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1、 In addition to that, many different artistic activities and art classes for children are held frequently in it in order to meet the needs of those who are interested in these subjects.读写任务Some people support city cops driving away street traders because they place more importance on safeguarding th

2、e citys image while others argue that it is more important to maintain that pattern of selling which brings us convenience. In my opinion, common citizens living is the best reflection of a citys image. The government cannot simply drive away street traders and pretend that the city is clean and pro

3、sperous. We should try to face and solve social problems instead of ignoring or escaping from them. It is great if we can both guarantee peoples living and the citys image, but living is always No. 1 concern at any time.At present, there are some reports about violent conflicts between city cops and

4、 street traders. The problem of street vending is a social-economic problem which cannot just be solved by those violent measures adopted by city cops. So to solve this problem every body must contribute in whatever small ways. When we stop buying from the streets, these guys will try to find other

5、places of better advantage or places in legally designated market.部分解析完形填空话题:人际关系本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者为一位临终的病人和她的姐妹们举办的一个冰激凌聚会。1. A 。由文章第一句enjoy the tiniest moments that make the biggest memories和when she was having a foot rub 可推断,当作者给一位病人进行足部按摩的时候,病人应该是在“微笑(smiled)”。2. B。3. C。由文章第一句Being a home hospice vo

6、lunteer 可知,作者是在家里对病人进行临终关怀,那么这个花园应该是病人家里的花园。病人已经两年多没有出去“看看(see)”自己的花园了。作者拍了花园的照片给病人看,病人应该非常“高兴(delight)”。4. D。由第四段的There was laughter and delight in the room 可知,作者为临终的病人买了冰激凌,给她和她的姐妹们带来了快乐。And sometimes . for them 这句话的意思是:有时候,总有机会为她们做一些能让她们“开心(fun)”的事情。5. B。由上一句wanted to know more about it very much

7、 可知,这几位老太太对新开的冰激凌商店很感兴趣,因此作者“许诺(promised)”下次再来的时候,如果天气足够热,将请她们吃冰激凌。6. C。正如作者和老人们所“期待(expected)”的,天气果真很热。7. A。作者在冰激凌店“抄下了(wrote)”冰激凌的所有口味,然后到达了几位老太太的家里。8. C。9. D。然后作者坐下来,给老太太们读冰激凌的口味列表。姐妹们“想象着(imagined)”每一种冰激凌的味道,最后她们做出了买哪种口味的“ 决定(decisions)”。10. B。11. C。买好了冰激凌之后,作者快速地回到了病人的“家里(house)”,希望冰激凌没有“融化(mel

8、t)”。12. D。由the ice cream Id bought was too much for them 可知,老太太们在“抱怨(complained)”冰激凌买得太多了。13. A。正如人们通常吃冰激凌一样,“尝了(taste)”一口还想吃下一口。14. C。由There was laughter and delight 可知,屋子里充满了欢笑和快乐,屋里坐的仿佛是一群“活泼的(lively)”女学生。15. A。但是那个大热天冰激凌聚会的“景象(image)”却会永远留在作者的记忆中。语法填空16. including。考查非谓语动词。分词作定语,表主动。17. it。考查代词。代

9、词it代指上文的Architecture。18. a。 考查冠词。 in a way 意思是“在某种程度上”。19. other。 考查代词。根据performing arts与上文的Music, theatre, film, dance的关系可知答案。20. broader。 考查形容词的比较级。根据句子意思及上下文的逻辑关系可知答案。21. referred。考查谓语动词。根据关键词Until the 17th century及下文的was not differentiated可知这里要用一般过去时。22. where。 考查定语从句。根据句子意思及结构可知答案。23. as。 考查介词。

10、be seen as “被视为”。24. Though/Although。 考查连词。根据上下文的逻辑关系可知答案。25. imaginative。 考查词形变换。形容词imaginative修饰名词skill。阅读理解A篇(社会)文章主要讲述了一场迟到了七十年的班级聚会。26. D。细节理解题。由文章第二段中的内容可知,Pegnataro是James Hillhouse 中学1943届的毕业生,而珍珠港被袭是在1941年,所以他那时还是一个中学生。27. B。推理判断题。由后面的he introduced her to each of his classmates可以推知,他非常高兴带着自己

11、的妻子来参加聚会并且将她介绍给他的每一位同学。28. A。由倒数第二段中Pegnataro所说的“Though we had been separated for so many years, the war brought my class closer together”可知,在Pegnataro看来,战争有其两面性,同学们因为战争而失散多年,不过战争也让同学们的心贴得更紧了。29. A。由最后一段中Pegnataro所说的“And the 70th reunion was a very important event in our lives”可知,这次聚会对Pegnataro和他的同学

12、们来说意义非同一般。30. C。标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了一场迟到了七十年的班级聚会,但是它的意义却非同一般,故用An unusual party作为标题最恰当。B篇(社会)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了人们进行闲谈的对象、场合以及时间。31. A。由第二段中的waitresses and hairdressers often make small talk with their customers可知,你在理发的时候最有可能与理发师闲聊。32. C。词义猜测题。由第三段中的最后一句In other words, they are expected to walk around and talk with others可知,Mingling表示人们在聚会上走来走去相互交谈,故Conversation与之意思最为贴近。33. C。段落大意题。根据in places where,in a doctors waiting room,office等关键信息可知,第三段主要谈论了人们进行闲谈

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