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1、,CONTENTS,commandmentcynic extracurricular activitiesdeanstrivemaintenanceinvolveconducive,Word Pretest,commandment:an important rulecynic:one who doubts or has negative opinion about othersextracurricular activities:activities that are not part of the usual school coursedean:the head of a college o

2、r school of a universitystrive:try hardmaintenance:keeping in good conditioninvolve:cause someone to take part inconducive:helpful,Word Pretest,Culture TipThe Ten Commandments are a set of principles in the Bible(圣经)relating to ethics and worship,which play a fundamental role in Christianity.They in

3、clude instructions to worship only God and to keep the Sabbath(安息日);as well as prohibitions against idolatry(偶像崇拜),blasphemy(亵渎上帝),murder,theft,dishonesty,and adultery(奸淫).,The Ten Commandments,You shall have no other gods before Me.You shall not make for yourself a graven image.You shall not take T

4、he Name of The Lord your God in vain.Remember the Sabbath day,to keep it holy.Honor your father and your mother.You shall not kill.You shall not commit adultery.You shall not steal.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.You shall not covet your neighbors house;you shall not covet you

5、r neighbors wife,or his manservant,or his maidservant,or his ox,or his ass,or anything that is your neighbors.,The Ten Commandments,Ten Commandments for a College Freshman,This is a letter written by an American father to a son attending college in the 1960s.,1.Scan the text and grasp the main ideaA

6、 father listed ten important rules or pieces of advice on how to prepare for college life,they are:plan to succeed;handle freedom responsibly;spread the joy of learning;play down those reports in sex and liquor;plan to have funand often;know at least one professor or one dean personally;be concerned

7、;be selective;strive to keep healthy;forget and remember.2.Text structure(divide the text into 3 parts)Part 1:Paragraph 1(opening)Part 2:Paragraph 2-11(The father provide a list of ten rules,and elaborate each one by one.)Part 3:Paragraph 12(ending),Second Reading,Questions for Para.1-2,Q1:What shal

8、l we do to succeed in college?draw up a schedulelay out your day and weekget in the habit,Language Point,quarterback n.the player who directs the teams attacking play and passes the ball to other players at the start of each attack.(指挥进攻的)四分卫,Language Point,Success in college will be much more likel

9、y if you really draw up a schedule of hours for study,work,and play.(Line 8-10)Paraphrase:It will be much easier for you to succeed if you really make a good plan for your college life.,Q2:Why shall we handle freedom responsibly?,Questions for Para.3,Language Point,disastrous adj very bad,harmful or

10、 unsuccessful disaster disastrouse.g.The first four years of government were completely disastrous.政府前4年的执政彻底失败。,Language Point,Freedom such as a student has at college is disastrous for that freshman who has little sense of responsibility.(Line 15-16)Paraphrase:If a student at college is not respon

11、sible to the freedom he has,it will cause very bad result.,Q3:How do you understand the sentence“those who are sent to college”?Q4:What are the cynics attitudes towards college education?,Questions for Para.4,Language Point,cynic n someone who believes that people care only about themselves and are

12、not sincere or honest 愤世嫉俗者e.g.Im both a romantic and a cynic.我是既浪漫又愤世嫉俗的。cynicism玩世不恭,愤世嫉俗,犬儒主义,Q5:How do you understand the expression“play down”?,Questions for Para.5,Language Point,co-ed n A co-ed is a female student at a co-educational college or universitypill n a pill that some women take to

13、prevent them becoming pregnant perpetual adj Lasting for a long time,over and over again,Language Point,You Shall Play Down Those Reports on Sex and Liquor.Paraphrase:It is not true that some people say most students on campus do not treat sex seriously and drink a lot.Because most are looking for t

14、heir true love and the chances are really minor that they hold a never-ending beer party and get drunk.,Q6:Are you encouraged to build personal relationship with some professors?,Questions for Para.6-7,Language Point,diligence n careful and thorough work or effort 勤奋e.g.What a pity!Considering his i

15、ntelligence and diligence,he might have achieved a higher grade.enthusiasm n a strong feeling of excitemente.g.Their enthusiasm seems to be falling off a bit.他们的热情似乎有点减退。,Q7:Why shall we be concerned with the campus workers?Key:Because a small thing to a campus worker is just as important as your knowledge about the big world.,Questions for Para.8,Q8:How to keep healthy according to the writer?Enoug

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