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牛津译林版英语选修七 Unit1导学案Word文件下载.docx

1、英译汉汉译英核心单词1.drawback n. 缺点,不利条件2principle n. 原理,行为准则3distribute vt. 分发,分配4eventually adv. 最后,终于5portable adj. 便携式的6sceptical adj. 怀疑的7religious adj. 宗教的8circumstance n. 条件,环境9typical adj. 典型的;特有的10sacrifice vt./n. 牺牲,舍弃11.制造 constructvt.12可使用的;可接触的 accessibleadj.13缠绕,曲折 windvt./vi.14存储 storagen.15预料

2、,预知 foreseevt.16适当的,合适的 suitableadj.17投票,表决 votev/n.18拒绝,拒收 rejectvt.19反对,抵制 opposevt.20摆脱,去除 ridvt.重点短语 superior to超过;比优越2wind up给上发条3be associated with与有联系4carry out执行5compare.with. 与相比较6a large amount of 大量的7not necessarily 未必,不一定8previous to在以前9for good measure 额外10rid.of. 除去;摆脱11.涌现,迅猛发展 sp

3、ring_up12在那种情况下,既然那样 in_that_case13代表,象征 stand_for14能够 be_capable_of15朝去 head_for16相信,信任,信仰 have_faith_in17目前,暂时 for_the_time_being18被暴露于;接受 be_exposed_to19等于 be_equal_to20与保持联系 keep_in_touch_with温故知新 A馨然过关B基本通过C再努力二、课内合作探究、考点导练.根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式1He looked like a (典型的)tourist.2The Management Union (拒

4、绝)the workers demand.3He is reading a book about the (适应)of desert species to the hot conditions.4The villagers (反对)building a plant on their farmland.5The money was (分配)among schools in the area.用下列方框中所给短语的正确形式填空spring up,come onto the market,head for,be equal to,keep in touch with,wind up,be acces

5、sible to,in particular,be suitable for,get rid of 1Do you think this present a little boy?2Frankly I cant imagine how the manager can afford to it.3Now we can use the Internet to each other.4Nails and other small parts should not the kids.5I forgot to the clock,and I was late.6I like one of the maga

6、zines .7In 1996,a completely new concept was introduced when the first WEB TV settop boxes .8The ship set sail and London.9The amount of radiation using a mobile phone for two halfhour periods per day.10Because of MP3 players,music websites have all over the Internet.句子翻译1随着因特网的发展,许多新的事物不断涌现(spring)

7、2我们的政府正在采取措施帮助失业者。(measure)3药品不应该放在儿童容易拿到的地方。(accessible)4通常情况下,没人会签署这样的不公平协议。(circumstance)5无论你的心情如何,你必须为你的言行负责。(responsible).单项填空1He is considered to be _in English to me,as he had three years experience of learning English in Canada.Asuperior Bbetter Cinterested Dexposed2As the newly bought MP3 d

8、oesnt work well,the customer _an explanation and that his money be returned to him in no time.Arequired Bdemanded Cdeclared Dannounced3Excuse me,but can you help me to repair my transistor radio?Why not _your knowledge of physics _practice?Ause;to Bput;in Capply;to Dapply;or4I would welcome the oppo

9、rtunity for a personal interview with you at your _.Aservice BpleasureCcomfort Dconvenience5I feel I cant _so much pressure now with too much homework to do and so many things to deal with.Atake in Btake awayCtake on Dtake over6Why do we still sunbathe when we know _to sunlight for too much time wil

10、l do harm to our skin?Aexposed Bhaving exposedCbeing exposed Dto be exposing7How about the price of these washing machines?They are at least equal _price _those at other stores.Ain;to Bto;withCas;to Dto;as8_Im here to say is _having worked side by side with you,devoted teachers,is the happiest thing

11、 to me.AThat;what BWhat;thatCWhat;/ DThat;9To fully understand the writer,we must read not only between the lines,but sometimes _the lines.Awithin BbeyondCbeside Damong10How I wish everyone were kind and respected to their elders!_,there wouldnt be quarrels among the parents and their children.AWhen

12、 necessary BIf soCIf possible DSo what、考点探究1apply v申请;涂;专心;应用,运用_ n申请人_ n申请归纳拓展(1)Ninetyfive publiclyfunded theatres could apply for funding under the twoyear plan.95个公共资助的剧院可以申请为期两年的融资计划。(2)Apply some medicine to his wound.给他的伤口上点药吧。活学活用(1)These regulations only _ children.这些规定只适用于小孩。(2)In order to know whether his plan was practical,he first

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