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1、16.父母经常告诉孩子不要玩太多的游戏。17.总之,威海是一个的令人放松的地方。18.我认为上海是一个有活力的地方。19.地板昨天打扫了。20.一些建议给了学生。21.我想知道他是否因吸烟而陷入困境。22.这个孩子太小了不能上学。23.这座桥将要建明年。24.你认为通过大声朗读来提高英语口语怎么样?我认为非常好!25.他和他的外孙一起度过空闲的时光。26.你妈妈什么时候在哪出生的?我的妈妈 1956年在文登出生的。27.学不嫌早。任何时候开始做事都不会嫌早。28.散步对身体好。29.我们的语文老师对我们很严格。30.我正在考虑到北京去度假。31.你什么时候出生的? 我出生于1997年。 32.

2、David 站在冰做成的箱子里多久? 他站在里面2天。33.他什么时候开始站在塔上的? 他在5月22日开始站在塔上的。34.当他离开学校开始工作时,莫言多大年龄? 他12岁。35.天气很好,不是吗? 是的,很好。36.你没来参加聚会,是吗? 不,我来了。/是的,我没来。37.15路车停这儿,不是吗? 是的,他停这儿。38.你不住在这儿,是吗? 不,我住在这儿。/ 是的,我不住在这儿。39.你昨天刚来,不是吗? 是的,没错。/ 不,我在这所学校已经两年了。40.你还没见到你的老师,是吗? 不,我已经见到了。/ 是的,我没见到。41.你想去哪儿游览? 我想游览夏威夷。42.你想去哪儿度假? 我想去

3、令人放松的地方。43.这个假期你想做什么? 我想和我的父母去旅行。44.你想去旅游吗? 是的,我希望某天去法国。45.你是怎样学英语的? 我通过小组学习英语。46.你通过大声阅读学英语吗? 是的,它帮助我发音。47.我怎样能读快点? 你能通过阅读单词组合读得更快。48.我怎样提高我的发音? 一种方式是通过听磁带。初三英语下册翻译句子U1U4参考答案为什么不考虑参加英语俱乐部呢?Why dont you consider joining an English club?这个暑假我想去一个凉爽的地方度假。Id like to go to a cool place for vacation this

4、 summer我的同桌经常在语法方面犯错误。My deskmate often makes mistakes in grammar我没有同伴一起交淡。I dont have a partner talk with我们化学老师严格对待工作。Our chemistry teacher is strict with his work谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日晚会。Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party你认为我们学校的风景怎么样?What do you think of our school?我的伙伴通过大声朗读来提高英语口语。My partne

5、rs improve their spoken English by reading aloud当我8岁的时候,我看到过他表演京剧。When I was 8 years old, I saw him performing Beijing OperaTom是我们学校最高的学生。Tom is the tallest student in our school我的父母希望我考上大学。My parents want me to go to College请尽快给我写信。Please write to me as soon as possible尽量通过小组学习来解决难题。Try to solve pr

6、oblems by group learning我和我的同班同学都不怕犯错误。My classmates and I are not afraid of making mistakes当他十二岁的时候,他不得不辍学。When he was twelve years old, he had to drop out of school父母经常告诉孩子不要玩太多的游戏。Parents often tell their children not to play too many games总之,威海是一个的令人放松的地方。All in all, Weihai is a relaxing place我认

7、为上海是一个有活力的地方。I think Shanghai is a vibrant place地板昨天打扫了。The floor was cleaned yesterday一些建议给了学生。Some suggestions are given to the students我想知道他是否因吸烟而陷入困境。I wonder if he is in trouble because of smoking这个孩子太小了不能上学。The child is too young to go to school这座桥将要建明年。The bridge will be built next year你认为通过大

8、声朗读来提高英语口语怎么样?What do you think of improving spoken English by reading aloud?!他和他的外孙一起度过空闲的时光。He spent his free time with his grandson你妈妈什么时候在哪出生的?When was your mother born my mother was born in Wendeng in 1956学不嫌早。 Its never too early to learn散步对身体好。Walking is good for health我们的语文老师对我们很严格。Our Chine

9、se teacher is very strict with us我正在考虑到北京去度假。m thinking about going to Beijing for vacation31 When were you born I was born in 1997How long was 32.David standing in the box of ice? He stood there for 2 days33 When did he stand on the tower he began to stand on the tower in May 22nd34 how old was Mo

10、Yan when he began to work at school he was 12 years old35 the weather is fine, isnt it? Yes, it is36 you didnt come to the party, right? No, I come. / Yes, I didnt come.37.15 bus stops here, doesnt he? Yes, he does38 you dont live here, is it? No, I live here. / Yes, I dont live here.你昨天刚来,不是吗?You j

11、ust arrived yesterday, isn Yes, yes / no, I in this school for two years.40 you have not seen your teacher, right? No, Ive seen. / Yes, I didnt see.41 Where would you like to visit Id like to visit Hawaii42 Where would you like to go on vacation I want to go somewhere relaxing43 what do you want to

12、do this holiday I want to travel with my parents44 do you want to travel yes I hope to go to France one day45 how do you learn English I study English in groups46 do you learn English by reading aloud yes, it helps me to pronounce47 how can I read faster you can read more quickly by reading the words48 how can I improve my pronunciation one way is by listening to tapes

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