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1、主 句 结 构与现在事实相反动词用过去式be 动词用 wereShould/could动词原形would/might动词原形与过去事实相反的用had过去分词Should/couldhave过去分词would/mighthave过去分词与将来事实相反were to 加动词原形should 加动词原形should动词原形would动词原形虚拟语气其他习惯用法简表功用句型例句表示主观愿望主句谓语宾语从句谓语动词I wish we could go to the seaside today.wish现在过去式过去had+过去分词I wish I had gone to the basketball m

2、atch.将来should+动词原形would+动词原形could+动词原形might+动词原形I wished I could fly to the moon.I wish you would stay here a little longer.would ratherI would rather you came to my party tomorrow.表示虚拟比较或方式状语从句从句动词形式She looked after the orphan as if he were here own if, as though, even if 从句与现实相反与过去相反Theyr

3、e talking as if they had been friends for many years.与将来相反The man looked worried, as though something would happen to him.that, so that, in order that从句may+动词原形can+动词原形Turn on the light so that I could see it clearly. I warned him in order that he might keep away from the danger.表示间接的命令、建议或请求宾语从句用于s

4、uggest, propose, insist, desire, demand, request, order, command等之后(should)+动词原形They required that I (should) go at once. He suggested that the meeting (should) start earlier.表语从句主句中的主语常是:suggestion, idea, proposal, order, request等My suggestion is that we should tell him. Our only request is that th

5、is problem(should) be settled as soon as possible.同位语从句They received an order that the work be stopped.在主语从句中表示惊奇、惋惜、理应如此等It is necessary (important, natural, strange 等) that主语从句中的动词形式:It is necessary that every member remember these rules.It is a great pity that he should be so careless.It is sugge

6、sted that we should get everything ready by tonight.It is a pity (a shame, no wonder 等) thatshould+动词原形It is suggested (requested, proposed 等) that表示祝愿或愿望May you succeed!动词原形+宾语Long live the Peoples Republic of China!其他It is time that+主语+should+动词原形It is time that+主语+动词过去式Its time that you should go

7、 home now.It is high time that we left.1 语法辨析Incorrect: If I was a girl, I would marry youCorrect: If I were a girl, I would marry you表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气时,if条件句中的be动词一律用were,这句话应译为我要是个女孩,我就嫁给你。实际上不可能是个女孩。 If I were you I will not worry If I were you I shouldnt worry现在时的虚拟语气主句要用should 或would 加动词原形,这句话应译为我

8、要是你的话,就没有必要烦恼。要注意这种语态用在这里实际上是想把要讲出的观点表达得婉转些,有礼貌些。 God forgives you! God forgive you!这里的主语 God 是第三人称单数,之所以动词不加 s 是因为要表达一种祝愿,即人力所不能及的事情,实际上是 forgive前有一助动词should, May 等,但在口语中将其省略了。如: May you be happy 祝你幸福。 If the weather was nice yesterday,we would have gone to the zoo If the weather had been nice yest

9、erday, we would have gone to the zoo因句中有 yesterday 一词即表示的是与过去相反的事实,即昨天天气很不好,我们也未去动物园,所以 if 条件句应用 had过去分词。 If it is was not snowing right now,I will go for a walk If it was (were) not snowing right now, I would go for a walk虚拟语态 be 动词作助动词时,则可用was来取代were, 如 was to。虚拟语态中的动词如果是表示正在进行之中也要用进行时态。 If you ha

10、d taken my advice,you would have been better nowyou would be better now这句话的意思是如果你以前要是能听我的忠告的话,你现在就会好多了。其条件句是与过去事实相反的虚拟句,而主句是与现在事实相反的虚拟句,这在语法书中叫做混合虚拟条件句。例如: If I had caught that plane, I would be dead now 即: The plane I intended to catch crashed and everyone was killed He were you, he would go home a

11、t once Were he you, he would go home at once If he were you, he would go home at once在虚拟条件句中的if可以省略,但if省略后其句子的结构要采用倒装语序。 Supposing your teacher saw you with me What does she think? Supposing your teacher saw you with me, what might she think?这句话中没有if条件句,但仍要用作虚拟语态。这里因为有些分词或介词短语,起到了从句的作用。这些短语有: withou

12、t, providing, supposing, but for(you) To see the girl, you will like her To see the girl, you would like her这里的条件句是用不定式取代了。 Im sorry I did have come here by carm sorry I should have come here bycar这里的条件句被省略了,其意为我真应该坐小车来。同样在句意不会混淆的情况下,主句也有时可以被省略,如:What if we should fail! (我们万一失败了如何)。 If he could do i

13、t, why not (如果他能做,他怎么会不干呢) If the earth were (was) to turn from east to west, I willgive you this car as a gift If the earth were(was) to turn from east to west I would give you this car as a gift条件句中也常用were to 来表示说话者认为可能性极小或根本不可能的事。 If youd have told him early, he would have passed the exam If you had told him early, he would have passed the exam非正式口语中往往听见外国人讲:d h

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