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1、 询问并谈论在相应的季节里应该做什么活动,并学习用频度副词often和sometimes进行描述和回答;第三课时以Part B中的Lets learn more部分为主,拓展学习少量月份和描述季节。第四课时以Read the words部分的语音教学为主要内容,并在综合复习的基础上,通过活动来检测和评价学生的学习效果。【单元具体目标】知识目标一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season, plant trees, ride a bike, March, April, May, warm, hot, cool, rich, cold,

2、 go swimming二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:1. What do you do in .?I often . with my friends. Sometimes we .2. Its warm and trees are green. We like to .3. Summer is hot, but we can .三、了解字母组合ir, or和ur在单词中的发音,并能运用读音规则读出所给生词。情感目标通过对季节的学习,培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit2【主 题】Warming-up: Think and gro

3、up, Lets learn, Lets chant【课 时】第1课时一、教学目标1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season, plant trees, ride a bike。2. 能熟练说唱Lets chant部分的歌谣。二、教学准备教师准备:1. Lets learn部分的教学卡片。2. 本课时的课件。3. 春天和夏天的图片:春天的图片上要有绿色的草坪和树木,以及一些正在放风筝的小朋友;夏天的图片上是一个满头大汗(准备游泳)的男孩儿。4. Lets learn部分和Lets chant部分的教学音频。三、教学方法建议课程导入(

4、Leading In)(1)课前问答师生互致问候之后,教师继续话题,发起自由会话:T: How many days are there in a week?Ss: Seven. How many months are there in a year, then? Twelve. And how many seasons are there in a year? Do you know?(教师可以向学生解释season的意思是“季节”,从而引导学生回答Four(2)新课导入Part A Warming-up: Think and group1.课件展示本部分这四幅有不同季节特点的图片,先让学观察

5、并简单描述,再让学生说一说图片中的场景通常都发生在一年中的什么时候:(1) T: What can you see in the first picture?T& The trees are green. The grass is green. There is a kite in the sky. What about the time in the year?(2) Look at the second picture. The farmer feels very hot. He is selling watermelons. What is the time in the year?(3

6、) The weather is fine. Look at the farmland. The crops are ripe (庄稼成熟了) Whats the time in the year?(4 ) Its snowing. Its very cold outside. Whats the time in the year?2. 引导学生用相应季节图片下的符号在年历上做标记,将年历上的各个月份分组,同桌交流讨论,看看能否统一意见。课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part A Lets learn1. 教授词汇spring和plant trees教师

7、出示春天的图片(图片上要有绿色的草坪和树木,以及一些正在放风筝的小朋友),通过图片引入教授单词spring。 Look at the picture, boys and girls. What can you see?S1: I can see green grass, some trees and some children.如学生回答不完整,教师可以进行补充。 What are they doing?S2: They are flying kites. Yes. The weather is warm, The grass is green. The trees are green and

8、 the birds are back. Its spring. Spring is warm. We can fly kites in spring.教师板书新单词spring,引导学生进行拼读。读音方面要注意提醒学生s后面p的读音的浊化和pr这两个辅音的连缀现象。教师继续提问,引出新授短语plant trees: What can we do in spring?(然后一边做植树的动作一边说)We can plant trees.教师板书plant trees,引导学生拼读短语并纠正错误的发音。教师在这里可以扩充讲解:plant作名词时,意思是“植物、草木”,作动词时的意思是“种植”。拓展

9、应用:We can plant flowers in spring, too. We can plant many plants in spring.2. 教授单词summer教师出示夏天的它片(图片上是一个满头大汗正准备游泳的另孩儿) Hi, boys and girls. What can you see in the picture? A boy. How is he feeling?(引导学生作答) He is feeling very hot.T. Yes. It is very hot. It is summer. The weather is very hot in summer

10、.教师板书并领读新单词summer,注意提醒学生:字母u在这里读短音。 What can we do in summer? We can swim.3. 教授词汇autumn和ride a bike教师出示秋天的图片,边指着图片上的景色边介绍: Look, the trees are yellow. The leaves are falling down. Its autumn. The weather is cool in autumn.教师板书并领读新单词autumn,注意提示单词autumn的渎音:字母组合au读:,u读,而词尾的n在这里不发音。 What can we do in au

11、tumn?(教师展示图片或做骑自行车的动作,边做动作边说) I can ride a bike in autumn.教师板书ride a bike,学生拼读。并反复引导学生练习运用: Who can ride a bike? Can you ride a bike?4.教授单词winter教师出示冬天下雪的图片: Look. Is it snowing? Yes, it is. Well. It s winter now. It often snows in winter. Is it cold?(教师缩头缩脑作寒冷状帮助学生理解cold的含义) Its cold in winter. Do

12、you like to make a snowman in winter? Yes, I do.T. We can make a snowman in winter.教师板书并领读单同winter。5. 教授单词season教师边出示四季的图片,边向学生介绍: Spring is a season. Summer is a season. Autumn is a season and winter is also a season. How many seasons are there in a year? Four. There are four seasons in a year.板书并领

13、读单词season,强调这个单词里的第一个s读s、第二个s则读z,而字母组合ea在这里的发音是长元音i:。(2)巩固活动1. 教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Let s learn more部分的词汇。2. 借助以前学过的句型和学生进行问答,巩固本课时所学的词汇。如:Do you like spring / summer / autumn / winter?What can you do in spring / summer / autumn / winter?Whats your favorite season? / Which season do you like best? Why?操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)Part B Lets chant这是一首描述四季特点的韵文,文字优美,韵律感强,教学中教师要注意培养学生的语感,引导学生在轻松欢快的节奏中感受到英语语言的美,借此激发学生的学习兴趣。1. 教师要求学生自己先试着读一读本部分的句子,并把不会的单词用铅笔圈出来。2. 播放Lets chant的读词部分,要求学生模仿其语音语调跟读歌词。3. 播放Lets chant的说唱部分,学生跟着节奏边

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