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1、 答句:It is + 电话号码。 his 2、文化常识:英语人名(1)、英语人名由三部分组成: 第一个名字 + 第二个名字 + 姓。 first name middle name family name = last name(2)、英语人名最突出的特点是:名在前,姓在后,第二个名字不常说。 例如: 1 Gina Green 吉娜 . 格林 first name family name = last name 尊敬、客气地称呼一个人,常用方式是 :Mr 或 Mrs 或 Miss + 姓 。 Gina Green 我们可以称呼为 Miss Green 。Jim Smith可以称呼为Mr Gre

2、en 本块习题 last name (同义词)_ telephone number (同义词)_ my (主格人称代词)_ you (形容词性物主代词)_Unit 2 Is this your pencil ?(1)、补全对话Jim: _ _ , Tom . Is this your dictionary ?Tom: Yes,_ _ Jim : Whats this ? _ _ _ eraser .Jim : How do you _ it ?Tom : ERASER Unit 3 This is my sister 一、名词: 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。1、不可数名词:(1)、没有复数形

3、式;(2)、不能用不定冠词 a / an 、基数词、many 修饰。much修饰2、可数名词:(1)、有单数、复数两种形式;(2)、能用不定冠词 a / an 、基数词、many 修饰。注意以下:(3)、以字母O结尾的名词,有的加s ,有的加es (读 / z /)例如: photos“照片” ;tomatoes“西红柿” ;man men woman women people people deer deer sheep sheep tooth teethfoot feet American Americans Chinese Chinese二、指示代词1、this“这” ,其复数形式the

4、se “这些” ,指代近处的人或物体 ;2、that“那” ,其复数形式those“那些” ,指代远处的人或物。三、指示代词this that these those 作主语,一般疑问句的简略回答1、Is this / that your aunt ? Yes , it is . No , it isnt . 简略回答时,用主格代词 it 代替2、Are these / those your uncles ? Yes , they are . No , they arent . 简略回答时,用主格代词 they 代替 谢谢你的苹果。、句型转换1、Is this your daughter ?

5、(假设有,简略回答)_Unit 4 Wheres my backpack ?1、 take :“带走” ,表示“从说话者处带走” 。bring:“带来” ,表示“从别处带向说话者处” 。(1)、 bring to 把带来到bring some things to school 把一些东西带到学校(2)、 taketo 把带走到 take these things to your sister 把这些东西带给你姐姐 选择 1、Please _ that picture to me . A. take B. bring 2、Please _the CD to your mother . A .ta

6、ke B. bring5、-Where are those people ? -_ are in the room .A. those people B. they C. it D. she Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?1、一般现在时态的概念(1)、表示现在的状态(谓语多用系动词be)(2)、表示经常或习惯性的动作(谓语是do类动词)(3)、表示主语具备的性格和能力(谓语多是 speak like enjoy) “玩,耍” ,在句中要灵活翻译。 pingpong 打乒乓球 tennis 打网球 soccor 踢英式足球 球类名词前面不用 pl

7、ay volleyball 打排球 冠词the a an basketball 打篮球 sports 参加体育运动3.Lets = Let us . “让我们 ” 。Lets + V原 。常用来提出一个建议,表示“让我们干吧” 。 Lets play tennis . 让我们打网球吧。4、That sounds good . “这个听起来好。” 该句型常用来肯定对方= interesting 提出的建议。 = fun5、Its boring / relaxing . 它是无聊的 / 轻松地。6、sports “ 运动” ,修饰名词时,它常用复数形式。 sports club 运动俱乐部 spo

8、rts collection 运动收藏品本块习题:1、补全对话A:Lets _TV . B:That sounds _ . I dont like watching TV . _ you have a pingpong pat ? B:Yes , I do Lets_ pingpong . B:That sounds _. Lets go .2、改错 (1)、Lets play the basketball . (2)、Lets play a volleyball . A B C A B C(3)、Lets watches TV . (4)、That sound interesting . A

9、 B A B(5)、I have a great sport collection . (6)、He has many sports club . Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? 1. broccoli花椰菜 ice cream冰激凌 salad 色拉 food 食物chicken 鸡肉 rice 米饭 milk牛奶 tea 茶water 水 orange 橙汁 = many + 复数名词2、 a lot of = lots of = much + 不可数名词3、eat 与 have 都有 “ 吃” 的意思。 breakfast 吃早饭 have = eat lunc

10、h 吃午饭 一日三餐名词前 dinne r 吃晚饭 不用冠词 the a an 本块习题 一、 句型转换1、The running star has lots of healthy food(否定句) .The running star_ _ lots of healthy food2、A lot of people like eating healthy food .(同义句)_ people like _ healthy food3、My son and daughter eat lots of broccoli and milk (同义句). My son and daughter ea

11、t _ broccoli _ milk二、改错1、I like eating chickens . 2、My mother has a milk .3、The boys bring many waters . 4、Jim eat lots of food every day5、The peoples like sheep . 6、We eat many healthy food .7、His son likes eats fruits . 8、 I like apple very much .9、My daughter have chicken for breakfast . A B10、Lo

12、ts of Chineses like vegetables and fruits .11、He takes three food to my daughter for dinner Unit 7 How much are these pants ?How much “多少钱”,常用来提问商品价钱。1、-How much is + 第三人称单数主语 ? -It is + 钱数 。 答句中,用it代替 -How much is this red sweater ? -It is twenty dollars . 2、-How much are + 复数主语 ?-They are + 钱数 。 答

13、句中,用they代替 。-How much are these white pants ? -They are thirty dollars .二、选择1、Jims mother sells _ black shoes every day . .A. much B. many C. a D. an 2、How _ is that red sweater ? A. many B. much 3、We have _ healthy food everyday .A. lot of B. much C. many D. A lot of 4、- How much is this Tshirt ? -_ is thirteen dollars .

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