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1、 in spite of“尽管”;on account of“由于,因为”。2It is not what you are thinking about but how you can put it into _ that counts.Apractice Battempt Cpermission Daccount重要的不是你所想的,而是你如何能够付诸实践。put.into practice“将付诸行动”。3Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _schedules to make it easier to care for the

2、ir children.Aheavy Bsmooth Cflexible Dplex答案C句意:在外上班的母亲的日程计划应具有弹性,这样可以使照看孩子更加容易。heavy“重的,超出一般的”;smooth“平滑的,平稳的”;flexible“灵活的,可变动的”;plex“复杂的”。4In China,women who remain single in their thirties are often _ as“leftover women”by relatives and the media.Aobjected to Bpointed toCturned to Dreferred to答案D

3、句意:在中国,30多岁时仍单身的女性常被亲戚和媒体称为“剩女”。refer把称为;object to反对;point to指向;turn to向求助。5Dont give me _ answers to these questions.What I want is your creative ideas.Aconventional BunconditionalCpermanent Dfrequent不要给我这些问题的常规答案。我想要的是你们有创意的想法。conventional传统的,常规的;unconditional无条件的;permanent永久的;frequent频繁的。6

4、Not until we saw the manager did we know that the bank _ the pany for the purpose of reducing its borrowings.Atook part in Bcaused damage toCput pressure on Ddrew attention to直到我们见到经理,我们才知道为了减少借贷,银行对这家公司施加了压力。put pressure on给施加压力;take part in参加;cause damage to对造成危害;draw attention to引起对的注意。7Nowadays

5、a growing number of people go to work by bike.Bicycling is good exercise;_ it doesnt pollute the air.Atherefore BmoreoverChowever Dotherwise答案B句意:“现在,越来越多的人骑自行车上班。”“骑自行车是很好的运动,而且不污染空气。”moreover此外,而且;therefore因此;however然而;otherwise否则。8Ladies and gentlemen,I have the great _ of introducing our speaker

6、 for tonight.Aconsequence Bprivilege Cpreference Dfavour女士们先生们,我非常荣幸地介绍我们今晚的演讲者。have the privilege of doing sth“很荣幸做某事”。consequence“后果”;preference“偏爱”;favour“支持,赞成”。9Its said that Tom has decided to give up teaching._To be a teacher has been his dream since childhood.AI guess so. BForget it.CThats n

7、ot the point. DThat cant be true.答案D根据后面的回答“当老师是汤姆自孩童时期就有的梦想”可知选D(那不可能是真的)。10No matter how I tried to read it,the sentence didnt _ to me.Aunderstand Bmake outCturn out Dmake sense答案Dmake sense “讲得通;有意义”,符合句意。.阅读理解Many people are quick to say that television has little,or no,educational value.It is t

8、rue that there are lots of programmes which are pletely pointless,take Big Brother for example.However,I would also argue that some television programmes can improve our knowledge of certain things.Here are a few of my favourite shows,each of which has some educational value:Blue Peter:As a child,th

9、is was one of the only programmes I was allowed to watch.The crafts on the show were always funny,and you would often learn about different countries around the globe,for example,one presenter went to the Amazon rainforest in South America!As the show is aimed at children,it should be fairly easy to

10、 watch for learners with a basic level of English.The Great British Bake Off:This show is all about making cakes,biscuits,pastries and pies.The aim is to find Britains best amateur (this means not professionally trained) baker.You can watch the show to get some ideas of new things to try baking,and

11、the recipes are often available online.Frozen Planet:David Attenborough has produced many wildlife documentaries.This one is about life in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.I love this show not only because of the cute animals in it,but also because it teaches us about the impact we have on the plane

12、t and what we need to do to save these regions.David Attenborough narrates each episode;because he speaks clearly and slowly his shows might be of interest to English language learners.Pointless:Contrary to what its name might suggest,this show is great for making you think.It is a general knowledge

13、 quiz show.Each round will feature a different category (,music and films)and a topic will be given,for example,“Teams which have won the World Cup”Ive learnt lots of trivia from this show!【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了若干有趣且有教育意义的电视节目,其中包括Blue Peter,The Great British Bake Off,Frozen Planet和Pointless。

14、1The writer mentions Big Brother to tell us that _Amany people like watching TVBmany TV programmes are meaninglessCit is a popular educational programmeDthere are a lot of programmes for us to choose答案B推理判断题。第一段第二句中的pointless可以推知,许多电视节目是毫无意义的。2The writer likes watching Frozen Planet probably because he/she _Acares about natural environmentBis good at ge

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