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北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit8 金榜推荐Lesson23 重难点精讲练Word下载.docx

1、我的问题和你的差不多。The husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.夫妇俩在各自选择的事业上都很成功。用适当的介词填空There is some similarity the way they sing.Our teachers teaching style is not similar that of most other teachers.For generations,scientists and sciencefiction writers talked about the similari

2、ty of Mars the Earth.【答案】intoto2upside down颠倒地;倒置地And,if thats not enough,you then try to walk upside down on the ice!(教材P24)并且,如果那还不够的话,你可以试试在冰上倒着走!The painting was hung upside down.那幅画挂倒了。She turned the discussion upside down by asking a foolish question.她问了个愚蠢的问题把讨论搞乱了。turn sth.upside down把翻得乱七八糟

3、,使凌乱不堪turn sb.s life/world upside down给某人的生活造成大的变化/混乱up and down上上下下;来回The house was turned upside down by the thief.屋子里被贼弄得乱七八糟。完成句子有一只蝴蝶正在花丛里忽上忽下地飞着。A butterfly is flying among the flowers.她丈夫的突然去世使她的生活完全乱套了。Her husbands sudden death .【答案】up and downturned her world/life upside down3risk vt.冒的危险Wh

4、at makes people risk their lives to do them?(教材P24)是什么让人们冒着生命危险去从事这些活动呢?He risked his life to save his dog.他冒着生命危险去救他的狗。He was prepared to risk everything in order to achieve his ambition.为实现他的雄心壮志他甘愿冒任何危险。risk doing sth.冒险做某事take/run a risk(risks)(to do sth.)冒险(做某事)at risk处境危险;遭受危险at the risk of do

5、ing sth.冒着做某事的危险risk ones life冒生命危险I simply cant risk being seen there.我可不能冒险在那儿被人看见。You have to take/run a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business.如果想在生意上取得成功,就得冒许多风险。【教师备课资源】歌诀巧记后接动名词而不接不定式作宾语的动词(词组):喜欢考虑逃避免(enjoy,consider,escape,avoid)停止放弃太冒险(stop,give up,risk)介意想象莫推延(mind,imagine,delay,p

6、ut off)要求完成是期盼(require,finish,look forward to)建议继续勤练习(suggest,go on,practise)不禁原谅要坚持(cant help,excuse,insist on)继续介意成功来(keep on,mind,succeed in)No one of us (冒险外出)on our own.Workers who broke the strike (冒着被攻击的危险)when they left the factory.Hes prepared (冒任何风险来避免)this war.【答案】risked going outrisked b

7、eing attackedto risk everything to avoid4various adj.各种各样的You can find all these in the various extreme sports.(教材P24)你可以在各种各样的极限运动中找到所有这些(速度、刺激和危险的感觉)Their hobbies are many and various.他们的业余爱好五花八门。The shop sells various kinds of fruit.这家商店出售各种水果。a variety of/varieties of多种多样的variety n种种;种类;多样化;品种;综

8、艺表演vary v变化;不同vary在到之间变动vary with随而变化She didnt like the work because it lacked variety.她不喜欢这工作,因为它单调乏味。The weather varied from very cold to quite mild.天气变化很大,会由很冷变得相当暖和。various/differentvarious指同一范畴或范围内的不同种类或类别数量,强调多样性,意为“各种各样的”。different指事物的完全不同或本质上存在的显著或明显的差异或区别,强调各方面均不同。用various,differen

9、t填空People have to face difficulties in their whole life.Different methods should be adopted under conditions.【答案】variousdifferent5turn up出现;到场;开大;调高音量When I turned up for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out,but my friends persuaded me to go through with it.(教材P25)我第一次站在跳台上紧张得真想退缩

10、下来,但是朋友们说服了我要坚持下来。She turned up at the last moment.她在最后的时刻到来了。Turn up the radio a little.Its too low.把收音机音量调高一点,声音太小了。turn out结果是;生产;出席(某项活动),在场turn around转身,翻转turn away不准(某人)进入turn against变得敌对turn in上交,提交turn on打开(电视、收音机等)turn off关掉turn down调低;拒绝turn back原路返回turn to求助于turn over翻转;仔细考虑Its turned out

11、 nice and sunny again.结果天气又变晴朗了。Turn that radio down at once!立刻把收音机的音量调低!用适当的介词或副词填空When you walk into the room,the lights turn by themselves.She turned every offer of help.He turned as he heard a noise behind him.She didnt know whom to turn for advice.【答案】ondownaroundto6get across (使)理解(某事)s diffic

12、ult to get across how exciting it is!(教材P25)很难理解这会有多刺激!He taught me how to get my idea across.他教我怎么把我的想法表达得让人能够理解。We must get across the simple fact that drugs are dangerous.我们必须弄清这个简单的事实:毒品是危险品。get sth.across(to sb.)使(某事)被某人明白;向某人传达某事get aboutget aroundget round各处旅行(走动);(消息、谣言等)传开get along/on(with)

13、进展(行);相处get over恢复过来;克服;战胜get away(from)逃脱;逃离;离开;摆脱;离题;跑题get through熬过(困境);接通电话;达到(标准);通过(测试)The news of their secret wedding soon got about/around/round.他们秘密结婚的消息很快就传开了。Do you get along well with your aunt?你和姑母相处得好吗?这是你要克服的一个困难。Here is a difficulty for you to .他把自己的意思给听众讲清楚了。He has to the audience.【答案】get overgot his meaning across7Marco,in turn,was amazed by how beautiful and powerful China was.(教材P26)马可同时也被中国的美丽和强大所震撼。(1)in turn 轮流,依次,逐个地;反过来The girls called out their names in turn

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