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1、thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 light 轻的 heavy 重的 tall 高的 short 短的动词类:travel 旅行 show 给看 cross 横穿 open 张开 break 摔断 feel 感觉到 carry 携带 hope 希望 hear 听见 kiss 亲吻 love 爱 grow 种植 learn 学习 study 学习 miss 想念 动词词组: go back 回到 have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a toothache 牙疼 名词词组:the Yangtze river 长江 Ice and Snow Festival 冰雪节

2、year book 毕业留念册 其它类: street 街道 address 地址 information 信息 surprise 惊喜 a lot of 大量的 soon 不久 true 确实的 famous 著名的重点句型Unit 1 Winter Activities Did you go anywhere in winter? 冬天你有去哪里吗?I climbed a mountain. 我去爬山了. I traveled along the Yangtze River. 我沿着长江旅行. I listened to music. 我听音乐. I went back to my hom

3、etown. 我回我老家. Its short and fat. 它又矮又肥. Its tall and thin. 它又高又瘦. A: Show me the dress, please. 请给我看那件连衣裙. B: Which dress? 哪一件? The long one. 长的那件. Unit 2 Helping Each Other Wang Tao broke his leg. 王涛摔伤了他的腿. I am sorry to hear that. 听到这个我很遗憾. He didnt do well in high jump. 他跳高没跳好. The basket is heav

4、y. 篮子很重. Let me carry it. 让我来提它. I can help you with your math. 我帮你补数学. I am worried about my lessons. 我担心我的功课. Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?I have a headache. 我头痛. I have a cold. 我感冒了. I have a toothache. 我牙疼. I have a fever. 我发烧了. You must take the medicine. 你必须吃药. You must dr

5、ink a lot of water. 你必须多喝水. You mustnt go to school. 你不能去上学了. Unit 4 Mothers Day What will you do for your mother? 你要为你的妈妈做些什么?I will make a card for her. 我要为她制作一张贺卡. I will give her some flowers. 我要给她一些花. I will give her a big kiss,and say “I love you”. 我要给她一个大大的吻, 并说“我爱你”. What an interesting book

6、! 多有趣的一本书呀!What a surprise! 多么令人惊讶呀!Unit 5 Occupation What does he do? 他是做什么的?He is a doctor. 他是一名医生. What does she do? 她是做什么的?She is a worker. 她是一名工人. s his job? 他的工作是什么?He is a basketball player. 他是一名篮球运动员. s her job? 她的工作是什么?She is a dancer. 她是一名舞蹈家. What are their jobs? 他们的工作是什么?他们从事什么职业? They a

7、re police officers. 他们是警察. Unit 6 Dream Jobs You are very good at music. 你擅长音乐. What do you want to be? 你想要成为什么?I want to be a taxi driver. 我想要成为一名出租车司机. Singers can make people feel happy. 歌手能让人们感到快乐. Will you be a scientist? 你要成为一名科学家?Yes, I will. 是的. No, I want to be a PE teacher. 不,我想成为一名体育老师. U

8、nit 7 A Visit to a Middle School Where are the teachers offices? 教师办公室在哪里?They are on the 6th floor. 它们在六楼. You will lean chemistry soon. 你们很快就要学习化学了. History will be my favorite subject. 历史将会是我最喜爱的科目. Unit 8 Farewell Why not make a year book? 为什么不做一份毕业留念册?Why not invite her parents to the party? 为什

9、么不邀请她的家长来参加派对?Why not make a DVD for our class? 为什么不为我们班级做一张DVD? Do you remember this photo? 你还记得这张照片吗?We gave her a rabbit. 我们给了她一只兔子. Unit 2重点知识归纳一、词组:e to school 来上学 2.break-broke 摔断,摔坏 break his leg摔断他的腿 beak her arm摔断她的胳膊 break the cup摔碎杯子 hospital在医院 4.go to see him去看他 5.take with 随身携带. t

10、ake some fruits with us 带些水果 with 在.(方面)帮助.(人) help sb. with ones lesson 帮.(人)补课 7.carry the basket 提篮子 8.ready to go 准备好出发 well in 在.(方面)做得很好 10.feel better 感觉好多了 11.for you 给你 worried about 对感到担心 13.go back to school 回到学校 14. help Mom with her housework 帮助妈妈做家务 15. be nice to 对很好

11、 16. be good at 擅长于 17. other people 其他人 18. on the bus 在公交车上 19. give ones seat to old people 给老人让座 20. carry bags 提包/袋子 21. help each other 互相帮助 二句子:1. Wang Tao didnt come to school today. 王涛今天没来上学. 2.Hes in hospital now. 他现在在医院. 3.He broke his leg. 他摔断了腿. Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过. 4.What

12、 can we do to help him? 我们能做什么来帮助他?5. Lets go to see him. 让我们去看他吧. 6. We can take some fruits with us. 我们可以带点水果去. 7. Let me carry it. 让我来提. 8. He didnt do well in high jump. 他跳高不好. 9. How are you today? 你今天感觉怎么样?I feel better. 我感觉好多了. 10. Im worried about my lessons/English. 我为我的功课感到担心. 11. I hope I

13、 can go back to school soon. 我希望我很快就能回到学校. 12. 12. On the bus I can give my seat to old people. 在公交车上我可以给 老人让座. 13. I can help other carry bags. 我可以帮别人提袋子. 三、学科:Chinese math English PE music science art computer 四、语法:主格: I you he she it we they 宾格: me you him her it us them 物主代词:my your his her its our theirUnit 4重点知识归纳一、短语:1、Mothers Day 母亲节 2、give her a card 给她一张贺卡 3、give her a big kiss 给她一个香吻 4、I love you 我爱你 5、give her a surprise 给她一个惊喜 6、make a card 制作一张贺卡 7、give her some flowers 给她一些花 8、take a photo 拍一张照片 9、the se

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