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1、牛津译林版备考小升初英语易错易混卷二D卷牛津译林版备考2020年小升初英语易错易混卷(二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 按要求完成下列各题。 (共10题;共16分)1. (1分)The elephant is _ (heavy) than the dog.2. (1分)welcome:_Some people are on the train.3. (1分)A: Are you going to_?B: Yes, I am.4. (2分)一What did you have for supper?一 I_a_.

2、5. (1分) _ 6. (1分)Im from the _(USA/ Australia). 7. (2分)那辆车是他的吗?不,它是我的。Is that car _? No, its _.8. (3分)He is_ _ _. 9. (3分)(打乒乓球) _10. (1分)How many music rooms _there? 二、 根据句意或汉语提示完成句子或对话。 (共10题;共45分)11. (5分)选出相对应的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。(_)1.What color is the window? A. Sit down, please.(_)2.Stand up, please.

3、 B. Its a robot.(_)3.Whats this? C. Good morning.(_)4.Good morning. D. OK, Miss Li.(_)5.Dont open the book. E. Its yellow.12. (1分)Which month is after January?_13. (1分)I often wash my clothes on the_(weekend/weekends). 14. (2分)My mother woke me up at six this morning. (般疑问句)_your mother _you up at s

4、ix this morning?15. (25分)从方框中选出合适的答语A. Yes,she is.B. Its Tom.C. Yes,she does.D. No,he doesnt.E. No,I dont.(1)Whos that? (2)Does Amy go to school on Saturdays? (3)Is your mother at home? (4)Does he play football on Mondays? (5)Do you play basketball on Mondays? 16. (4分)句子仿写。例: Do you want some rice?Y

5、es, please.(1) Do you want some fish?_(2) Do you want some noodles?_(3) Do you want some milk?_(4) Do you want some eggs?_17. (1分)Chinas National Day is_(at, in, on)October 1st.18. (4分)读句子,选择对应的中文释义。Whose white jacket is it? _ A.这是你的短裙吗?My shoes are blue. _ B.它是谁的白色夹克?Is this your skirt? _ C.我喜欢那件黄衬

6、衫。I like the yellow shirt. _ D.我的鞋子是蓝色的。19. (1分)How is he going there?(plane)_20. (1分)Thursday is his_(fifthfive) birthday.三、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)21. (2分)_ is it? Its my brothers. A . Whose bedroomB . Whos bedroomC . Whoes bedroom22. (2分)How heavy are you? A . Im OK.B . Im fine, thank you.C . I am 48 k

7、ilograms.23. (2分)_ drink my milk. A . NotB . DontC . Would24. (2分)Its time go to school. A . forB . toC . at25. (2分)_ you Bill? A . AreB . IsC . are26. (2分)If you are ill, you should . A . do more exercisesB . wear warm clothesC . see a doctorD . take a deep breath27. (2分)What _ does Li Ming like?He

8、 likes English. It is fun.A . subjectB . subjectsC . a subject28. (2分)Whats your favourite activity in PE lessons? A . I like PEB . I can play footballC . I like playing basketball29. (2分) are you going to go to Shanghai?This afternoon.A . WhereB . WhenC . Who30. (2分)How many caps do you see? A . I

9、see twelve. B . I see fourteen.四、 填空题。 (共1题;共7分)31. (7分)将句子重新排序,形成一段完整通顺的对话。(_)Hello, Sam.(_)Yes, it is.(_)Hello, Bobby.(_)Its blue. Its nice.(_)Is it a robot?(_)What color?(_)Whats that?五、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共26分)32. (3分)仿照例子,写一写例: a lake, in the parkIs there a lake in the park? Yes, there is./

10、No, there isnt.(1)a river, behind the house _(2)a boat, on the river _(3)a tree, in front of the house _33. (5分)选择正确的答语。Do you know the Great Wall?_How do you go there?_How long is Wusi Road?_How old is your mother?_How do you feel?_A. Take a bus.B. I feel tired.C. She is 40 years old.D. Yes,I do.E.

11、 Its about 1000 metres.34. (1分)Three_ (cola) please.35. (4分)I always_(上舞蹈课)with my friends on Sundays. 36. (2分)抄写下列句子。In spring the flowers are beautiful._I can swim in the river._37. (5分)读句子,将问句和答句连线。Whats your name? _A. Im ten years old.I want to be your friend. _B. Me, too.Which class are you in?

12、 _C. My name is Mike.Do you like computer class? _D. Yes, I do.How old are you? _E. Im in class three.38. (1分)There_(be) five dogs on the farm three days ago.39. (3分)She can_.40. (1分)Where is My _?41. (1分)They often _ (get) up early.六、 找出下列句子或对话中错误的一项并改正。 (共5题;共10分)42. (1分)_people are there in your family? There are five. 43. (1分)Im in the_44. (1分)找出错误,并改正。_Please gives me the gold.45. (5分)用“have, has”或者“there

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