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1、完整word版final essay#The disappearing of Entrepreneurship is a grateful development in the modern history. Since the first industry revolution, technologies, economies, and policies was constantly developing and the enterprises, which are referred to the small and media sized enterprises (SMEs) now, a

2、ppeared. Until now, the SMEs occupy most of the market in and economies. For instants, 99% firms or companies are SMEs in Europe (European Commission, 2009). They exist and develop relying on innovations and creativities. At the same time, 40% to 50% of GDP in global are contributed by these firms (

3、Government of India, 2006). Entrepreneurship, innovation and economy are developed depending on each other. The innovations define the entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship devote to economic development. While economies influence the environment in which enterprises and innovations can be evolved.

4、 This essay will discuss the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation and economic development, also analyzes the role of creativity and problem solving in this relationship.#The first point is what entrepreneurship is and what innovation is. Entrepreneurship is defined by economist in d

5、ifferent ways. From the 16th century to 17th century, Richard Cantillon and Jean Baptiste Say define that the entrepreneurship is a process that people buy things at lower price and the sell them in a higher price (Iumsdaine and Binks, 2007). After the late of 17th century, Josrph Schumpeter and Hav

6、ey Leibenstein found that entrepreneurship is a combination of different elements, which is all the possible factors of productionlabor, capital, technologies and so on (Deakins and Freel, 2006;# Iumsdaine and Binks, 2007). This kind of combination is based on something new. The entrepreneurs invent

7、 new technologies, create new products and services or even emerge a new industry by devoting time, energy and money, assuming the risk and uncertain, getting a desirable or unsuccessful resulting with money and peoples attitudes (Lumsdaine and Binks, 2007;# Hisrich, Peter and Shepherd, 2010). This

8、process is called entrepreneurial process. Except the definition above,three main opinions are debating in this industry, that is, entrepreneurs are risk taker, entrepreneurs are reactive, and entrepreneurs alter economic development. Innovation for a product or service is not the definition people

9、think as usually, to find a “real new”, is a kind of new from the old, such as the jeans which are popular in fashion now. The ideas for innovation can come from any aspect in the world, environmental issues, energy, economic, social, or even health and internet. Customers complaint for the existing

10、 product and services, relevant governmental organizations and visions in the market are also main recourses for new innovation ideas. Entrepreneurs usually develop a new business from generating ideas, then focus on one point, analyze and put it into practice. #For the relationship between entrepre

11、neurship and innovation, the concept of entrepreneurial progress has to be mentioned again. There are four stages in this process, (1) finding and evaluating a problem with a business idea, (2) making a business plan, (3) utilizing available resources and production, and (4) management the finished

12、enterprise. Moreover, in this process, the entrepreneurs should have the personalities that are taking risk, autonomy, controlling ability, vision, creativity, innovation and so on (Deakins and Freel, 2006). However, if the process is observed as whole, innovation is mentioned over and over again an

13、d creativity plays a important role for this program as well. And this innovation is famous as disruptive innovation, also creative destruction. That means entrepreneurs should destroy the old products or markets and invent a new one from the destroyed one. Innovators destruct, invent, commercialize

14、, and permanent change (Lumsdaine and Binks, 2007). According to the Schumpeters theory, a successful entrepreneurship is a process that the logjams are broken down, and innovation is utilized to replace the old, exist products. However, entrepreneurs are not innovator. They not only innovate from t

15、he basic science, but also find what the market needs, focus how the market and new product develop, manufacture the product, and put into market (Deakins and Freel, 2003). Although 80% of small business started by entrepreneurs show that innovation is importance, technological innovation is not eno

16、ugh for entrepreneurship to increase the wealth and value of market. By reasons that nobody can predict what will occurred to the innovation result, and also unsuitable change to come into market, political barriers, and insufficient knowledge about the market industry will prevent from success. An example of failure is the vista system produced by Microsoft. Vista is a good innovation for the computer system development. It exceeded the XP system in both appearance and performance, while t

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