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2、及人本管理的实现途径。【关键词】人本管理情感管理现代企业【Abstract】With the development of a modern market economy, in order to better adapt to global economic trends, many companies are actively change their management to seek an enduring management. However, completely on its own to encourage competition in the market to surv

3、ive and develop even more difficult things. To realize their virtuous circle and sustainable development, it must be traditional management models and ideas to adjust the implementation of in-depth trend of the times of human management.The management of the human enterprise today there are many pro

4、blems to solve these problems requires a sound corporate incentives, employee involvement and corporate decision-making, build business and cultural core, to strengthen communication with staff, and building up the management features and effective emotional management, which the enterprise employee

5、s and the enterprises themselves are common development.The management of modern management than in the past has undergone great changes, which reflect management thinking first of all changes and updates in the management thought the premise of the management to achieve progress. Who made this mana

6、gement theory is the people management practices found in the form of various elements of production, human factors have greater plasticity, with huge potential, once the release of this energy, the vitality of enterprises will be greatly enhanced. Both physical and intellectual labor should contain

7、 elements, with advances in technology role in production increases, the intelligence factor has increasingly become the most important factor. Are producing the most active, the most active factor, and people quality and the size depends not only on physical strength, but also depends on the level

8、of human intelligence. Development of modern productive forces of labor structure is the non-physical, high-intelligent direction. The role of the labor factor in the gradual increase in intelligence and intelligence factors in modern scientific and technological knowledge and technical capacity has

9、 steadily increased. Improve the quality of people, intelligent and production efficiency, the key is to arm people to use modern science and technology. Therefore, the vitality of enterprises in size, depending on the development of the intellectual enterprise and management, that enhance the work

10、of humanistic management.Firstly it explains the principles of human management and the basic idea, the business people and enterprises of the Management of Human Management and then puts forward solutions and strategies, and human management of Realization.【KeyWords】Humanistic Management Emotion Ma

11、nagement Modern Enterprise目 录前言1第一章绪论21.1研究背景及目的21.2国内外研究状况31.3课题研究方法41.4论文构成及研究内容4第二章人本管理理论概述52.1人本管理的含义52.2人本管理的基本思想72.3确立现代企业人本管理理念47第三章现代企业人本管理的现状93.1现代企业人本管理的发展历程和趋势93.2现代企业中人本管理理论的缺陷113.3现代企业中人本管理方面存在的实际问题512第四章现代企业人本管理的机遇和挑战144.1企业人才流失严重,为企业人才的配置开发提供了条件和机遇。144.2企业人力资源竞争的压力,又有助于加快和推进企业人力资源管理体制

12、和管理方法的变革。154.3人力资源的比较优势,又为企业产业结构调整和人才资本储备注入活力。4.4多元文化的冲击和碰撞,又为企业人力资源管理的整合与调整带来契机。164.5人本管理被推上了历史舞台,面临重大挑战17第五章解决问题的途径和方法195.1改变观念,树立以人为本的企业理念195.2建立科学的激励机制205.3员工参与企业决策225.4构建企业文化核心245.5加强与员工的沟通245.6建立人本管理特色255.7有效运用情感管理26结 束 语28参考文献29致 谢3028前言随着科学技术,尤其是高新技术产业知识经济来临,规范与制度虽然依然存在,监控也仍有必要,但是其刚性大为削弱。因为规



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