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1、非选择题必须使用0.5毫米的黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔记清楚。5.保持卡面整洁、不要折叠、不要弄脏、不要弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第卷一、单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)选择最佳答案。( )1. Boys and girls , _fruits in June in the coming year come from your daily study. Come on, my dear friends ! As long as you try your best , success will be on your way!A. the B. a C. /( )2.Chi

2、nahostedthe2016GroupofTwenty(G20)summitinHangzhou,bestknown foritsscenicWestLake,_September,2016. A. in B. on C. at( )3.-China launched the Tiangong IIspace laboratory(天宫二号)with a great success on September 15 , whose mission will lay a solid foundation (打下坚实的基础)and gather valuable experience for th

3、e building and operation(操作) of our future manned space station. -Thanks to the great efforts of the scientists in China space, it will encourage Chinese, especially us teenagers _ at what we do. A. work hard B. to work hard C. working hard ( )4.-Harbin International Marathon was held successfully o

4、n August. 28th. It not only expresses the enthusiasm (热情)of the people in Harbin but also calls on more people to join in the sports activities . -Yeah, _ sports we do, _ we will be. A. more, healthier B. the more, the healthily C. the more, the healthier( )5. Our school sports meeting was held in t

5、he stadium of Harbin Teacher Training University on September16th. All the runners attended the meeting and took part in the events. _ , we spoke highly of them : Friendship first, competition second.A. At same time B. In meantime C. In the meantime ( )6. -It is friends that bring us endless happine

6、ss and wonderful memories. Choosing your friends _is of great importance. As the saying goes: He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas (近朱者赤,近墨者黑) . -Yes. What it says can _ us an important lesson. A. wise, give B. wisdom, give C. wisely, teach ( )7. Are you going to Tibet as a volunteer

7、next summer vacation? Yes, can you _ me with some advice about it because of your experience? A. offer B. give C. provide( )8. -The development of science and technology has brought us _ benefits. Electronic products like smart phones have played an important role in our life. -So it is. Our future

8、life will be more colorful .A. plenty of B. part of C. a plenty of( )9.- Lang Ping, one of the most famous and respected individuals in the history of volleyball, has been hired as the new head coach for the Chinas Womens National Volleyball Team since 2015. -Yeah, It is she that created a wonder in

9、 the Rio Olympics in 2016, _ spirit of womens volleyball again. A. showing B. to show C. showed( )10. -Im leaving _ Beijing tomorrow and will stay there for a week. -_ you are there, would you please buy some books for me? A. for, As soon as B. for, While C. to, If( )11. -Ill _ you to dinner tonight

10、. -Sounds good! But lets instead. A. treat, go Dutch B. regard, pay separately C. consider, have separate checks( )12. Could you tell me _? -It seems like Thanksgiving Day in the west , on which people are thankful for what they have. A. whats Mid-autumn Day like B. what Mid-autumn Day was C. what M

11、id-autumn Day is like( )13. Everyone in the world is unique . So _ , we dont have to prove that were better in everything than others. -.Youre right. Every dog has its lucky day.A. be yourself B. enjoy yourself C. treat yourself( )14. Which place do you like best in our city, Clove garden (丁香园)or La

12、vender Manor(薰衣草庄园)? -Of course, Lavender Manor. Its the best place _I have travelled. A. that B. which C. to which( )15. It is one of the most important festivals in western countries. It falls in spring. On that day, people often play jokes on others, or make fun of others. Therefore, this festiva

13、l is _. A. New Years Day B. Easter Day C. April Fools Day ( )16. Living habits are of great importance for every one. Good living habits can make a person healthy,wealthy and wise. We should _ in our daily life. eat enough vegetables which have rich vitamin stay up reviewing lessons all the time go

14、to school without breakfast have a good attitude towards life open the window and take a breath of fresh air as often as possible A. B. C. ( )17. Travelling can open our minds. Tina from a middle school in Harbin with her 68-year-old grandma and her parents traveled to Shanghai Disney during the winter holiday. They spent _ yuan according to the following price list of the travel agency (旅行社) together. Ticket Price : 370 per person Student ticket 30% Adult ticketOriginal price (原价) Senior ticket (over sixty-five years of age)20% off for one of the two

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