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1、计,密谋策划,阴谋) to make himself king. 7. The books unusual title intrigued(激起某人的好奇心) me into reading it. 8. He placed his right hand on the Bible as he spoke the oath (誓言,誓约)of office. 9. They had to postpone (延期,推迟)their trip because of rain. 10. The cat took refuge (避难所,庇护)from the dog behind a tree. 1

2、1. It took her a long time to regain (恢复)her health. 12. Their hope of finding him alive was shattered (毁坏,砸碎,粉碎)when his dead body was found. 13. At school, the other children always teased(取笑,戏弄) me because I was fat. 14. He tilted(使倾斜) his chair back too far and fell on the floor. 15. Do you have

3、 the English version英译版 (1.描述,说法,看法 2.版本,形式3.译文,剧本)of this book? 16. Your version of the accident differs from that of the other witness. 17. His belief that he was too clever to be caught in his wrongdoing was absurd. 18. After ten years his alien speech was still noticeable. 19. She is an amicable

4、(友好的 )girl and gets along with everyone in the office. 20. In most countries the sale of liquor(酒,烈性酒) to children is banned.ban(取缔,查封,禁止,禁令) 21. “the sweet temper” is a figurative(形象的,比喻的) expression, but “sweet coffee” is not. 22. Her wedding ring is made of genuine(真的,非人造的) diamond. 23. They hois

5、t(升起,吊起,把举起) the national flag at six oclock every moring. Hoist the flag(升旗,宣布占领发现新的土地) 24. The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the traffic accident. 25. The house was built on a massive(大块的,大量的) rock. 26. There was only a piece of stale(不新鲜的,味道变坏的) cake left in the refrigerator(冰箱). 27. Mos

6、t flowers will not thrive (长的健壮,兴盛,兴隆)without water and sunshine. 28. They buy at wholesale (批发的,大规模的,批发)and sell at retail(零售). 29. The baby is always annoying his sister by pulling her hair. 30. We celebrated Christmas with trees and presents. 31. The unsociable(不爱交际的) person is hardly fit for a d

7、iplomat(外交官,有手腕的人,善于交际的人). 32. It is impossible to foresee(预知,预见)whether shell be well enough to come home from hospital next month. 33. We couldnt induce(引诱,劝导) the old lady to travel by air. 34. Our country is in great danger; we must mobilize(动员,调动,鼓励) the army. 35. Mr. Eisenhower preceded(在之前,先于

8、) Mr. Kennedy as president of the United States. 36. Some people believe that mans destiny(命运) is predetermined. 37. Making resolutions(决定,决心) on New Years Day is a custom that still prevails(盛行,流行). 38. Her subtle(微妙的,难以琢磨的,狡猾的,狡诈的,敏感的,敏锐的) smile made him curious. 39. The man transacts many affairs

9、 connected with the purchase of a home. 40. Helping the enemies of ones country is an apparent treason(不忠,叛逆,谋反,叛国罪). 41. How can we utilize his knowledge and skill to our advantage? 42. She wore a flower on the bosom of her dress. 43. When a person has successfully completed a certain course of stu

10、dy, he is given a diploma by the school. 44. The meeting between the mother and her blind son was dramatic. 45. The strong fumes of the automobile exhaust nearly choked him. 46. “hurrah!” they shouted as the team scored again. 47. In the museum there is a miniature of the ship”Mayflower.” 48. The ch

11、ild was playing on the floor with his collection of miniature farm animals. 49. On her birthday her arms were filled with gift parcels. 50. The pill stuck in his throat but an extra drink of water washed it down. 51. The students made a big racket as they left the school. 52. The poet used the word

12、”flight” as a rhyme for the word “night.” 53. The man looks terrible; he has many scars on his cheeks. 54. There are many famous sculptures in the museum. 55. When I read a book, I usually skip over the uninteresting part. 56. Lesson 2 57. The town has recently purchased some new fire-fighting appar

13、atus. 58. The witness asserted that the salesman was dishonest. 59. He was pleased that he was assigned such an easy task in the company. 60. He gave me a new knife to compensate for the one of mine he lost. 61. He would deem it an honor if the minister came to see him. 62. Freedom of action is one

14、of the inviolable rules of human behavior. 63. He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals. 64. The beating of a drum on the battlefield stimulated the soldiers to fight more bravely. 65. Boys have a stronger tendency to fight than girls. 66. He testified that the car was being driven slowly at the time of the accident. 67. Each year, many foreign tourists visit Taiwan for sight-seeing. 68. Their furniture was chosen for utility rather than for elegance. 69. Too much alcohol makes

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