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1、作弊12. perfect adj.完美的;极好的13. concern v.涉及;关心 14. personal adj.个人的;私人的15. merciful adj.仁慈的 merciless adj.残忍的16. precious adj.珍贵的17. enthusiastic adj.热情的18. relative adj.相关的;n.亲属19. selfless adj.无私的 selfish adj.自私的 20. communicate v.交际;沟通1. be concerned about关心;挂念2. build up true friendship 建立真正的友谊3.

2、get along with与相处;进展4. fall in love with 相爱;爱上 5. promote friendship with 增进同的友谊6. think highly /much of 对评价很高7. help (sb.) out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境8. turn to sb. for help向某人求助 9. be crazy about 对狂热10. know sb. well 熟知某人11. make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友12. a strong personality 很强的个性 13. form a friendship with

3、sb.与某人建立友谊14. trust each other 相互信任 15. share happiness and sorrows with sb.与某人同甘共苦16. be loyal to 对忠诚 17. get /keep in touch with sb. 取得/保持同某人的联系18. look down upon 看不起;轻视18. look after/take care of 照顾20. keep ones promise/word守信用 话题二1. grammar n.语法2. dialect n.方言3. accent n.口音4. sentence n.句子5. usa

4、ge n.使用,用法 use vt./n. 使用6. expression n.词语,表达 7. command vt./n.命令,指令8. vocabulary n.词汇9. pronunciation n.发音10. gradually adv.逐渐地 11. enrich vt.使充实,使丰富12. official adj.官方的,正式的 official 文官 officer 武官13. conquer vt.占领,征服14. actually adv.事实上15. benefit vt.受益 be beneficial to对有益16. fluent adj.流利的17. reco

5、gnize vt.认出,承认 recognition n. 认出,承认18. frequent adj.频繁的,经常的19. request vt./n.要求,请求20. standard n.标准 meet/ reach a standard 达到标准1.language learning strategies语言学习策略 2.form the habit of reading养成阅读习惯3.attitudes to learning学习态度4.make use of 利用 5.English speech contest 英语口语比赛6. play a part in 扮演角色, 充当作用

6、7. have a good command of 精通8. keep a diary in English 写英语日记9. look up a word in a dictionary 查字典 10. the effective ways to do sth.有效的方法 11. refer to/ consult a dictionary 查字典 12. believe it or not信不信由你13. reading comprehension 阅读理解14. has an advantage over 比有优势15. writing skills 写作技巧16.enlarge ones

7、 vocabulary 扩大词汇量17.develop ones interest 培养兴趣18.reading skills/strategies/abilities.阅读技能/策略/能力 19. express oneself in English fluently用英语流利表达思想 20. give us advice on how to learn English 给我们提供如何学英语的建议话题三1. transport n.运送,运输2. prefer v.更喜欢 prefer A to B 比起更喜欢prefer to do A rather than do B 同上3. disa

8、dvantage n.不利条件4. fare n.费用 5. cycle n.骑自行车6. finally ad v.最后7. schedule n.时间表 on schedule 按时8. ancient adj.古代的 9. organize v.组织 organizer 组织者 organization 机构,组织10. journey n.旅游11.modern adj.现代的 adj.安全的 safety n. 安全13.parcel n.包裹 n.保险 ensure/ make sure vt. 确保15.view n.风景16. scener

9、y n.景色17. temple n.庙宇18. cave n.洞穴19. everywhere adv.到处20. traffic n.交通 traffic jams 交通堵塞1. be considered as/to be 被认为是 2. foreign customs and habits 外国风俗习惯3. to/ in/ off the south of.在的南面4. with the development of. 随着的发展5. show great interest in 对很感兴趣 be interested in 同上6. from ancient to modern ti

10、mes 从古到今7. fly 从飞到 8. a dream trip 梦想之旅9. cycle along. 骑自行车沿着10. an interesting experience 一次有趣经历11. be located/situated in;lie in 位于12. a place of interest 名胜13. with a long history of 有悠久历史14. be famous/well-known for 因为著名 be famous/well-known as 作为著名15. have a population of. 人口有(谓语) with

11、 a population of 有人口(状语) 16. modern transportation 现代交通17. from home and abroad 来自国内外 at home and abroad 在国内外18. be rich/ abundant in natural resources 自然资源丰富19. one of the most famous capitals 最著名的首都之一20. play an important part in. 在起重要作用话题四1. hurricane n.飓风2. typhoon n.台风3. tornado n.龙卷风4. drought

12、 n. 干旱5. alarm n.警报 alarmed adj. 担心的;害怕的 be alarmed at/ by 担心/ 害怕6. humid adj.潮湿的7. humidity n.湿气,湿度8. phenomenon n.现象9. shake v./ n. 摇;震动 shake- shook- shaken 不规则变化10. burst vi. 爆发;爆炸 burst into sth/ burst out doing 突然 11. ruin n. 废墟 in ruins 成废墟12. injure vt. 损害 injury n. 损害 the injured n. 伤员13. d

13、estroy vt. 破坏;毁坏 destruction n. 破坏destructive adj. 毁灭性的 14. useless adj. 无用的useful adj. 有用的15. shock vt. 使震惊 shocked 感到震惊的 shocking 令人震惊的 16. quake n. 地震17. rescue n.救援 rescue work/ worker n.救援工作/ 工作人员 18. disaster n. 灾难19. shelter n. 掩蔽;弊身处20. bury vt. 埋 be buried in 忙于 21. damage vt. / n. 破坏;损坏 do

14、 damage to 对造成伤害22. frightened adj. 害怕的 frightening adj. 吓人的1. thunder and lightning 雷电交加2. weather forecast 天气预报3. greenhouse effect 温室效应4. global warming 全球变暖5. right away 立刻;马上6. calm down 平静下来7. burst out 爆发;突然 8.burst into 突然 9. in ruins 废墟10. dig out 挖掘 dig into 深入研究11. give out 分发;发出 give up 放弃 give in 屈服 give away 赠送;泄漏12. prepare for 为做准备13. inst

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