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1、出售方:(以下简称”或甲方”);The Ven dor: ( ” or Party A ”);投资方:ABC有限公司(以下简称ABC”或 乙方”)。The Investor: LAP WAI INTERNATIONAL LTD. ( LWI ” or Party B ”).鉴于:WHEREAS:A. 香港联港投资有限公司(以下简称“目标公司”)为一家依据中华人民共和国香港特别行政区法律成立的公司,甲方拥有目标公司 100%的股份。UNION HARBOUR INVESTMENT LIMITED ( Target Company ”)is a compa ny established un de

2、r the laws of Hong Kong Special Adm ini strative Region of the Peoples Republic of China. Target Company is owned as to 100% by Party A.B 目标公司在中国(仅为本协议之目的,中国不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾)境内拥有XXX有限公司(以下简称XXX ”)90%的股权。XXX 与舟山市民政局合作成立了 丫丫丫(以下简称YYY” XXXX以及丫丫丫合称为目 标公司中国子公司”)Target Company owns 90% of equity inte

3、rests of XXX( XXX ”)in PRC (for thepurpose only of this Agreement, PRC shall exclude Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan). XXXand Zhoushan Civil Affairs Bureau cooperated and established YYY (“YYY ”) (XXXand YYY collectively referred as “PRC Subsid

4、iaries ”).因此,根据下面的承诺、约定、条件条款、声明和保证,双方同意如下:NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the promises, covenants, terms, conditions representations and warranties hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:1.目标 /OBJECTIVE1.1甲方和乙方希望就乙方 (或通过其关联公司 ) 收购由甲方所拥有的目标公司的 100%股权(以下简称 “拟定交易 ”)进行磋商。Party A an

5、d Party B desire to discuss the purchasing by Party B (or through its affiliates) 100% of the equity of Target Company owned by Party A (the “Proposed Transaction ”).1.2本协议的目的系明确甲乙双方就拟定交易已达成一致的及相关进一步安排的约 定。The purpose of this Agreement is to record certain aspects of the Proposed Transaction that th

6、e Parties mutually acknowledge and to outline future arrangements to be undertaken by the Parties in relation to the Proposed Transaction.2.拟定交易 /PROPOSED TRANSACTION2.1就拟定交易,甲、乙双方预计可行的主要交易条款如下:In respect of the Proposed Transaction, the Parties anticipate that the main viable terms and conditions a

7、re as follows:(a) 乙方拟以人民币 7000万元的价格 (“收购价款 ”),通过其自身或其关联公 司向甲方购买甲方所拥有的目标公司 100% 的股权。Party B will, through itself or its affiliates, purchase 100% of the equity of Target Compa ny own ed by Party A at a price of RMB70,000,000 (the Purchase Price ”).(b) 乙方(或其关联公司)向甲方支付的首期收购价款的金额为人民币 3500万元(首期款”),剩余的收购价

8、款人民币3500万元在拟定交易完成后 的第十八(18)个月期满后支付。若在此期间,乙方发现目标公司及其中国子公司在拟定交易完成前存在未披露债务或甲方违反任何相关陈 述保证与承诺而导致目标公司及其中国境内子公司承受损失,则乙方有 权从剩余的收购价款中扣除损失并追究甲方的违约责任。The first installment of the Purchase Price to be paid by Party B or its affiliates to Party A shall be RMB35,000,000 ( First Installment ”). Theresidual Purchas

9、e Price RMB35,000,000 shall be paid after eightee nth (18 th) mon th from the completi on of the Proposed Tran sact ion. During such period, provided that Party B becomes aware of the existe nee of un disclosed in debted ness in curred by the Target Company and its PRC Subsidiaries prior to the comp

10、letion of the Proposed Tran sact ion or Party A breaches any releva nt represe ntati on and warra nt, which cause any loss to the Target Compa ny and its PRC Subsidiaries, Party B shall have the right to deduct the amount of such loss from the residual Purchase Price and hold Party A acco un table f

11、or any breach liability.双方应于首期款支付后【三(3 )】个工作日内共同完成目标公司股东 变更手续。Both Parties shall complete the procedures for the cha nge of the shareholders of the Target Company within three (3) working days after the payment of First Installment.(c) 首期款支付的先决条件包括但不限于以下条件:The prec on diti ons for the payme nts of t

12、he First In stallme nt shall in clude but not limited to the follow ing:(i) 签署甲方和乙方认可的法律文件,包括但不限于:股份转让协议(目标公司及甲方做出的陈述和保证和其他条款令乙方满意)、 股东会/股东大会/董事会决议和修改后的目标公司及其中国境内 子公司章程等;其中,甲方应当促使并确保 XXX以令乙方满意的 格式和内容修改其公司章程,包括但不限于以下内容:Execution of the legal documents to the satisfaction of Party A and Party B, inclu

13、ding but not limited to: Share Purchase Agreement with representations and warrants made by the Target Company and Party A and other terms and conditions satisfactory to Party B, shareholders/shareholders meeting/board resolutions and revised Memorandum &Articles of Association of the Target Company

14、 and its PRC Subsidiaries; Among which, Party A shall procure and ensure XXXto revise its Article of Association in the forms and contexts to the satisfaction of Party B, including but not limited to the following contexts:将XXX公司章程第三十八条中有关公司利润分配的条款, 补充 修改为“在公司合营期限内的前三十年中,公司可分配利润的 20% 将无偿捐赠给普陀山管理局作为风

15、景区建设发展基金, 剩 余利润按出资比例分配; 在公司合营期限内的后二十年中, 公 司可分配利润按照各股东的合资比例进行分配,无需进行捐 赠。”The Clause 38 of the Article of Association of XXXregarding the profits distribution shall be revised as “In the first thirty years within the duration of the Joint Venture, 20% of the allocable profits of the Joint Venture shall be donated to Putuo Mountain Administration Bureau as the construction development foundation for the scenic area; In the latter twenty years within the duration of the Joint Ventu

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