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1、 Conveyor, it is in a certain line of continuous conveying material materials handling machinery, also called continuous conveyor. Conveyor can undertake level, the tilt and vertical conveyor, also can make the space transport routes, transmission lines is usually fixed. Conveyor carrying ability, l

2、ong distance, still can be in conveying process and propositions process operation, so widely used. Belt conveyor, especially ascend shipped machine is the contemporary most capable of conveying equipment, in the whole conveyor category, it is the most widely used a device. With the continuous devel

3、opment of national economy, multiple types of workpiece transmission machine widely used in metallurgy, mining, cement, wharf, chemical industry, food industry, etc various occasions. Meanwhile in various occasions used for different conditions of workpiece transmission machine is endless also and s

4、ame, in recent years due to the application range of the workpiece transmission machine, the increase of the expansion of the varieties and continuously improve the quality of processing design workpiece transmission machine put forward higher request, especially in some large flow line, workpiece t

5、ransmission machine undertakes a very important tasks. These workpiece transmission machine request the transmission distance and speed, precision is higher. Therefore each manufacturer to need according to oneself, for economic and strategic direction of consideration, simple structure and reliable

6、, designed by the producer price cheap workpiece transmission machine.Second, conveyor history Chinese ancient high water TongChe and turn the overturned, is the modern dou pattern lift machine and the rudiment of scraper coveyor; In the 17th century, began to use aerial ropeway conveying disperses

7、the shape material; In the mid 19th century, various modern structure of the conveyor arise.In 1868 in Britain appear belt conveyor; In 1887, in the United States appeared screw conveyor; In 1905, in Switzerland appeared steel belt conveyor; In 1906, Britain and Germany have appeared in the inertial

8、 conveyor. Since then, conveyor machinery manufacturing, motor by metallurgy industry, chemical industry and technology advancement of influence, and constantly improve, gradually by complete workshop internal conveying, development to finish in the enterprise internal, between enterprise and even c

9、ity materials handling, become between materials handling system mechanization and automation indispensable constituent part.Third, the present situation of belt conveyor(1) the domestic development situation Our production of the belt conveyor varieties, type more. In the eighth five-year period, t

10、hrough national one-stop nissan tons of compound mining equipment project implementation, belt conveyor technology level had the very big enhancement, with high power and long underground coal mine belt conveyor key technology research and development in all new libyans have made great progress. Suc

11、h as big obliquity long belt conveyor equipment, high yield and high efficiency the slot retractable mining of belt conveyor are filled in the domestic blank, and reduction of belt conveyor key technologies and main yuan parts of theoretical research and product development, we successfully develope

12、d the various soft start-up and brake with PLC as the core and programmable electronic device, drive system USES coupler and planetary gear reducer.(2) foreign development situation In a foreign country, belt conveyor technology present situation of foreign belt conveyor technology development soon,

13、 its basically are behaved in two aspects: one is the function of belt conveyor pluralism, application scope enlargement, such as high Angle belt conveyor, tubular belt conveyor, space turn belt conveyor, etc. Various kinds of models; On the other hand is belt conveyor technologies and equipment of

14、itself a great development, especially the long-distance large-capacity belt speed, high large belt conveyor has become the main development direction of development, its core technology is applied to the belt conveyor dynamic analysis and monitoring technology, improving the belt conveyor performan

15、ce and reliability of the operation.Fourth, the composition of the belt conveyor Belt conveyor, by common belt conveyor roller, roller conveyor belt, and the drive, braking,tensioner,redirection,loading, unloading, cleaning device such as composition.(1) conveyor belt Commonly used a rubber belt and

16、 plastic band two kinds. Rubber belt applies to working environment temperature - 15 40 C between. Material temperature may not exceed 50 C. Upward transportation scattered aggregates of 12 24 Angle. For large dip Angle rubber belt conveyor usable pattern. Plastic belt are resistant to oil, acid, alkali etc, but for climate unadaptable, easy skid and aging. The bandwidth was belt conveyors

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