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1、One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow

2、 as people. Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can

3、 help us succeed in other areas of our lives. If we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities.In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become bet

4、ter, more confident people. Furthermore, if we give up, we have non chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.Thank you !永远不要放弃我们经常听到人们说,“永不放弃”,这些可以鼓励的话和决心的话。相信他们的人会继续努力去实现他的目标,不管他失败多少次。在我看来,成功的决心是一个重要的问题。因此,我相信我们不应该放弃。一个原因是,如果我们放弃太容易


6、们放弃,我们有机会实现我们的目标,但如果我们继续努力,总有一个机会,我们会成功的一天。谢谢!关于坚持的英语演讲稿(中英文对照)篇2别坚持说英语 Dont insist on EnglishI know what youre thinking. You think Ive lost my way, and somebodys going to come on the stage in a minute and guide me gently back to my seat. (Applause) I get that all the time in Dubai. Here on holiday

7、are you, dear (Laughter) Come to visit the children How long are you staying我知道你们在想什么,你们觉得我迷路了,马上就会有人走上台温和地把我带回我的座位上。(掌声)。我在迪拜总会遇上这种事。“来这里度假的吗,亲爱的”(笑声)“来探望孩子的吗这次要待多久呢Well actually, I hope for a while longer yet. I have been living and teaching in the Gulf for over 30 years. (Applause) And in that ti

8、me, I have seen a lot of changes. Now that statistic is quite shocking. And I want to talk to you today about language loss and the globalization of English. I want to tell you about my friend who was teaching English to adults in Abu Dhabi. And one fine day, she decided to take them into the garden

9、 to teach them some nature vocabulary. But it was she who ended up learning all the Arabic words for the local plants, as well as their uses medicinal uses, cosmetics, cooking, herbal. How did those students get all that knowledge Of course, from their grandparents and even their greatgrandparents.

10、Its not necessary to tell you how important it is to be able to communicate across generations.恩,事实上,我希望能再待久一点。我在波斯湾这边生活和教书已经超过30年了。(掌声)这段时间里,我看到了很多变化。现在这份数据是挺吓人的,而我今天要和你们说的是有关语言的消失和英语的全球化。我想和你们谈谈我的朋友,她在阿布达比教成人英语。在一个晴朗的日子里,她决定带她的学生到花园去教他们一些大自然的词汇。但最后却变成是她在学习所有当地植物在阿拉伯语中是怎么说的。还有这些植物是如何被用作药材,化妆品,烹饪,香草

11、。这些学生是怎么得到这些知识的呢当然是从他们的祖父母,甚至曾祖父母那里得来的。不需要我来告诉你们能够跨代沟通是多么重要。But sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented rate. A language dies every 14 days. Now, at the same time, English is the undisputed global language. Could there be a connection Well I dont know. But I do know that Ive seen a lot

12、 of changes. When I first came out to the Gulf, I came to Kuwait in the days when it was still a hardship post. Actually, not that long ago. That is a little bit too early. But nevertheless, I was recruited by the British Council along with about 25 other teachers. And we were the first nonMuslims t

13、o teach in the state schools there in Kuwait. We were brought to teach English because the government wanted to modernize the country and empower the citizens through education. And of course, the benefited from some of that lovely oil wealth.但遗憾的是,今天很多语言正在以前所未有的速度消失。每14天就有一种语言消失,而与此同时,英语却无庸置疑地成为全球性

14、的语言。这其中有关联吗我不知道。但我知道的是,我见证过许多改变。初次来到海湾地区时,我去了科威特。当时教英文仍然是个困难的工作。其实,没有那么久啦,这有点太久以前了。总之,我和其他25位老师一起被英国文化协会聘用。我们是第一批非穆斯林的老师,在科威特的国立学校任教。我们被派到那里教英语,是因为当地政府希望国家可以现代化并透过教育提升公民的水平。当然,英国也能得到些好处,产油国可是很有钱的。Okay. Now this is the major change that Ive seen how teaching English has morphed from being a mutually beneficial practice to becoming a massive international business that it is today. No longer just a foreign language on the school curriculum. And no longer the sole domain of mother England. It has become a bandwagon for every Englishspeaking

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