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1、69. a 70. exists短文改错71. . a secret wish what . what that72. . many artists friends . artists artist73. . creating great art take . take takes74. . which art appears . which whose75. . worked as an artist . worked前加has76. . because of she always . 去掉of77. . wants to improving. improving improve78. .

2、how hardly she works . hardly hard79. . broken down into step. step steps80. . made cartooning seems . seems seem书面表达One possible version:Dear Cindy,We are happy to know your birthday is approaching and wed like to hold a birthday party for you. The detailed information is as follows.The party will

3、be held in the Sunshine Hotel on Garden Road at 6:30 pm next Sunday, which is a ten-minute walk from our school. Six classmates of mine and two English teachers will take part in it. At the party, we will make a short speech, thanking you for your hard work here, and then we will have dinner, follow

4、ed by singing, dancing and playing games. We have also prepared some small gifts for you. I am sure we will have a lot of fun. We hope youll have a nice birthday. Yours, Li Hua 部分解析阅读理解第一节A篇(生活与学习)本文是应用文。文章是一则关于一家剪贴簿工作坊的广告。21. C。推理判断题。根据第一段中的She loved it so much that she wanted to work in the indust

5、ry可以推知,为了把自己的爱好发展成事业,Elissa创办了Scrapbook Cottage。22. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Cardmaking classes are held once a month可知,工作坊一个月安排一次卡片制作课程。23. B。根据第四段中的For a one-off fee, you earn a point for every dollar you spend, which you can put towards discounts on class purchases and much more可以推知,加入俱乐部的成员可以更好地利用手里的钱。B篇(

6、社会)本文主要介绍一些国家、城市或地区所采取的防治交通阻塞的措施和方法。24. A。根据第一段第一句可知,迪拜的交通问题恶化是意料之中的事。25. A。根据第三段第一、二句可知,此地采取了禁止车辆进入城区的措施来解决交通堵塞的问题。26. B。根据第四段第二、三句可知在使用环保车方面,汉堡或许做得最好。27. D。根据最后一段末句可知,Bloomberg的计划未能实现的原因在于州立法者的反对。C篇(生活)本文是说明文。文章介绍了人们对心血管病态度的转变及其带来的影响。28. D。根据第一段中的Health experts began to stress the idea that people

7、 could take control of their own health instead of relying on medical help和第二段中的they are focusing on preventive measures and taking responsibility for their own health可知,此处的change指“人们越来越关注如何预防疾病、维护健康”。29. A。根据第二段中的An increasing number of people understand that frequent aerobic exercise like walking,

8、 running, and swimming reduces stress可以推知,很多人通过经常运动来减轻压力。30. C。写作手法题。第三段主要通过列举一系列统计数据来说明人们对健康的态度发生改变后所产生的影响。31. B。根据最后一段中的a government program encouraged the nation to switch from palm oil, high in fat, to healthier soybean oil可知,毛里求斯政府鼓励人们食用大豆油是因为它比棕榈油更健康。D篇(学习)本文是议论文。文章就英国学校的课程安排进行了讨论。32. C。根据第一段中

9、的Many people still question the validity of having a curriculum imposed by the government and would prefer to see more control over what is given to the schools themselves可知,很多人认为课程安排应该由学校决定,而非政府。33. B。段落大意题。由第二段的描述可知,该段主要介绍了专家们出于健康考虑将体育课设为必修课的计划。34. C。根据第三段中的cooking lessons . ensure that they leave

10、 school able to cook at least eight nutritious meals可知,在烹饪课上学生可以学会做几道健康的菜肴。35. A。根据最后一段中的A week is only a week and an increase in time allocated to one subject will mean less time for another可知,如何在有限的时间内分配这些课程是一个大问题。第二节主题:学习文章就如何度过期末考试周提出了几条建议。36. A。根据本空后面的The finals week is so busy that you may not

11、 get time to learn new concepts和the best thing to do is just to revise concepts可知,A项“这段时间只用于复习”符合语境。37. E。根据本空前面的learn new things可以锁定E项中的Learning them。代入后,“在最后时刻学习新知识只会使你紧张”符合语境。38. C。They encourage you to stay over there and study until late at night和If you stay up late, there are chances you may n

12、ot wake up on time for your exam or you may even fall asleep during the exam之间是转折关系,故C项“但这是一件很糟糕的事情”符合语境,在文中起承上启下的作用。39. G。根据本空前面的小标题Do some exercise可以锁定G项中的Exercise。代入后,“在期末考试周锻炼67. enjoyable。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处表示“快乐的,有乐趣的”,故填enjoyable。68. it。考查it的用法。设空处为形式宾语,真正的宾语为to incorporate movement into their li

13、festyle as adults,故填it。69. a。考查冠词。tool为可数名词,且此处表泛指,故填a。70. exists。考查一般现在时。设空处所在句叙述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,且主语为a strong positive link,故填exists。 选做题参考答案及解析 1-4 CADB 5-8 ABAC解析A篇(历史、社会与文化)本文是记叙文。文章讲述了挪威探险家、科学家和外交家弗里乔夫南森的事迹及贡献。1. C。联系第一段中的desire for life和划线句子的意思可以推知,南森是一位做事坚决果断的人。2. A。根据第四段中的Forced to turn back

14、23 days and 140 miles later, the men had come closer than anyone else to reaching the landmark可知,南森并没有到达界标处,只是比任何人都更接近界标。3. D。根据倒数第三段中的He issued the Nansen Passport, giving migrants from then-troubled nations recognition with 52 foreign governments可以推知,持有南森护照的人可以移民到其它国家。4. B。这五个事件分别发生在1922年、1882年、1919年、1908年、1888年后1895年前,故选B项。B篇(人际沟通)文章介绍了新西兰和加拿大的原住民利用现代手段弘扬民族文化的举措。5. A。根据第二段中的they realized there was an opportunity to create some that reflect

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