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1、号:沪府发201371号Document Number:Hu Fu Fa 2013 No.71颁布时间:Promulgating Date:09/29/2013实施时间:Effective Date:10/01/2013效力状态:Validity Status:有效Valid 第一章总则 Chapter 1: General Provisions 第一条 为规范中国(上海)自由贸易试验区(以下简称“自贸试验区”)外商投资项目管理制度,根据中国(上海)自由贸易试验区总体方案,制定本办法。 Article 1 These Measures are formulated pursuant to th

2、e Overall Plan for the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone with a view to standardizing the management system of foreign investment projects in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the FTZ). 第二条 本办法适用于自贸试验区内实行备案制管理的外商投资项目。自贸试验区项目备案管理范围包括:自贸试验区外商投资准入特别管理措施(负面清单)之外

3、的中外合资、中外合作、外商独资、外商投资合伙、外国投资者并购境内企业、外商投资企业增资等各类外商投资项目(国务院规定对国内投资项目保留核准的除外)。法律、法规另有规定的,从其规定。 Article 2 These Measures shall apply to foreign investment projects within the FTZ that are subject to record-filing management.Projects subject to record-filing management within the FTZ shall include Sino-fo

4、reign equity joint ventures, Sino-foreign cooperative joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, foreign-invested partnerships, merger and acquisition (M&A) of domestic enterprises by foreign investors, increase of capital by foreign-invested enterprises and other various types of foreign inv

5、estment projects other than those subject to special market entry management measures for foreign investment in the FTZ (i.e. those included on the negative list), but shall exclude domestic investment projects for which verification and approval shall be retained as prescribed by the State Council.

6、The provisions otherwise prescribed by laws and regulations shall prevail. 第三条 属于国家安全审查范围的外商投资项目,需按照有关规定进行安全审查。 Article 3 Foreign investment projects falling under the scope of national security review shall be subject to security review in accordance with relevant provisions. 第四条 自贸试验区管理委员会为自贸试验区外商

7、投资项目备案机构(以下称“项目备案机构”),负责自贸试验区外商投资项目备案和监督管理。第二章项目备案程序 Article 4 The Management Committee of the FTZ shall be the record-filing agency for foreign investment projects in the FTZ (hereinafter referred to as the Record-filing Agency), and shall be responsible for the record-filing, supervision and admin

8、istration of foreign investment projects in the FTZ.Chapter 2: Project Record-Filing Procedures 第五条 自贸试验区项目备案管理范围内的外商投资项目申请人(以下称“备案申请人”)填写并上报自贸试验区外商投资项目备案表相关信息,同时向项目备案机构提交下列材料:(一)中外投资各方的企业注册证(营业执照)、商务登记证(个人投资者提供个人身份证明);(二)投资各方签署的投资意向书,增资、并购项目的公司董事会决议或相关出资决议;(三)房地产权证,或土地中标通知书(或土地成交确认书、或国有建设用地使用权出让合同)

9、,或租赁协议;(四)根据有关法律法规,应提交的其他相关材料。备案申请人对所提交申请材料内容的真实性负责。同步申报项目备案和企业设立(变更)的,按照自贸试验区“一表申报、一口受理”机制办理。 Article 5 The applicant for a foreign investment project falling under the scope of project record-filing management of the FTZ (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant) shall fill out and submit the reco

10、rd-filing form for foreign investment projects of the FTZ, and submit the following materials to the Record-filing Agency:(1) The enterprise registration certificate (business license) and business registration certificate (or personal identity proofs for natural person investors) of each domestic a

11、nd foreign investor;(2) The letter of investment intent signed by all investors, or the resolution of the companys board of directors or the relevant resolution on capital contribution for a project of capital increase or M&A;(3) The real estate ownership certificate, or the notice of award of land

12、bidding (or land transaction confirmation certificate, or the contract on transfer of the right to use State-owned construction land), or the lease agreement; and(4) Other relevant materials that shall be submitted in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations.The Applicant shall be responsible

13、for the truthfulness of the application materials submitted.Where an Applicant applies for the record-filing of a project and for the establishment (change) of an enterprise at the same time, the FTZs mechanism of submitting applications by a single form, and accepting applications in a one-stop man

14、ner shall be adopted. 第六条 项目备案机构应在收到申请材料之日起10个工作日内,向备案申请人出具自贸试验区外商投资项目备案意见(以下简称“项目备案意见”)。对不违反法律、法规,符合国家产业政策规定,属于自贸试验区外商投资项目备案管理范围的外商投资项目,项目备案机构应予以备案。不予备案的,应在项目备案意见中说明理由。 Article 6 The Record-filing Agency shall, within ten working days upon receipt of the application materials, issue to the relevant Applicant the record-filing opinions on foreign investment projects of the FTZ (hereinafter referred to as the Record-filing Opinions

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