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1、拿Take a closer look at the cupboard on the left.拿左边柜子里的Pick up the Sugar and the Cocoa to add it to your inventory.糖、可可粉Youve now got all the ingredients to make the cocoa.点击右边炉子,放上奶锅,放入所有配料,点击Click the knob to boil and prepare the cocoa.点击旋钮桌子桌右侧抽屉里拿两把茶匙热可可奶Click on the center island for another cl

2、ose-up view.热Pour the cocoa into each of the blue mugs, then place a spoon inside each.倒入桌上的两只蓝色杯子,放入茶匙,Exit the kitchen back into the living room到客厅,移好桌上的拼图到大到厅,拿弹珠拿弹珠放入桌上的Click on the bowl on the table on the right for a closer view.弹碗里Place the marbles from your inventory inside the bowl.Time to

3、resume the check on the twins.Go Upstairs.上楼,点击房门把手,回客厅,拿桌上的Pick up the Newspaper lying on the table, then take a closer look at the purse in the corner.报纸和包里的指甲锉上Upstairs楼,报纸放于门下,指甲锉用于钥匙孔,用钥匙开门,点击A Mirror?镜子, Click on the left arrow, then enter the Bathroom.点击左边的箭头,进入卫生间,下面柜子里拿抹布、清洁剂用抹布、清洁剂擦干净镜子,进入

4、主人的房间,查看空白墙壁,放上镜子,到大厅,柜子里拿榔头Take a closer look at the workspace on the left.左边拿钉子Use the Nail, followed by the Hammer to replace the bent nail.使用钉子、榔头,查看点击镜子的背面The cord behind the mirror broke!到卫生间,拿绷带用绷带连好用镜子背面的绳子,再挂上墙,出门查看墙上的碎盘子,拿碎片大厅的柜子里拿Youre going to need Glue in order to fix the plate, too, so

5、 proceed downstairs into the Closet.大厅胶水拼好Take a closer look at the broken plate to the right of the Parents Room door again.拼盘子,胶水涂过所有的裂缝Enter the Parents Room.进入主人的房间,查看右边的抽屉,拿物品放Return to the close-up of the make up case.放回到正确的位置The solution is shown below:点击Its probably best to check on the twin

6、s again.点击双胞胎的房门,进入卫生间,点击凳子上的蜥蜴,到厨房,桌子右侧抽屉拿Find the Chopstick inside and add it to your inventory.筷子大厅的Enter the Closet.大柜子里拿绳子Go Upstairs to the Parents Room.到主人的房间,床头上拿发箍Now you can finally assemble a net!到卫生间,查看凳子,放上发箍、筷子、绳子,用网抓蜥蜴抓蜥蜴Its location is shown below:抓蜥蜴,有两只Its location is shown below:大

7、厅的柜子里,抓最后一只蜥蜴Its location is shown below:Return to the Upstairs, outside the Twins Room.上楼,蜥蜴放入双胞胎房门口的玻璃容器里进Enter the Twins Room.进入双胞胎的房间,到客厅,查看桌子,拿纸片在Return to the close-up of the table.在桌上拼好纸片点击Once reassembled, pick up the phone on the right and dial the number as it appears on the note.点击电话,拨打55

8、57896进入大到厅右边的藏书室,点击墙上的画,查看保险箱,查看办公桌的抽屉,拼盒子上的图案,点击密码纸查看查看书架左侧面板,移动至右上书架上小游戏,点击所有能亮的书目按钮(图示随机),拿保险柜钥匙钥匙插入保险柜,右边放上密码纸,输入The box will open and reveal a key.输入密码195372,查看图纸进入Go back upstairs to the Twins Room.进入双胞胎的房间,点击墙纸,查看电梯面板,查看桌子,拿珠子Find them to activate the puzzle: their locations are shown below:珠

9、子放入桌上的盒子,进行小游戏Click on the box once again for a closer look, then place the beads youve found onto it to activate the puzzle.,拿电梯钥匙Use the Key on the Elevator lock to open it and gain access to.用电梯钥匙打开电梯Part II: The Secret Laboratory二:实验室查看、点击Take a closer look at the handcuffs.查看手铐,拿发夹发夹插入Take a cl

10、oser look at the handcuffs again.手铐左边,拖动发夹向上、向右、向下,再插入Take a closer look at the handcuffs again.手铐右边,For the right cuff, move the hairpin Down, Right, then Up.再拖动发夹向下、向右、向上,点击向上的绷带,拿医用拿刀割断绷带查看、点击查看墙边桌上的发电机,拿手术托盘上的零件Go back to the desk and take a closer look.桌上拿零件,零件都装上发动机Use all the parts on the gen

11、erator to repair it.手术托盘上拿纸团Use the Paper on the generator to get the Flame, then return to the surgical tray and use the Flame on the Candle to restore light to the room.发动机上使用纸团,再点燃手术托盘上的蜡烛查看The door is locked, however take a closer look at the wall next to the wheelchair on the right.查看门,查看轮椅,点击锁

12、直到脱落,点击墙面,手术托盘上拿手术刀、榔头桌上拿扁铲对墙使Take a closer look at the wall again.用榔头、扁铲,再用手术刀刮,直到断掉Click on the surgical tray, then take a closer look at the tube lying in the middle.点击手术托盘上的圆管,拿钻头、橡胶管拿钻头Use the items on the tube to create the handmade drill.钻头、橡胶管放入圆管用工具刮出个洞Go back to the rotted section of wall.

13、用工具进入Enter the new room.进入Office办公室,查Take a closer look at the door on the left: its locked.看、点击左边的门,查看墙上的机械锁,桌上拿字母Arrange the letters so that they spell “No Way Out” to solve the puzzle and open the safe.排列字母NO WAY OUT查看左边墙上查看棋盘,拿象棋按钮拿象棋按钮Add the buttons to the chessboard on the wall to activate a

14、puzzle.象棋按钮按图形放入棋盘,开始小游戏,拿门钥匙,开门进入Office Corridor办公室走廊、大厅、音像室走廊、音音像室,查看、点击查看控制面板,拿零件拿零件Return to the Office for the remaining items.返回办公室,拿零件Office用用零件Repair the VCR.修复录像机Return to the Office to retrieve the Video Tape marked “Libby”.回到办公室,拿录像带到Return to the Video Room.到音音像室,放入Video Room录像带,到办公室,查看、点击有转轮的铁门,桌上拿转轮把手拿转轮把手打开电灯,进入Return to the Surgery room for the last handle手术室,拿转轮把手SurgeryReturn to

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