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1、政府服务热线Governmental Hotline地址(Add):陵水县东环高铁陵水站广场正南面Add:the south of Lingshui Station Square of Eastern Island-looping High-speed Railway, Lingshui陵水概况Instruction of Lingshui 陵水位于海南东南部,北纬1822-1847、东经。境内海岸线长57.5公里,陵水是个以黎族、汉族、苗族人口居多的“大杂居,小聚居”的市县。陵水自然资源十分丰富,矿产、热作、旅游和海洋资源尤为得天独厚。Lingshui is located in the s

2、outheastern part of Hainan island(Latitude1847North,Longitude 10945-11008East). With the 57.5 kilometers of winding coastline, Lingshui is a county mainly populated by the Li nationality, the Han nationality and the Miao nationality, taking on a feature of “large mixed, small settlement”. 陵水境内有国道海榆东

3、线公路,海南环岛高速公路和海南环岛高速铁路贯穿全境。设有陵水高铁站,南距三亚凤凰国际机场和博鳌机场仅1个小时车程。海南优质的旅游资源基本上都处在陵水“1小时交通圈”内,具有独特的交通优势。 陵水属于热带岛屿性季风气候,年平均气温25.2,光照充足,全年无霜,四季常青,是中国少有的天然温室。Lingshui has the national road East Haiyu, Hainan Roundabout Expressway, and Hainan Roundabout Railway running through. Lingshui also has the high-speed ra

4、ilway station which is only 1 hours drive separately from Sanya International Airport and Boao Airport. The quality travel resources are mainly in the “1 hour traffic circle”, which has the unique advantage of transportation. The climate here belongs to tropical insular monsoon climate and the avera

5、ge temperature is always 25.2. Lingshui is absolutely the natural greenhouse with abundant sunshine, no frost all year and evergreen plants all seasons. 陵水具有丰富的人文和自然旅游资源。主要旅游景点有:分界洲岛(5A)(Boundary Island)、南湾猴岛(4A)(NanWan Monkey Islet)、椰田古寨(3A)、吊罗山国家森林公园、陵水县苏维埃政府遗址、顺德会馆、三昧寺、香水湾、清水湾、土福湾等。Lingahui is ab

6、undant in human and natural tourist resources. The mian tourist spots are Boundary Island (5A), NanWan Monkey Islet(4A), 椰田古寨(3A)、吊罗山国家森林公园、陵水县苏维埃政府遗址、顺德会馆、三昧寺、香水湾、清水湾、土福湾 and etc.揭牌成立Unveiling Ceremony陵水全域旅游服务中心于2016年7月27日正式揭牌成立,为游客提供旅游咨询、求助、投诉、12345政府服务热线、管理全县导游人员及为市民游客提供全方位旅游综合服务,提升旅游联合执法功能,净化旅游市

7、场环境,在增强旅游市场监管同时,结合海航城市候机楼的值机服务、租车等业务,给游客带来更方便、更快捷的服务体验。Lingshui Holistic Tourism Service Center was unveiled in July 27th ,2016, which serves to offer travel information, help, complaint, 12345 governmental service hotline, the management of the all-county tour guides and which provides the all-roun

8、d comprehensive tourism services for tourists. Meanwhile, it promotes the joint law enforcement of tourism and purify the market. As it strengthens the regulation of tourism market, it also offers HNA city terminal check-in service and car rental service, etc.陵水全域旅游服务中心位于陵水县东环高铁陵水站广场正南面,南临海南环岛东线高速公路

9、,中心内设10个部门,主要包括12345政府服务热线中心、陵水县公安局旅游警察大队、陵水县工商局旅游市场管理分局、旅游巡回法庭、旅游纠纷人民调解委员会、旅游联运职能部门办公区、新闻发布中心、旅游信息服务中心以及导游服务中心,将通过实施县旅游质监管理部门和旅游警察、旅游法庭、旅游工商分局“1+3”旅游综合管理模式,进一步优化旅游综合协调管理体制。Lingshui Holistic Tourism Service Center is located at the south of Lingshui Station Square of Eastern Island-looping High-spee

10、d Railway near the Hainan Island-looping Eastern Expressway in the south. There are 10 departments in the center, mainly including Lingshui Li Autonomous County 12345 Governmental Service Hotline, Tourism Police Brigade, Tourism Market Management Branch of the Administration for Industry and Commerc

11、e, Tourism Circuit Court, Peoples Mediation Committee of Tourism Disputes, 旅游联运职能部门办公区, News release center, Information Center and Tour Guide Service Center. The center will optimize the Integrated tourism management system through County Tourism Quality Supervision Department, Tourism Police, Tour

12、ism Court, “1+3” tourism comprehensive management mode of Tourism Sub-Administration for Industry and Commerce. 全域旅游服务中心是陵水开展“全域旅游”示范区创建工作的一个重要举措,下步陵水县委县政府将更好地发挥旅游业的龙头引擎作用,通盘谋划“全域旅游”一体化格局的发展,逐步完善城市旅游服务功能、旅游交通体系以及旅游休闲娱乐设施,打造成集城市购物休闲、餐饮休闲、娱乐休闲等功能于一体的“全域旅游”休闲城市。Lingshui Holistic Tourism Service Center

13、is an important measure of the building of demonstration zone. Next, the county government will play the leading role of the tourism industry and develop the Integration pattern of holistic tourism overall. The county government will also improve the city tourism service function, tourism transporta

14、tion system and recreation and leisure facilities step by step. The government will build Lingshui as a recreation city of Holistic Tourism combined with shopping, food and recreation.中心综合办公室Service Center Office负责综合协调县全域旅游服务中心建设和运营管理相关工作,包括协调进驻单位开展工作、跟踪和督查督办各项工作任务、全域旅游服务中心日常使用管理和后勤保障等。It is respons

15、ible for coordinating the building of Holistic Tourism Service Center and the related operation management, including coordinating the work of garrison companies, supervise all the work, the management and the logistics support of Holistic Tourism Service Center.12345 政府服务热线:12345 Governmental Service Hotline12345政府服务热线是陵水县政府统筹各种资源,为市民、游客提供求助、咨询、投诉、建议以及涉及日常生活、出行起居等非应急事务方面的24小时“一站式”电话咨询服务,是有问必答、有求必应的政府服务便捷通道。12345 Governmental Service Hotline is a 24 hour “one stop telephone consultation service for overall planning for all resources,

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