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1、We do not seem to realize that very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced life. Edison, Ford, Einstein and Freud all had single-minded devotion to work whereby they sacrificed many things, including family and friendship. The accusation is made that workaholics bear guilt by not be

2、ing good parents or spouses. But guilt can exist in the balanced life also. Think how many normal people and middle-aged who have never done anything well-they are going to settle for less than what they could have become.From this passage we know that workaholic is a term referring to those _.A who

3、 enjoy work more than anything elseB who make greater contributions than othersC who make uncommon sacrifice in their personal lifeD All of the above.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】解析 工作狂指那种热爱工作胜过其他一切的人。选项B和选项C只是工作狂的两种表现,但不是所有的工作狂都贡献比别人大,在日常生活中做出的牺牲比别人多。第2题 The authors main concern in this passage is to _

4、.A point out the role the workaholic plays in the American economyB defend people who are addicted to workC encourage us not to worry about our imperfectionD consider the difficulties that confront us at middle ageB解析 由文章第一句Some people ought to defend the workaholic可知,作者在文章中的本意是为那些献身工作的人辩护。第3题 Accor

5、ding to the author, one can hardly achieve excellence unless one _.A lives an abnormal lifeB sacrifices friendship and familyC has total devotion to WorkD ignores popular opinionsC解析 根据作者意图,一个人要想取得成绩必须全心全意投入工作,这也就是为什么作者赞美工作狂并为其辩解的原因。第4题 The author of the passage would most likely agree that the work

6、aholic _.A is mentally illB performs an insignficant proportion of American businessC will not have the regrets that many people face at middle ageD suffers from low self-esteem解析 选项A:工作狂是神经病。显然不对。选项B:工作狂对美国的商界无足轻重。文章说美国 30%的商贸活动都是由他们来实现的。所以不对。选项C:通常没有正常人在中年时有的那些遗憾。正确,因为他们对工作已经完全付出了,并且取得了成就。选项D:工作狂缺

7、乏自信。显然也不对。第5题 According to this passage _.A Freud led a well-balanced lifeB workaholics can be helpedC workaholics should be admiredD so-called people are truly the sick people among us弗洛伊德生活的很规律。错误,文章说爱迪生、福特、爱因斯坦和弗洛伊德都是一心一意地投人工作,牺牲了许多东西,包括家庭和友谊。工作狂能够得到帮助。文章没有提到。工作狂应该受到尊敬。正确,这是作者的意图。所谓的正常人其实是我们身边的病人

8、。错误,作者只是认为我们周围这些正常人并没有做太多的事,并没有付出多少努力。第6题 In the 18th century, New York was smaller than Philadelphia and Boston. Today it is the largest city in America. How to explain the change in its size and importance?To answer this question we must consider certain facts about geography, history and economie

9、s. Together these three will explain the huge growth of Americas most famous city.The map of the Northeast shows that four of the most heavily-populated areas in this region are around seaports. At these points materials from across the sea enter America, and the products of the land are sent there

10、for export across the sea.Economists know that places where transportation lines meet are good places for making raw materials into completed goods. That is why seaports often have cities nearby. But cities like New York needed more than their geographical location in order to become great industria

11、l centers. Their development did not happen simply by chance.About 1815,when many Americans from the east coast had already moved to the west, trade mutes from the ports to the central regions of the country began to be a serious problem. The slow wagons of that time, drown by horses or oxen, were t

12、oo expensive for moving heavy freight very far. Americans had long admired Europes canals. In New York State a canal seemed the best solution to the transportation problem. From the eastern end of Lake Erie all the way across the state to the Hudson River there is a long trip of low land. Here the Erie Canal was constructed. After working for several years it was completed in 1825.The canal produced an immediate effect. Freight costs were cut to about one-tenth of w

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