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高三第一次月考卷英语 IWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、3wealthy Asymbol Bapply Ctype Deyesight4patience Asacrifice Bsecure Cmusician Dcocoa5knocked Ainstructed Brelaxed Cstruggled Dappointed第二节 语法和词汇知识(15分)6China sent Change l into space, which would circle moon for a year. Aa, the B/, the Ca, / Dthe, a7You would be offered a(an) $ 5,000 for the arrest

2、of the murderer, according to the news on TV last night. Aprize Baward Creward Dresult 8Please remind me he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. Awhere Bwhen Chow Dwhat9The shepherd had to the sheep before the night. Abreak up Bround up Cpick up Dcall up10 , Caroline couldnt get the d

3、oor open. AMight as she try BAs she might try CShe might try DTry as she might11The boy is only ten years old but . Atwice his fathers weight Btwice weight of his father Cthe weight twice his father Das twice as the weight of his father12International football matches always better understanding bet

4、ween countries all over the world. Abenefit from Breach for Cmake for Dhave advantage of13He suggested a meeting and it maybe suggested that he in our plan. Ato hold, was interested Bholding, was interested Cholding, should be interested Dshould hold, be interested14Im afraid we wont be able to go m

5、uch farther, for the oil . Ahas run out Bis run out Cwas run out of Dis running out 15When she was awake, she found that she was lying on seemed to be a piece of stone. Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dit16Nobody knew what the quarrel from. Arose Barose Craised Dlifted17There was a report a brave policeman who c

6、aught a murderer by himself in yesterdays newspaper. Ato praise Bto sing high praise for20081020 Cin praise of Dto respect18- The work will take me another week. Im really tired. - I think you as well consult an experienced worker. Amust Bneed Cmay Dcan19- I have learned that your husbands family ha

7、s a lot of money. - ? I have never relied on him. AWhat for BWhat if CSo what DHow e20- Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it. - Hes good at this sort of thing. ADont worry. BOf course CA piece of cake DI couldnt agree more.第三节 完形填空(30分)Scientists have always wanted to know more a

8、bout the other worlds in space. They have looked at them 21 the telescope and 22 this way they have found out 23 . They know, for example, many facts about the moon.The moon is about 384,000 kilometres 24 the earth . A plane can not fly to the moon because there isnt enough air. But a rocket can fly

9、 even when there is no air . “How does a rocket fly ?” If you want to know, get a balloon and 25 blow it up 26 it is quite big. Do not 27 the neck of the balloon. Let it go 28 and see 29 happens. The balloon 30 through the air very quickly. The air inside the balloon 31 out. It rushes out through th

10、e 32 balloon and this pushes the balloon through the air. It does not need wings 33 . This is 34 a rocket 35 . It is not made of rubber like a balloon, of course . It is made of metal. The metal 36 not be heavy 37 it must be very strong. A gas is put inside the rocket. When the gas is hot enough , i

11、t rushes out of the open end of the rocket , and pushes it 38 the air. Rockets can fly far out into space . Rockets with men inside them have already 39 the moon . Someday rockets may be able to go 40 in space . 21Athrough Btowards Cacross Dinto 22Aat Bup Cin Dby 23Aa lot of Blots of Ca great deal o

12、f Da great deal 24Aaway far Baway from Cfar from Dfar to 25Athen Bfirst Cat last Dlast26Awhen Bwhile Cuntil Das27Atie up Btake up Cput up Dhold up 28Acarefully Bslowly Csuddenly Dquickly 29Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhether 30Ago up Bgoing up Cwill fly off Dflying off 31Atry to get Btrying to get Ctried to

13、 get Dtries to get 32Aneck Bbody Cmouth Dnose 33Ato fly Bflying Cits own Dof it 34Awhat Bhow Cwhen Dwhere 35Aruns Bgoes Cworks Dflies 36Ashall Bmay Ccan Dmust 37Abut Band Cso Dtherefore 38Ain Binto Cfrom Dtowards 39Agot Barrived Creached Dreached 40Aanywhere Beverywhere Csomewhere Dnowhere第二部分 阅读理解(

14、40分)ADid you know that about 300 words in the English language derive from the names of people?A great many of these words are technical words since a new invention or discovery is often named after the scientist who made the discovery. In this way we have such words as watt, ohm, diesel, dahlia, macadam, ampere, morse.A good many everyday words, however, have also found their way into the language from the names of people. The very popular word sandwich, for example, es from the name of Lord San

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