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1、A.句子理解:听句子,从所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画。(每小题读两遍)B对话理解:根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。(每段对话读两遍)第一节 听下面6段短对话,回答第6至11小题。6What day is it today? ATuesday BWednesday CThursday7Whats the womans hobby? AFishing BSwimming C Hiking8How is the weather in March in Tianjin? AWindy BMild CRainy9. Where does the conversa

2、tion most probably happen? AIn a bookshop BIn a restaurant C.In a clothing shop10What does the marl mean? ASomeone else will take the seat BThe woman can take the seat CThe man will take the seat himself11How old is the girl? AFour BNine CThirteen第二节 听下面三段长对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。听第1段长对话,回答第12至14小

3、题。12How far is the History Museum? A.About 4 kilometers away BAbout 5 kilometers away. CAbout 6 kilometers away13How will the woman go to the museum? ABy bike. BOn foot CBy bus14when does the museum open in the morning? AAt 8:00 BAt 8:30 C.At 9:00听第2段长对话,回答第15至17小题。15.What kind of home does Li Wei l

4、ive in? AA farmhouse BA townhouse CAn apartment building16Which floor does Jane live on? AThe second floor BThe fourth floor CThe eighth floor17Who is looking for an apartment? AAlan BJanes parents CLi Weis parents听第3段长对话,回答第18至20小题。1 8Where will they study together this evening? AIn the classroom B

5、In Lindas house CIn Nicks house19Who will help Nick with his chemistry? A.Linda BSimon CNicks teacher20When will they go to the library? AAt noon BIn the afternoon CIn the eveningC短文理解:听短文,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍)21The farmer had_lambs Atwo Bthree Cfour22The white lambs thought the black lamb was_ Afriendly B

6、.ugly Cbeautiful23The farmer gave bad food to _ . Athe black lamb Bthe white lambs Call the lambs24The lambs couldnt find the way home on a_ day . Arainy Bwindy C.snowy25The farmer found the lambs as soon as he_ . Asaw the black one Bsaw the white ones Cheard the sound of the lambsD. 表格填空:根据你所听到的短文内

7、容,填写下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)Information about a 26._ concert Name of band 27._ Moon .Telephone number 28._ .Price of the tickets300 yuan for an adult and 29._ yuan for a kid .Rules Dont 30._ or take your pets into the hall 1I单项选择(每小题1分计15分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳答案。3 1-whats this in English,Maria ? -Its _mapAa

8、Ban C. The 32They are in the same school,_in different classes Aand Bor Cbut33一Wow , so many coins here! 一Right!My father is fond of_coins.Acollect Bcollects Ccollecting 34一Excuse me,may I ask you a question? 一Sure,_ .Ago ahead Byoud better not CI hope so35In his_,Wilson returned to his hometown and

9、 began to teach .Athirty Bthirties Cthirtieth36一Last night I didnt watch the TV show,A Bite of China 2. 一_ did II was preparing for todays test thenASo BEither CNeither37一We dont have enough money for our field trip .What shall we do? 一The best way_money is to sell newspapers Araise Bto raise Craisi

10、ng38Since Project Hope started,it _ millions of children to come back to school Ahas helped Bhelped Cis helping39一_beautiful blouse she is wearing! 一But it doesnt look good against her skin AWhat BWhat a CHow【答案】B【解析】 40一A childs family background brings him or her a bright future 一Not really . A st

11、udy shows that reading for pleasure plays a more important _.Apart Bgame Cjoke41一Climate change_mainly by too much CO 2 in the air 一So I think the key is to produce electricity without creating CO2 Ais caused Bcaused Ccauses42When seeing Sign _,we have to drive straight考点:考查常识。43一British engineer,Ti

12、m Berners-Lee_the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 一Youre right,and the World Wide Web is 25 years old this year Acaught up with Bgot along with Ccame up with44. There are some words_can cross countries and cultures,such as“OK”“Huhand“mama”Awhat Bwhich C45一Chinas first moon carYutu”has arrived on

13、the moon surface 一_ Its a huge step for our space explorationAMy pleasure! B.Good idea ! C.How exciting!完形填空(每小题15分,计15分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Its after 10:00 a.m and the kids are still sleepingIts Sundaya traditional day of 46 Most people have at least one day a week to take a restSome use t

14、hat time to go to church,while some usually sleep in,watch TV,giving themselves the gift of a 47 day. We need to give ourselves a break ,and a little rest works well for almost 48 It doesnt really matter what the activity isThe idea is to give our body, mind ,and heart a chance to 49 If we keep going at full s

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