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1、焊接顺序 welding sequence焊接方向 direction of welding焊接位置 position of welding焊缝倾角 weld slope焊缝转角 weld rotation平焊位置 flat position of welding仰焊位置 overhead position of welding横焊位置 horizontal position of welding立焊位置 vertical position of welding对接焊 butt welding角焊 fillet welding搭接焊 lap welding船形焊 fillet welding定

2、位焊 tack welding (平头焊接、点焊)单面焊 welding by one side双面焊 welding by both sides单道焊 single-pass(-run) welding多道焊 multi-pass welding单层焊 single layer welding多层焊 multi-layer welding打底焊 backing welding封底焊 back sealing welding左焊法 leftward welding右焊法 rightward welding自动焊 automatic welding半自动焊 semi-automatic weld

3、ing手工焊 manual (hand) welding堆焊 surfacing (overlaying)塞焊 plug welding槽焊 slot welding焊剂垫 flux backing焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing窄间隙焊 narrow-gap welding焊接条件 welding condition焊接工艺参数 welding parameter (welding condition)焊接电流 welding current极性 polarity polung正接 electrode positive (straight polarity)反接 e

4、lectrode negative (reversed polarity)电流密度 current density电弧电压 arc voltage焊接速度 welding speed线能量 heat input (energy input)预热 preheat后热 post heat焊后热处理 post weld heat treatment预热温度 preheat temperature后热温度 post heating temperature层间温度 inter pass temperature焊丝伸出长度 wire extension弧长arc length熔化速度 melting ra

5、te熔化时间 melting time熔敷速度 deposition rate熔化系数 melting coefficient熔敷系数 deposition coefficient熔敷效率 deposition efficiency飞溅 spatter sprition熔合比 penetration ratio稀释 dilution稀释率 rate of dilution坡口 groove坡口角度 included angle钝边 root face钝边高度 thickness根部间隙 root gap (root opening)卷边高度 height of flange单面坡口 singl

6、e groove双面坡口 double grooveI形坡口 square grooveV形坡口 single V grooveU形坡口 single U grooveJ形坡口 single J grooveX形坡口 double V grooveK形坡口 double bevel grooveZ形坡口 Z-type grooveY形坡口 single V groove with broad root face焊缝 weld焊缝代号 welding symbols焊缝金属 weld metal填充金属 filler metal熔敷金属 deposited metal焊缝正面 face of w

7、eld焊缝背面 back of weld焊缝轴线 axis of weld焊趾 toe of weld焊缝宽度 weld width焊缝长度 weld length焊缝厚度 throat depth (throat thickness)熔深 penetration焊缝成形系数 form factor of weld焊缝成形 appearance of weld余高 reinforcement (excess weld metal)对接焊缝 butt weld角焊缝 fillet焊脚 leg (of a fillet weld)焊脚长度 leg length连续焊缝 continuous wel

8、d断续焊缝 intermittent weld端接焊缝 edge weld卷边焊缝 flanged edge weld塞缝焊 plug weld定位焊缝 flanged edge weld环形焊缝 girth weld焊道 bead焊层 layer焊波 ripple焊根 root of weld接缝 seam焊接接头 welded joint对接接头 butt jointI形对接接头 square butt jointV形对接接头 single V butt jointU形对接接头 single U butt jointJ形对接接头 single J butt jointX形对接接头 doub

9、le V butt jointK形对接接头 double bevel butt jointZ形对接接头 z-type butt joint角接接头 corner jointT形接头 T-joint十字接头 cruciform joint (cross-shaped joint)搭接接头 lap joint套管接头 muff joint (sleeve joint)盖板接头 strapped joint端接接头 edge joint 边缘(焊)接头卷边接头 flanged edge joint有间隙接头 open joint无间隙接头 closed joint电弧 arc引弧 striking

10、the arc(striking arc 引电弧,引弧)引弧电压 striking voltage阴极 cathode阳极 anode弧柱 arc column (arc stream)弧焰 arc flame弧心 arc core电弧力 arc force电磁力 electro-magnetic force(electromagnetic 电磁)电磁收缩效应 pinch effect电弧漂移 wandering电弧稳定性 arc stability电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc电弧挺度

11、 arc stiffness (电弧强度、电弧稳定性)电弧偏吹 arc blow (受磁力影响)弧变形、电弧偏斜磁偏吹 magnetic blow熔滴 droplet tropfer熔滴过度 metal transfer熔池 molten pool (puddle)弧坑 crater熔渣 slag碱性渣 basic slag酸性渣acid slag碱度 basicity酸度 acidity渣壳 solidified熔渣流动性 fluidity脱渣性 slag detachability焊接设备 welding equipment (welding set)焊机 welding machine焊

12、接电源 welding power source焊接回路 welding circuit负载持续率 duty cycle空载电压 open circuit voltage焊接热循环 weld thermal cycle焊接温度场 weld temperature field母材 base metal焊接区 weld zone焊缝区 weld metal zone熔合线 weld junction (bond line)熔合区 weld bind egrenzzone热影响区 heat-affected过热组织 overheated structure过渡区 transition zone硬化区

13、 hardened zone碳当量 carbon equivalent连续冷却转变图(简称CCT图) continuous coolingTransformation diagram (CCT-diagram)残余氢 residual Hydrogen焊态 as-welded焊接性 weld ability焊接裂纹 weld crack弧坑裂纹 crater crack热影响区裂纹 heat-affected zone crack晶间裂纹 inter crystalline rack热裂纹 hot crack冷裂纹 cold crack氢致裂纹 Hydrogen-Induced crack延迟

14、裂纹 delayed crack再热裂纹 reheat crack层状撕裂 lamellar tearing焊接性试验 weld ability test裂纹试验 cracking test裂纹敏感性 cracking susceptibility插销试验 implant test最高硬度试验 maximum hardness test测氢试验 Hydrogen test焊接材料 welding material电极 electrode熔化电极 consumable electrode不熔化电极 non consumable electrode焊条 electrode (covered electrode)焊芯 core wire焊条直径 core diameter

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