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1、Those who have a good command over the knowledge provided in the books can adjust themselves and adapt better to the future than those without.(3)只有催促学生多读、多写、多做练习,才能提高教育。Only by urging students to read more, write more and do more exercises can education be improved.赞成教授实用技能:(1)如果教育只造就了不能把理论用在实践当中的人

2、,那它就是失败的。Education is nothing but a failure if it only cultivates people who are unable to put theory into practice.(2)我们应该鼓励学生了解社会,以便他们更能适应真正的生活,而不是只给他们提供书本知识。Instead of offering student book knowledge only, we should encourage them to get to know the society so that they could better adapt themsel

3、ves to real life.(3)教育是人的自我延伸。它不单单发生在学校,而且是要一辈子来追求的。Education is a gradual extension of oneself. It not only takes place in school buildings but also requires a life-long pursuit.2.男女分校赞成:(1)在同性别的学校里,学生可以集中精力,不会因为早恋而分心。In schools of the same sex, student could devote themselves fully to the study wi

4、thout distractions by puppy love.(2)一些诸如性教育之类的敏感课程可以在单性学校里自由地教授。Some sensitive subjects such as sex education can be taught freely in schools of the same sex.反对:(1)单姓学校不能提供真实的社会环境,所以其学生缺乏对社会的现实准备,他们成人后将在这个社会中工作。Single-sex schools fail to provide a read social environment, so students there lack the

5、realistic preparation for the society, in which they will be expected to function when they become adults.(2)学生需要广泛的交流来增加经验,而不是和异性隔离开来。应该牢记的是任何违反自然规则的行为都会导致不良后果。Students are in need of extensive exchanges to get more experiences, instead of being isolated from the opposite sex. What should be rememb

6、ered is that any action violating the rule of nature will lead to undesirable outcomes.3.兼职利弊(1)在培养年轻人的独立性的意义上来说,学生兼职是有益的。In the sense of cultivating young peoples independent spirit, part-time jobs are of great benefits.(2)兼职经验使学生了解什么是工作,能让他们对未来的工作做好心理准备。Part-time job experience gives students an i

7、nsight into what work is about and makes them prepare psychologically for their future jobs.(3)兼职能帮助学生在实践中应用自己的知识,同时,他们的经验将是他们更了解自己在课堂和书本上学到的东西。Part-time jobs can help students apply their knowledge into practice, and, in return, their experience will make them know better what they have learned in

8、classes and books.(1)学生兼职不好,因为他们会变成以钱为中心。It is not good for students to do part-time jobs because they will become money-centered.(2)学生的主要任务是努力学习。社会经验可以在完成学业以后获取。The main task of students is to study hard. Social experience can be gained later after they finish their studies.4.家长应管教孩子(1)现在年轻人都是以自我为中

9、心,对别人漠不关心,不够体贴。这个事实主要是因为在孩童时期父母的过分纵容。The fact that young people nowadays are self-centered, indifferent, and inconsiderate is largely the outcome of parental permissiveness in their childhood.(2)我们这个时代里青少年犯罪的泛滥主要是因为父母的溺爱。The spread of juvenile delinquency in our age is largely due to parental permis

10、siveness.(3)如果让孩子向做什么就做什么,就会彻底毁了孩子的一生。If parents let their children do whatever they want to, they will ruin their childrens life entirely.(1)父母使用暴力来维持纪律和权威是不正当的。Parents are not justified in using violence to keep discipline and maintain authority over their children.(2)只有轻松的家庭环境才能有助于孩子身体和心理的成长。Only

11、 a relaxed family atmosphere can help the physical and psychological growth of children.(3)真相是现在的父母对孩子不够关心,时常疏忽他们的发展,因为父母只对自己的事业感兴趣。The truth is: parents nowadays do not take enough care of their children and often neglect their development because the parents are only interested in their careers.5.

12、高中毕业先工作一年再上大学(1)一年的工作经验让学生对社会现实和残酷竞争有初步的了解,对学生以后的工作非常重要。One-year working experience provides initial understanding of social reality and cruel competition in the world, which is of vital importance to students future career.(2)学生能明确自己的奋斗目标,把握自己的人生方向,在步入学校后会更努力实现自己的梦想。Students may get to know what th

13、ey want to achieve and what they want in their life. They will try harder to fulfill their dream once they go to college.(3)工作经验使学生学会合作和让步,掌握未来成功所需的人际交往和技巧。Working experience enables students learn to cooperate and compromise and master interpersonal skills needed for future success.(1)社会复杂,到处都是危险,这

14、会增加家长的担心。The complicated society is full of dangers for students, which increases families concerns.(2)在上大学之前工作是浪费时间,应该在年轻的时候多学点东西。Working before college education is a waste of time. Students should gain more knowledge when they are still young.教育类模拟真题:1.Some people think that theoretical knowledge

15、 should be given priority in college education while others suggest that more practical skills be taught. Which side are you with? Give your opinion and reasons with your own experience.有人认为大学教育应该注重理论性知识,而有些人建议提供更多的实用性知识。你赞成哪一方?用自己的经历给出你的观点和理由。2.Some people believe that students should gain some work experience to enlarge their vision before they go to university after high school graduation. Do you agree or disagree?有些人认

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