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1、二、参赛要求Requirement 参赛项目应当是高新技术产品研发、制造、生产及服务等方面,拥有自主知识产权且无产权纠纷,其技术成果国内(世界)领先,符合四川省产业发展要求,并有意来川发展,有较好的市场前景并能实施产业化。同一参赛者参赛项目均不能与往年海科会项目有所重复。The entry must be closely related to the field of high-tech products development, manufacture, production and service, which should have independent intelligent pro

2、perty right and not be involved in property right dispute. It is required that the technical achievement of the the entry should be domestic (or world) leading and serve the development of industries in Sichuan Province. The competitor is supposed to be willing to start a career in Sichuan, meanwhil

3、e, the products are required to have better market prospects and can be industrialized. The same participant should not be repeated with previous OHTC.1. 参赛资料Materials(1)须具备电子版商业计划书;(2)须具备最高学历的学位证(3)需具备有效的护照复印件(4)须准备路演PPT,陈述时间10分钟之内,简明扼要、重点突出。(1)The electronic version of Business Plan(2)The electron

4、ic version of certificate of degree(3)The electronic version of passprt(4)The competitor should prepare a PPT for road show, and the presentation should be concisely no longer than 10 minutes. 2. 注意事项Announcements(1)参赛嘉宾所有报送的项目材料均不得涉及他人的知识产权和国家秘密;(2)参赛嘉宾参赛前请先在免责声明上签字并电邮会务组,参加9月成都总决赛预选赛的选手需交原件至组织方。 (

5、1)All the materials of the applictions cant involve others intellectual property rights and state secrets.(2)The competitor needs to sign the disclaimer before the competition, then e-mails the organizing committee. Competitors who are going to participate in the preliminaries of the grand final in

6、Chengdu are required to hand the original copy in to the organizers.三、有关说明Tips1. 获奖项目将得到四川省、各市政策资金支持,加入有关人才计划及获得高新园区启动资金、房租补贴等支持。总决赛期间将组织海内外风投机构高管和权威技术专家组成评委组进行现场打分及项目点评。1.For projects that are awarded there will be the economic support from Sichuan provincial government and each municipal governmen

7、ts, support of joining related talents projects, initial funds of High and New technology industrial park, and house allowances as well. During the finals, there will be technique specialists and senior managers of venture capital at home and aboard to mark and comment.2. 2020年1月至8月面向全世界征集优质高新科技项目。2

8、.Collect high and new technology with superior quality worldwide from January to August 2020.3. 所有参赛选手均视为报名参加2020第十九届“海科会”。3.All the competitors are seen as participating the 19th OHTC .四、日程安排Schedule2月-8月 海外项目收集Feb-Aug Overseas Project Collection8月1日-8月15日 项目初评Aug1st-Aug 15th Preliminary Selection8

9、月16日-9月16日 选手参赛准备Aug 16th-Sep 8th Competition Pre-preparation(预估时间Expected Time)9月17日 半决赛Sep 16th Semi-Final 9月18日 路演决赛Sep 17th Final Competition9月19日-21日 场地路演及各市巡回路演Sep 18th-Sep 20th Site & City Tour Roadshow12月31日前 跟踪推进项目Before Dec 31st Tracking&Promoting 四、备注Remarks:(1)报名截止时间Expiration Date:海外赛场截

10、止时间:15/06/2020总决赛截止时间15/08/2020;(2)报名方式Registration Method:报名表(第7页附件)及相关资料发送至邮箱。Please Send the registration form(Annex at page 7) and relevant information to the mailbox.E-mail:【邮箱地址】报名后需收到组委会确认函方为正式参加海科会代表。After registration, you will receive a confirmation letter from the organizing committee.第六届“海科杯”全球创新创业大赛报名表The 6th “OHTC” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Global Hi-tech Talents Registration Form一、摘要 Overview项目名称Project Name姓名Name性 别Gender所在国家及城市County/City国籍Citizenship出生日期Birthday最高学历学位Degree毕

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