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外研版九年级英语下册Module6 Eating together单元练习Word下载.docx

1、 A. At 8:00 p.m. B. At 7:00 p.m. C. At 6:00 p.m. 7. How is Grandpa coming? A. By train. B. By bus. C. By car. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. What is the woman studying? A. English. B. Chinese. C. Maths. 9. What is the man good at? A. Playing the guitar. B. Playing the piano. C. Playing the violin. 请听一段对话,完成第1

2、0至第11小题。10. Where is the woman going? A. To France. B. To Australia. C. To China.11. Who will the woman visit? A. Her friend. B. Her brother. C. Her teacher. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。12. How is the weather tomorrow? A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.13. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A plan fo

3、r tomorrow. B. Programmes on TV. C. Food for the dinner. 请听一段对话,完成第14至第15小题。14. What can we know about the speaker? A. He was a good football player. B. He will take part in the game. C. He likes maths and science.15. Why does the speaker give the speech to the students? A. To explain the rules of t

4、he game to them. B. To encourage them to play football. C. To introduce his school to them. 三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。Eastwood StoreDate: June 8thName: 16. Brown Address: No.11 17. StreetPhone: 235-4618 Food: Six 18. Two boxes of dark chocolate Three bo

5、ttles of 19. A small bag of white sugar TOTAL: $20. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 二、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)21. The Spring Festival in January or February. A. celebrates B. is celebrated C. celebrated D. was celebrated22. - Who designed this game? - It by Tom in 1999. A. is designed B. designs C. was designed D. desi

6、gned23. - Its difficult for the village children to cross the river for school. - I think a bridge over the river. A. should be built B. is being built C. has been built D. was built24. - Its said that an airport in Yangzhou. - Its true. Thats what we are getting excited about these days. A. builds

7、B. will build C. is building D. will be built25. In the past few years thousands of films all over the world. A. have produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced26. - Help to some cakes, Jim. - Thank you. A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves27. - Can you tell the differ

8、ence between these two pictures? - Difference? Oh, no. They look quite . A. similar B. different C. strange D. interesting28. It is used changing the style of the clothes. A. to B. at C. in D. for29. It is important people learn team spirit. A. of; of B. of; to C. for; to D. to; to30. - Would you li

9、ke something to drink? - . Im not thirsty. A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Sorry三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共5小题;共5分)31. In order to s more customers a day, many fast food restaurants paint the wall red.32. Im glad to receive your i and Id love to go.33. If the room is p green, you will not feel tired.34. Well

10、use the sun to h our homes.35. We use k for cutting things in our daily life.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共5小题;36. All the guests have been (提供) with food and drinks.37. The customs in Qingdao are (相似的) to those in Yantai.38. Thanks for your (邀请).39. When we arrived there, the workers were busy (刷油漆).40. Im s

11、urprised that they can play basketball in this (热).五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共3小题;共6分)41. 人们将永远记住那小女孩身处危险时的甜美微笑。(词数不限)The little girl forever by people for her sweet smile when she was in danger.42. 在加拿大讲英语。English in 43. There are many foods; (你随便吃些鱼).六、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Most children love sweet food. Howeve

12、r, eating too much candy or drinking too many sugary drinks is 44 for our health. Many countries have started to do 45 to control the amount of sugary drinks kids have. The sale and advertisement of 46 drinks have been limited(限制) in Boston, US. It will be impossible to buy sugary drinks in 47 . Its

13、 reported that about one half of the US population aged 2 and older 48 sugary drinks every day. One in five American children aged 12 to 19 is overweight. Many other 49 have taken similar actions. The governments of France and Hungary started a new tax(税) on sugary drinks. They 50 this will keep pop

14、ulations healthier. China is facing the same 51 Middle school students in big cities in China each drink about 1,200ml of sugary drinks every day according to a recent study. The number of overweight 52 has increased 5 to 10 times in the last 20 years. Gao Xiang of Harvard Medical School 53 the Chinese government to deal with the situation activel

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