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1、_一、完型填空 I have been a reporter for fifteen years. I chose this job 1 I could travel around the world, and the job has taught me many unforgettable 2 . My work is 3 boring but for most of the time it is amzing and inspiring(鼓舞人心的).In India, I visited a city. There were many homeless children. Some we

2、re young and lived in the streets. But then a lady 4 Rosa opened a home for 5 . In one whole year, she was looking after 6 children, feeding them, teaching them and giving them hope.Here in China, after the terrible Wenchuan Earthquake, I found a 7 boy named Lang Zheng. He had been in the ruins(废墟)

3、for more than ten hours before he was found. Although 8 and injured(受伤的), the brave boy still 9 and lifted his right hand above his head to salute(向致敬) the soldiers to show his thanks. 10 time, I was in Japan and met a young girl 11 a serious 12 . After seven operations(手术), she had to have thirteen

4、 more in hospital. 13 , she was still smiling when I met her.Because of those 14 as a reporter, I am getting braver and stronger. And I have 15 all these brave people to make more people know about them and learn from them.1Aso that Balthough Cever since Din order to2Ahobbies Blessons Cprojects Dlan

5、guages3Aalways Bsometimes Cnever Doften4Awas called Bwas calling Ccalled Dcall5Aher Bhim Cthem Dus6Atwo hundred Btwo hundreds Ctwo hundred of Dtwo hundreds of7Athree-year-old Bthree-years-old Cthree years old Dthree year old8Aclever Bnervous Cactive Dweak9Aentered Bsatisfied Cdreamed Dsmiled10AThe o

6、ther BAnother COther DOthers11Aby Bon Cfor Dwith12Away Bhealth Cfeeling Dillness13ASince then BFor example CHowever DBut14Aexperiences Bconditions Ccompetitions Dsystems15Amade up Bthought about Cwritten about Dheard from二、阅读单选 One day, an Australian farmer Joe saw a bright light in the sky. The lig

7、ht came nearer and nearer and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spaceship. The spaceship landed in a field quickly.The door of the spaceship opened and two strange beings(生物) climbed out. They seemed(看起来) to be half man and half bird. Joe was afraid of them. He tried to run away. But the spacemen walke

8、d towards him, picked him up and carried him into the spaceship. They put wires(电线) from a machine onto his head and then they could speak to him in English.They asked him questions about the earth. “We are from Venus(金星),” they said, “But it is getting very hot there. A lot of our people are dying

9、and there isnt much time left. We are trying to find a new home.” After some time, they freed Joe and at last the spaceship took off and couldnt be seen. Joe told his friends about the spacemen, but no one believes his story. “Youll believe me one day, ” Joe told them. “The spacemen will come back.”

10、16The bright light in the sky was _.Athe sun Ba spaceship CVenus Da bird17The strange beings came to the earth to _.Avisit Joe Bcatch Joe Clive with Joe Dfind a new home18What does the underlined word “dying” mean?A有希望的 B热情的C后悔的 D奄奄一息的 Pets can help to reduce (减轻) our stresses (压力). In this busy wor

11、ld it is not easy to deal with (处理) our worries and stresses; however, spending time with pets can make us feel better. Many of us like talking to pets. We will feel relaxed after telling our problems to our pets. This is a good way to reduce stresses and worries. Pets can be good friends to us all,

12、 and they help to stop us from feeling lonely(寂寞的) when we have troubles. Playing with pets can get our minds out of our problems. We can do an activity with our pets. They can help us to be active and energetic (精力充沛的) to do other things. We may get fresh ideas about how to do with our problems and

13、 worries. Most importantly, playing with pets can give us confidence to get through our troubles.Remember that there are many ways that pets can reduce the stresses and worries of our daily life. However, if your stresses and worries become terrible, then you will need to talk to a doctor.19Playing

14、with pets can NOT make us _.Aenergetic Bactive Cconfident Dsad20How will we feel after talking to our pets?ARelaxed BExcited. CLonely DFresh21What can we infer(推断) from the last paragraph?AWe will be very healthy only by playing with pets.BIf playing with pets cant reduce your worries, then go and s

15、ee a doctor.CPets may help us think about good things.DPets are more useful than a doctor in dealing with our stresses and worries.22What is the best title(标题) for this passage?ADifferent Pets BHow to Keep a PetCHow Pets Reduce Our Stresses DHow to Get on Well with PetsLeo an actorReporter: Whats the worst thing thats ever happened in your job?Leo: So many bad things have happened but I think my worst m

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