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1、M1: I travel by bus. Um, it s only one bus towork. It takes about 15 minu tes.M2: I get to work by car.W1: Bus.W2: I walk to work.M3: I get to work on the tube and I walk some of the way.W3: About five minu tes walk to the stati on, Waterloo Stati on, and the n I get on a bus which takesabout 20 25

2、minu tes.M4: On most days I use the tube -my journey into work and my jour ney home at the end oftheday.M5: I cycle to work. That s the quickest andeasiest way.W4: I cycle in to work every day on my bike.Part 2 What do you do on your jour ney to work? I usually liste n to music or read. Sometimes I

3、liste n to music and sometimesI read a book. I either read the n ewspaper or I readbooks. Take in the fresh air, the sce nery, um and try to avoid holes in the road which are quitedan gerous. I listen to my iPod. Well, sometimes, if if it s a bit of a quietroad, I can think about what I m going to d

4、o that I I dream, usually. I just I, I love love jour neys. I love just look ing out of the win dow.t actually do very Well, it s so short; I don much at all, apart from making sure I don havean accide nt.Part 3 What do you like about it? It s fairly short, so my journey to work is only 30 minu tes.

5、 s quick. s short. It only takes me seven or eight mi nu tes. Seeing how the Ian dscape cha nges through the seas ons. I like liste ning to music and hav ing some time to thi nk before work. s quite early in the morning, which means that the bus is always quite quiet, so um, I don thave to fight for

6、 a seat. I like to have some fresh air and theexercise. I just like the exercise that I get from it andbeing outside in the ope n. s not too far. I can walk or run .Itabout a quarter of an hour healthy.I don t have to catch a bus.s walk, so I feel veryPart 4 What don t you like about your journey to

7、 work?s he Um, I don t like it when it s very busy inthe mornings and I don t like it when it and sweaty on the tube.s packed with peopl s a very full bus. It because it s the “ work bus ” There are some very bad drivers on the road. Sometimes the buses get overcrowded and a lot of people are going

8、to the same place. I really don t like cycling to work when it raining because I get wet, (and) all my books getwet. In the win ter its very cold that early in the morning and um, sometimes if I miss the first busI have to wait about 20 minu tes for the n ext ones very windy coming over bridge and i

9、t makes my eyes water. there s nothing to like or dislike about it.Liste ningG = Guide; V1 = Visitor 1; V2 = Visitor 2; V3 =Visitor 3G: So, ladies and gen tleme n. Letcantran sport secti on now. Could you all come over this way? Let s look at these photos. As you see, these early methods of tran spo

10、rt have two things in comm on They re all great idea great ways to travel through the air rather than on the ground but they weren successful! There was a big problem with eachone.V1: But the mono rail -that was successful. G: Well, yes and no. Look at this photo on the left. It s from the World Fai

11、r in Seattle. That wasin 1962. Mono rails were a very popular idea in America at that time. People wan ted to leave their cars at home and go to work by public transport. But they weren t successful butmonorails are difficult to build and expensive to keep in good condition. So you re right.There ar

12、e some mono rails in the world not very many!V2: Hey. Look at this photo. Is that a car un der a pla ne? Oh, yes. This was a very in terest ing idea. People wan ted to fly from Los An geles to New York and then drive straight into the city cen ter from the airport. No way! How? Well, the idea was th

13、at the car came off the bottom of the pla ne and the n you got in anddroveaway. This was in the 1940s. Ah, yes. Look. Here s theade: was a nice idea -no airports or waiting around but it wasn successful. Why n ot? There was an engin eeri ng problem. The car was too heavy and small planes wer

14、en t strongeno ugh to carry them (it).V3: What s this? A helicopter in tie garage? G: Yes, i ndeed. We laugh at this now, but people were very serious about it at the time. People wan ted to leave home in the morning, say goodbye to the family and go to work by private helicopter. The idea was very popular, but, of course, it was impossible. Helicopters are very difficult to fly and can you imagi

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