Agents shall direct, on the following conditions: 36 1. That the Owners shall provide and pay for all provisions, wages and consular shipping and discharging fees of the Crew; shall pay for the 37 insurance of the vessel, also for all the cabin, deck, engine-room and other nec

12、essary stores, including boiler water and maintain her class and keep 38 the vessel in a thoroughly efficient state in hull, machinery and equipment for and during the service. 39 2. That the Charterers shall provide and pay for all the fuel except as otherwise agreed, Port Charges, customary Pilota

13、ges, Agencies, Commissions, 40 Consular Charges (except those pertaining to the Crew), and all other usual expenses except those before stated, but when the vessel puts into 41 a port for causes for which vessel is responsible, then all such charges incurred shall be paid by the Owners. Fumigations

14、ordered because of 1 Bromar Maritime Co. Ltd. 42 illness of the crew to be for Owners account. Fumigations ordered because of cargoes carried or ports visited while vessel is employed under this 43 charter to be for Charterers account. All other fumigations to be for Charterers account after vessel has been on charter for a continuous period 44 of six months or more. 45 Charterers are to provide necessary dunnage and shifting boa

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