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1、reach v. 到达cost v. 花费 free adj. 自由的helpless adj.无助的useless adj.无用的hope v. 希望taste v. 尝起来ticket n. 票keep v.保持二、重点词汇1. join verb /dn/ to connect or fasten things together连接;接合1). A long suspension bridge joins the two islands.一座长长的吊桥将两个岛屿连接起来。2). Join the two pieces together using strong glue.用强力胶把这两片

2、粘起来。3). The island is joined to the mainland by a road bridge.一座公路桥将小岛和大陆连接起来。2. arrive verb /rav/ to reach a place, especially at the end of a journey到达,抵达(尤指到达旅途的终点);到来;来临1). What time will your train arrive?你坐的火车什么时候到?2). It was dark by the time we arrived at the station.我们到站时,天都已经黑了。3. support v

3、erb /spt/ to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want him, her, or it to succeed支持;赞成;拥护;鼓励1). My father supported the LabourDemocratic Party all his life.我父亲毕生都拥护工党。2). The majority of people in the town strongly support the plans to build a new school.镇上的大部分人都强烈支持

4、修建旁路的计划。4. cheer verb /tr/ to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement欢呼;喝彩;鼓舞,振奋1). Everyone cheered as the winners received their medals.当优胜者接受奖牌时,大家都欢呼起来。2). He was cheering for the other side.他正为另一方喝彩。5. keep verb /kip/ kept, keptto have or continue to have in your possession保有;保存;保留1). Do

5、 you want this photograph back or can I keep it?你想要回这张照片,还是我留着它?2). Keep medicines in a locked cupboard (= store them there).将药存放在上锁的橱柜里。三、必备短语keep fit保持健康enjoy oneself玩得开心take a boat trip乘船旅行invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事on the way在路上arrive in/ at到达get off下车the whole world整个世界in front of在前面more than多于p

6、laces of interest名胜古迹by oneself独自look like看起来像tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事have a good time玩得开心look at each other彼此相望take place发生 take care 保重四、经典句型1. You need to exercise and keep fit.你需要锻炼并且要保持健康。2. Take care that you cant make the same mistake.注意你不能犯同样的错误。3. Yesterday Kittys teacher Mr. Wu invited

7、 me to join their school trip to the World Park.昨天,基蒂的老师,吴老师邀请我参加他们学校组织的到世界公园的旅行。4. All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.我们都迫不急待地下车了。5. There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world.这里有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。三点剖析一、考点:asas 的用法1. 表示西个人或物在某一方面(程度)相同时,用 “as+形容词/副词的原级+as”

8、来表示,意为“和一样”。Pelerisastall as Jim. 彼得和吉姆一样高。This book is as interesting as that one. 这本书和那本书一样有趣。2. 表示某人或物不如另一人或物时,用 “not as/ so+形容词/副词的原级+as” 表示,意为“不如”或者“不和一样”,可以和than句型进行转换。Swimming is not so/ as dangerous as diving.=Swimming is less dangerous than diving.游泳不如潜水那么危险。Engish is not so/ as diffiult as

9、 French.= English is less difficult than French. 英语没有法语难。Bill is not so/ as tall as Tom.= Bill is shorter than Tom.=Tom is taller than Bill.比尔不如汤姆高。(比尔比汤姆矮。/ 汤姆比比尔高。)二、易错点:反身代词的用法1.反身代词的含义:用来表示“某人自己”的代词叫反身代词。2.反身代词的形式:表示第一人称、第二人称和第三人称单数的反身代词。3.反身代词在句中的用法:1). 作宾语。反身代词常用在buy,hurt,enjoy,help,teach,wash

10、,look after 等动词或词组的后面作宾语,表示动作的对象是主语本身;也可以用在介词后面,作介词的宾语。He bought himself a watch yesterday. 昨天他给自己买了一块手表。He fell off the bike,but he didnt hurt himself badly. ats.She tried.他从自行车上摔下来,但伤得不重。2). 作同位语。反身代词可以作主语、宾语或表语的同位语,意为“亲自、本人”,起强调作用。在句中可放在名词、代词之后,也可放在句子末尾。I can work out this problem myself. 我能自己做出这

11、道题。I saw Mr.Green himself yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我见到了格林先生本人。3). 作表语。The man in the story is himself. 故事里的那个人就是他自己。4). 反身代词构成的一些常用短语有:hurt oneself伤到某人自己teach oneself 自学enjoy oneself 玩得愉快look afer oneelt照顾自己help oneself (to) 随便(吃/ 喝)leave sb by oneself 把某人单独留下by oneself 独自;单独foroneself独自;为自己题模精选题模一:

12、Unit 3 词汇应用例1.1.1 My cousin Andrew is crazy about doing many things by _.A herself B himself C him D her例1.1.2 用所给词的适当形式填空_ (luck) the famous temple was not damaged in the earthquake.题模二:asas的用法例1.2.1 Its not cool but it isnt as _ as yesterday.A hot B hotter C hottest D the hottest例1.2.2 根据汉语意思完成句子。

13、我的新车和你的一样贵。My new car is _ _ _ yours.随堂练习随练1.1 -When did they _ Shanghai?-At five yesterday.A reached B got to C arrive at D arrive in随练1.2 Its cold outside. Youd better _ your coat and scarf.A work out B put out C have on D put on随练1.3 All of them are _ at the _ news.A excited; excited B exciting;C excited; exciting D exciting; exciting随练1.4 I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed _ at the dancing party.A themselves C herself D myself 随练1.5 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There are a lot of tall _ ( build) in the modern town.2

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