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1、Did Done看见SeeSaw Seen说SaySaid Said讲SpeakSpoke Spoken有HaveHad Had丢失LoseLost Lost知道KnowKnew Known给GiveGave Given遇见MeetMet Met喝DrinkDrank Drunk走GoWent Gone游泳SwimSwam Swum割CutCut 买BuyBought Bought穿WearWore Worn感觉FeelFelt Felt来ComeCame 得到GetGot Got/gotten听到HearHeard Heard2一般过去时态标志Just now刚才四种形式.ago之前Sb d

2、id sthyesterday昨天Sb didnt do.Last night昨晚Did sb do Last year去年What did you do yesterdayIn 1995在1995年3名词time不可数 时间可数 次数What is the timeHe phones two times.几点钟了他打了两次电话4副词(地)修饰动词Know Londonwell熟悉伦敦Smile pleasantly愉悦地笑Read slowly慢慢地读Shave hurriedly很快地刮胡子Cutbadly糟糕地割Eat quickly很快地吃Drink thirstily饥渴地喝Gree

3、t sb warmly热情地打招呼Work hard努力地工作swim well游泳游的好5动词短语Speak to sb对某人讲话Say sth to sb对某人说.Answer the phone接电话Lose ones way迷路Say to oneself自言自语Take out a phrasebook拿出笔记本Ask sb the way问某人路Have an appointment约定Come at 10am on Monday周一10点来Feel awful感到痛苦的Look uncomfortable看起来不舒服I am afraid that我恐怕+句子I hope tha

4、t我希望+句子Make a shopping list做购物单Need a lot of things需要很多东西Be in fashion流行中be out of fashion过时A pair of shoes一双鞋6必须去 某地 作某事I must go to the grocersto get someeggs.greengrocersbeans.butchersmeat.newsagentsenvelopes.bakersbread.chemistsmedicine.7穿的动作和状态Put on动作He put on his coat and left.状态He is wearing

5、 the coat.8有have got= have/havent got = dont haveLesson 81 901.Have 短语 洗澡Have a bathTake a bath吸烟Have a cigaretteSmoke喝威士忌Have a glass of whiskyDrink a glass of whisky吃晚餐Have dinnerEat dinner吃午餐Have lunchEat lunch理发Have a haircut吃饭Have a mealEat a meal度假Have a holidayGo on a holidayHave a swim上课Have

6、 a lesson开晚会Have a party玩的高兴Have a good timeEnjoy oneself吃饼干Have a biscuitTake a biscuit1.现在完成时 定义:过去某事动作对现在产生影响或结果肯定Sb have done sthSb has done sthAlready已经Yet还没Just 刚刚Never 从未Ever 曾经For +时段Since+过去自从否定Sh havent done sthSb hasnt done sth一般疑问Have you done sthHas he done sth特殊疑问What have you doneWhat

7、 has he doneDone是动词过去分词3 动词原形过去式过去分词DoDidIs am / areWas/ wereBeenHave / hasWentSee PutReadSetShutGaveSwamTakeTookTakenEatAteEatenRiseRoseRisenSpoke4 打包裹Pack ones cases呆在家Stay at home原谅一片乱Excuse the mess上演什么What is on巴黎之春Paris in Spring天气糟The awful weather一直下雨It rained all the time仍在工作Still work on i

8、t撞电线杆Drive into the lamp-post说实话To tell you the truth代售For sale在农村In the country它花费多少How much does it cost分文必值Its wprth every penny of it女人说的算Women always have the last word.5 经典完成时句型完成vs过去Yes, I haveWhen did you do itI did it +过去时间完成Vs将来Non I havent.When will you do itI will do it +将来时间曾经去过Sb have

9、been to +某地已经去了Sb have gone to +某地刚刚做了(完成)sb have just done刚才做的(过去)sb did sth just now已经做了Sb have already done sth还没做Sb havent done sth yet做某事了吗Have sb done sth yet做某事多久Sb have done sth for+时间段曾经做过Sb have ever done sth还没做过Sb have never done sth曾经做过吗Have you ever done sth自从过去,某人就一直做Sb have done sth s

10、ince + 过去时间点/过去时间段ago / 过去时句子Lesson 91 1001 搬家Move to/in/into想念Miss sb带我问候他Give him my regardsMake an appointment隔壁邻居Next-door neighbour下个月Next month大下个月The month after next目前 此刻At the moment飞往西班牙Fly to Spain几乎各国Nearly every country往返票Return tickets大量时间Plenty of time赶火车Catch the train错过火车Miss the tr

11、ain五小时之后In five hours time去伦敦的火车The train to London把柄上有标签A label on the handle上边带有名字和地址With ones name and address on it怎么啦What is the matter跌落下楼Fall downstairs伤到自己Hurt oneself尝试做Try to do sth立刻At once起立 站立Stand up让我帮助你Let me help you需要X光Need an X-ray2 最好做最好不做Sb had better do sthSb had better not do Had better是情态动词 没有人称数变化不得不做不必

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