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高中英语牛津译林版选修六配套文档Unit 4 Period Three Word版含答案Word格式.docx

1、7well n井,水井8container n容器;集装箱contain v容纳9troublesome adj.麻烦的;讨厌的,棘手的trouble n&v.麻烦10wage n(通常指按周领的)工资.重点短语1further and further越来越远2afford to do.担负得起做3break down出故障;抛锚.重点句式1现在分词作后置定语One of the major problems facing(face) the children living(live) in this remote mountainous area is poverty.住在这片偏远的山区的孩

2、子们所面临的主要问题之一是贫困。2as引导原因状语从句However,if the pump breaks down,repairing it can be troublesome,as an engineer has to come from the nearest town to repair it.然而,如果水泵坏了,维修可能会很麻烦,因为工程师不得不从最近的城镇过来修理它。3不定式作后置定语There is not enough money to pay wages of more than one teacher in a village.一个村子里没有足够的钱支付多名老师的工资。重

3、点词汇归纳拓展(1)in possession of占有,拥有in the possession of为所有take possession of占有,拥有;占领(2)possess vt.拥有,占有语境助记(1)He lost all his possessions in the fire.他在火灾中失去了他的所有财产。(2)They are in possession of a big orchard.他们拥有一个大果园。题组训练(1)她被发现藏有毒品。Drugs were found in the possession of her.(2)他从来就没有多少钱,但他一直有一些好朋友。He n

4、ever possesses much money,but he always possesses some good friends.(3)How did you the old valuable house?It used to be my uncle.He left it to me in his will.Atake possession of;in possession ofBtake the possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;Dtake the possession of;答案C解析take possessi

5、on of拥有,占有,为固定短语;第二空前的主语为物(it),故应用in the possession of “被所拥有”。2Health care is limited as there are no doctors or nurses in the villagesno one has the means to pay them.医疗是有限的,因为村子里没有医生和护士没有人有办法付给他们钱。means n(单复数同形)手段,方法a means of.的方法means of production/transport/communication生产工具/运输工具/通信手段by all mean

6、s尽一切办法,务必;(表示答应)当然可以by means of用,依靠by no means绝不,一点也不(位于句首时,句子用倒装结构)(1)Do you mind if I have a look?By all means.我看一眼行吗?当然可以。(2)We can express our feelings by means of words.我们可以用语言表达我们的情感。(1)用have的适当形式填空All possible means have been tried,but not a means has worked.(2)By no means true that all Engli

7、sh people know their own language well.Ais that Bthat isCis it Dit is解析句意为:所有的英国人都通晓他们自己的语言,这绝不是真的。by no means绝不,表否定意义,位于句首时,句子用倒装结构;形式主语应用it,故选C。3However,if the pump breaks down,repairing it can be troublesome,as an engineer has to come from the nearest town to repair it.然而,如果水泵坏了,维修可能会很麻烦,因为工程师不得不

8、从最近的城镇过来修理它。break down出故障,抛锚;(谈判等)失败;(健康状况)垮掉;分解;划成部分(以便分析)break in破门而入;打断break into破门而入break out(战争、火灾、疫病等)突然爆发break away from脱离;打破陈规break up关系破裂;破碎(1)The telephone system has broken down.电话系统已瘫痪。(2)His house was broken into last night.昨晚有人潜入了他家。(3)After a fire broke out in the lab,a lot of equipme

9、nt was damaged.实验室发生火灾后,很多设备被损坏。(1)写出下列句子中break down的汉语意思Then his health broke down and he had to take a long holiday abroad.(健康状况)垮掉The talks between the two sides have broken down.失败Sugar and starch(淀粉) are broken down in the stomach.分解To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it do

10、wn into parts.划成部分(以便分析)(2)The two countries are going to meet to some barriers to trade between them.(2014天津,13)Amake up Buse upCturn down Dbreak down答案D解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:这两个国家打算会面来打破双方之间的一些贸易障碍。break down打破,使垮掉,符合句意。make up编造,弥补,组成;use up用尽,用光;turn down拒绝,调低(音量或热度)。经典句式However,if the pump breaks down

11、,repairing it can be troublesome,as an engineer has to come from the nearest town to repair it.然而,如果水泵坏了,维修可能会很麻烦,因为工程师不得不从最近的城镇过来修理它。as在句中引导原因状语从句。as用作连词,还可引导时间状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句等。注意:在引导让步状语从句时,as从句要用倒装结构;though引导的从句可用倒装可不用倒装;although引导的从句不倒装。(1)As you were out,I left a message for you.因为你不在家,我给你留了

12、纸条。(2)As she grew older she gained in confidence.随着年龄的增长,她的自信心增强了。(3)They did as I had asked.他们是照着我要求的做的。(1)句型转换Although she is young,she knows a lot.Young as/though she is,she knows a lot.(2)The girl may need some help she is new in this company.Abefore BasCbut Dwhile答案B 这个女孩是公司里新来的,所以可能需要帮助。as因为,引

13、导原因状语从句。.单词拼写1The big fire destroyed nearly 250 acres of primitive(原始的) forests.2By this means(方式),he learns English more effectively.3Switzerland is a mountainous country,in which lie many international organizations.4The ring is one of her most treasured possessions.5Her wage is 300 dollars a week

14、.6The economy has become a troublesome(棘手的) issue for the company. .选词填空7He was brought up by his grandparents in the countryside.8They became homeless because of the unexpected natural disaster.9I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.10Alice overslept this morning.As a result,she was late for work.11Unfortunately,my car bro

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