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高英最新译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案U4 Reading29Word文件下载.docx

1、而英语阅读教学的目的不但是让学生通过阅读来获取并掌握一定的语言知识,而且要加强学生对文章内容、信息结构及阅读技能的学习和培养。因此本节课的设计,教师在教学过程中注重引导鼓励学生从文章的整体结构分析,到细节信息的捕捉;从接受理解课文内容,到灵活运用所学知识;从书本,到课外;从师生互动,到小组合作。调动听说看等多种感官,在了解本话题知识的同时,锻炼正确的阅读技巧,培养主动学习和合作精神。Teaching aims:After learning the text, the students will be able to gain some knowledge about idioms especi

2、ally the Biblical idioms. Students are expected to practice and reinforce their reading comprehension and improve their overall abilities.Teaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in1. Introduce two famous sentences quoted from Confucian Analects(论语).The students can find two Chinese idioms in these two senten

3、ces. (PPT5)2. Introduce Confucian Analects briefly, especially its effects on our history and culture, emphasizing that now many Chinese idioms we often use are from Confucian Analects. (PPT6)3. Introduce a sentence which contains an English idiom. This sentence is quoted from OLD TESTAMENT (圣经旧约).

4、(PPT7)4. Then Introduce Bible briefly, emphasizing that many basic concepts and principles of Western culture have come down from the Bible, and many common English phrases and expressions have their origin in the Bible as well. Then lead to the topic of this lesson. 1. 5. Biblical idioms in English

5、. (PPT8-9)Explanation英语老师反串语文老师,学生一定会感到很新鲜有趣。出自论语的两个成语是学生们耳熟能详的。关于论语对中国文化历史乃至世界的影响,学生们应该是略知一二。由此进行同类比较,引出一个出自圣经的英语习语以及对于圣经的简单介绍。水到渠成地导入本课主题“圣经习语”。Step 2 Fast reading1. Scan the text and listen to the recording of the text. Think about the following 3 questions: (PPT10,点击“Fast reading”字样,超级链接播放课文录音)1

6、) What is an idiom?2) Which language was the Bible first written in?3) Which idiom is often used to describe children?2. Ask some students to answer the 3 questions. (PPT11)Keys: 1) An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often can not be understood by looking at the meanings of

7、the separate words in it.2) In Hebrew. 3) “Apple of their parents eye”.3. Discuss the structure of the text.(PPT12) The text can be divided into 4 parts. Discuss how to divide it in pairs with the help of the main ideas of each part.1. What is an idiom? (Para_)2. Why does the Bible have a lot of idi

8、om?3. What are the features of Biblical idioms?4. Why should we learn idioms well?Key: part 1 (para1) Part 2 (para2) Part3 (para3-6) Part 4 (para7) 让学生带着问题配合录音快速阅读课文,熟悉文章的话题及内容布局。因为是快速阅读后的结构分析,所以教师提供段意降低难度,让学生比较容易的将课文分成几部分,为下一步精读作准备。Step 3 Detailed reading1. Read paragraph 1 and 2 again carefully. T

9、ry to answer some T/F questions. (PPT13) a. The meanings of an idiom are always the same as the meanings of its components. b. You can easily misunderstand a sentence if you dont recognize an idiom is being used.c. The original meaning of Biblical idioms has never changed.a. The meanings of an idiom

10、 are always the same as the meanings of its components. (F) (a题答案F显示后,点击“F”超级链接到幻灯片14举例)Example:A: I think it was Jason who stole my document.B: Fat chance! (微小的机会;极少的可能) Hes the only one who left here late. I know him. Hell never do that sort of thing. (PPT14右下角按钮,返回幻灯片13继续 b题)b. You can easily mis

11、understand a sentence if you dont recognize an idiom is being used. (T)c. The original meaning of Biblical idioms has never changed. (F) (c题答案F显示后,点击“F”超级链接到PPT15举例)Examples:“by and by” originally mean immediately, but now it means before long.“stone will cry out”the stones will cry out” used to mea

12、n cannot control ones feelings. Now it means that people will know it if you do something bad. (PPT16)What are the features of Biblical idioms? (PPT17) a. Biblical idioms often came from stories. b. Some idioms from the Bible that use animals.c. Another focus of Biblical idioms is often things relat

13、ed to agricultural life or food.2. Read Para 3-6 carefully and answer the following questions: 4. Read paragraphs 3-6 carefully and answer the following questions. (PPT18)1) Why did Biblical idioms often come from stories?2) What does “feet of clay” mean?3) Which animals are featured in the idioms i

14、n the article?4) Which examples included in the text are related to agricultural life or food?Keys:1) 1) Because the idiom itself was the expression that underlined the moral of a story and gave audiences a picture to help them understand the story better. (PPT19) 2) 2) There is a hidden weakness in

15、 somebody whom we admire or respect. (PPT20)3) 3) A calf. 4) “reap what we sow” and “the apple of my eye”.3. Read paragraph 7 again carefully and try to list the benefits of learning idioms. (PPT21) 1) improving your comprehension 2) Developing a high level of competence in your communication skills 3) Better understanding and appreciating the history and culture of English-speaking countries.4. How many idioms have been mentioned in th

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